

【作者】 陈颖

【导师】 谢丽霜;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 资源型产业是内蒙古自治区的主导产业,是内蒙古经济高速增长的支柱,内蒙古工业利润的主要源泉,也是地区形象和影响力的支撑。近年来内蒙古通过资源开发转化利用,经济增长速度十年来领跑全国,创造了引发众多学者关注的“内蒙古现象”。内蒙古经济的快速增长是主观和客观、自身优势和外部机遇多重因素共同作用的结果,其中最重要的原因是内蒙古自然资源富集的优势遇到了国家重化工业化的机遇。对能源、基础原材料需求的急剧增加和资本投入的超常规增长为内蒙古资源型产业提供了巨大的市场空间和发展机遇。资源型产业在自我蓬勃发展的同时,也为内蒙古经济增长奠定了坚实的基础。然而,内蒙古资源型产业的发展,呈现出“高投入、高消耗、高污染、低效益”的典型粗放式的“三高一低”的增长特征。在进一步发展的进程中,面临着低附加值与资源型产业自身持续发展的矛盾性;高投入、高消耗与资源节约型社会的矛盾性;高污染排放与资源富集区环境保护的矛盾性;产业结构单一与地区经济可持续发展的矛盾性。资源型产业的升级与转型,不仅影响着自身的发展和壮大,也与内蒙古自治区经济可持续发展息息相关。在面临制度因素、创新机制、基础设施方面等诸多不利条件的制约下,内蒙古资源型产业应借鉴国际国内转型经验和教训,本着生态化、集约化、集聚化、品牌化的原则,通过产业集群升级、产业链延伸、循环经济升级、产业周期创新等不同模式,实现资源型产业的转型和升级。围绕这一目标的实现,内蒙古自治区应着力建设自主创新体制,推进技术撬动创新,为产业升级与转型提供基础和动力;科学地制定区域发展和产业发展规划,建设必要的政策保障体系,培育相匹配的支撑要素,为产业升级和转型提供良好的制度环境;深化对外开放,加强周边协作,积极承接产业转移,借助外部的力量来推进产业升级和转型;完善资源型产业组织体系,优先发展大集团战略,鼓励发展中小企业,提升资源型产业的产业层次和产业竞争力;积极提升装备制造业和生产服务业,为资源型产业的转型和升级提供有益的补充和促进。

【Abstract】 Resource-oriented industry is the leading industry in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the pillar of rapid economic growth of Inner Mongolia, the main source of industrial profit of Inner Mongolia and manifests the regional image and influence. Over the past decade years Inner Mongolia’s economic growth rate was much higher than the average growth rate of China by utilizing resource transformation and development. This phenomenon was called "Inner Mongolia phenomenon" by scholars. The fast growth was produced by subjective, objective and its own advantages and external opportunities. