

【作者】 李春风

【导师】 戴庆厦;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以拉祜语的邦朵拉祜纳方言(以下简称“邦朵拉祜语”)为研究对象,借鉴参考语法倡导的语言描写分析相结合原则,综合运用现代语言学的基本理论,并兼顾传统语法的研究范式,对邦朵拉祜语的语法结构及其特点进行了较为全面、系统、深入的共时描写与分析。全文共分七章。第一章绪论。是全文的解题。主要介绍拉祜族概况,包括地理分布、族源及族称、社会经济形态、文化习俗、语言文字以及语言使用情况;对国内外拉祜语的主要研究成果进行回顾;交待本文的研究设计路线、研究意义和价值,以及理论框架与研究方法、语料来源等。第二章语音。包括声母、韵母、声调、音节结构等的分析。重点对声母、韵母、声调的构成、数量及特点等进行详细描写和说明,总结了音节结构的类型。第三章构词法与借词。分句法构词和形态构词进行描写、分析,并分析借词的主要手段。第四章词类。共分十节,包括名词、代词、动词、数词、量词、形容词、副词、关系助词、体助词和语气词等10个部分。对各词类的语法特征尽可能进行全面的描写。如:名词的词缀、性、性状、姓名及亲属称谓词等;动词的态、体、式、貌、名物化等;量词的名量词类别、形成及发展演变规律等;形容词与动词的关系及重叠、性状表示法、名物化、使动态等;重点分析关系助词中连接不同语法成分、语法结构并形成不同句式关系的助词。第五章句法。包括短语、句子成分、单句、复句四个内容。短语分为并列、主谓、修饰、述宾、述补、连谓、数量、同位、比况、方位、兼语和“的”字短语12类。重点分析各结构的句法组成成分;有的还考察短语的语义类型。句子成分。主要描写、分析句法成分的各种语言单位,并分析各个句子成分的语义类型。单句。从句类和句型两方面对单句进行描写。句类中对陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句等四种语气类型进行描写。句型包括主谓句和非主谓句。主谓句又包括动词谓语句、形容词谓语句、体助词谓语句、主谓谓语句等。复句。对各类复句进行详细的描写和分类。将复句分为联合复句和偏正复句两大类。联合复句又分为并列、选择、连贯、解说、递进等五种类型;偏正复句又分为顺接和转接两大类。顺接分为因果、目的、条件、假设等四类。转接分为单纯转折和让步转折两类。各类复句内部又划分小类。第六章几种特殊句式结构。对拉祜语中比较特殊的几个句式结构进行专题、深入的探讨。有话题句、被动式、差比句、存现句、判断句、连谓结构、数量结构和述补结构等。第七章结语。对邦朵拉祜语语法进行总体概括。认为拉祜语语法的总体特点主要有:1.分析性强,具体表现是语序固定和助词发达。2.形态变化不丰富,表现为存留下来的形态,多数是不典型的;有的形态变化处于衰退甚至脱落阶段。3.动词在语法系统中处于中心地位。相对而言,拉祜语动词比其他词类形态丰富,表达的语法意义较为丰富。4.韵律对语法有很强的制约作用。5.语法化历程是拉祜语语法演变的一条重要轨迹。表现为语法化存在不同程度、不同层次的虚化;语法化各有不同的演变轨迹;同一语法功能的不同语法形式,也存在语法化程度的层次差异;语法化还与语法成分及其语法功能密切相关。创新之处主要表现在:本文是系统地、全面地对中国拉祜语的语法进行共时描写和分析的新著。所用材料翔实丰富,是作者攻读硕士博士学位期间在云南调查所得,约有30万字。在研究方法及研究路线上,既借鉴参考语法的理论原则,注重运用传统语法的共时描写与历时分析手段,又力所能及地融入现代语言学理论的研究方法,对语法现象及其成因,从不同角度进行思考、探索,如从类型学的视角来观察邦朵拉祜语的数量结构、述补结构、存在句等。还从语法化角度探讨一些语法结构或语法标记的发展轨迹,如连谓结构、宾格标记、差比标记、被动式的显性语法标记等。研究中的主要不足及后续研究工作是:各部分分析不很平衡,有的专题的分析还不够深入。语料的采集也不很均衡,有的现象摆出了但未能作出解释。附录:全文末尾附有邦朵拉祜语常用词汇2000余条、长篇语料7个。

【Abstract】 Based on the theory of modern linguistics and methodology of reference grammar, it gives a comprehensive, detailed and systematical description and analysis on Bangduo Lahuna dialect (abbr:Bangduo Lahu) within the following seven chapters.Chapter Ⅰ. Preface, several matters are introduced in this chapter, mainly about survey of Lahu people on their distribution, name and source of Lahu, social economy, culture, language, spoken and written. A review of the research on Lahu is also mentioned. furthermore, the designing, meaning and value are discussed. At last, it comes to framework of theory and methodology, source of language material.Chapter Ⅱ. Phonological System. It gives a detailed description to initials, finals, tones and syllable structure, especially on their constitutions, numbers, characteristic and classification.Chapter Ⅲ. Word formation and loan words are discussed in this chapter. Word formation are described and analyzed from two aspects, syntax and morphology.It is discussed mainly on the ways that how to form loan words.Chapter Ⅳ. Part of speech are discussed in ten parts:noun, pronoun, verb, numeral, classifier, adjective, adverb, relative particle, aspect particle and mood particle, each of which is extensively described. For example, affix, gender, name, relatives appellation are discussed in noun, and of classifiers, we discussed their classification, formation and evolution. The relationship between adjective and verb is discussed, and also the reduplication, nominalization and causative mood. The relative particles that connect different constituents, structures are mainly discussed.Chapter Ⅴ. Syntax is formed by phrase, sentence element, simple sentence and compound sentence.Phrase consists of twelve parts:phrases of coordinate, subject and verb, modifying, predicate and object, predicate and complement, numeral, appositive, comparative, two-function and DE. The key point is to analyze the constituents of each part, and also the semantic characteristics. Sentence element are a set of linguistic units, which are described and analyzed in this chapter, and semantic types are also discussed.Simple sentence can be divided into two types, sentence pattern and sentence type. According to mood, sentence pattern can be divided into four kinds:declarative sentence, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence and exclamatory sentence. Sentence type includes subject-predicate sentence and non-subject-predicate sentence. Subject-predicate sentence consists of verb as predicate, adjective as predicate nominal phrase as predicate and subject-predicate as predicate.Compound sentences are described comprehensively, and clarified into two main parts, combined compound sentence and modifier-head compound sentence. Combined compound sentence can be subdivided into coordinate, selective, coherent, interpretive, progressive compound sentences. Modifier-head compound sentence includes two subgroups, sequence and transition. Sequence compound sentences are formed by four types:cause-effect, purpose, condition and hypothesis. Transition compound sentence contains two parts:transition and concession. Each type of compound sentence also have sub-types.Chapter VI. Several special syntactic structures are discussed in this chapter including topic sentence, passive sentence, comparative sentence, existential sentence, judgement sentence, serial-verb sentence, numeral-classifier sentence and predicate-complement construction.Chapter VII It came to the conclusion, in which the characteristic of Bangduo Lahu grammar is summarized as follow:first, strong analytic character manifested in settled word order and developed particles. Second, it lacks inflections, most of which found in Lahu are not typical. Third, verb is more important than any other one in Lahu, because verb has more inflections and grammatical meanings. Four, rhyme is a factor that affects Lahu grammar. Five, the grammaticalization reflects the evolutionary chain of Lahu grammar. Different category differ from their levels of grammaticalization, while a certain category also reflects different levels of grammaticalization. Grammaticalization is closely related to constituent and function.As for the innovation of this dissertation, it can be concluded as below. It is a new work that gives a synchronic description and analysis on Lahu language research. All material that is about350thousand words are collected from field research in Yunnan Province during the years that the author studies for master and doctor’s degree. The combination of traditional grammatical and modern linguistic theory is another attempt on methodology. Traditional research method is applied on synchronic description and diachronic analysis. Modern linguistic theory is used to explain some language phenomenon. Special constructions like numeral classifier construction, predicate-complement construction and existential sentences are discussed under theory of typology. Theory of grammaticalization is used to discuss some constructions or the development of marks, like serial verb construction, mark of objective case, mark of comparative sentence and dominant mark of passive voice.Deficiencies and suggestions for the future research:the analysis of parts of this dissertation is unbalanced, some subject need to discuss deeply. The distribution of language material is also unbalanced, some phenomenon are listed without explanation.Appendix:Two thousand common words of Bangduo Lahu and seven Lahu stories.


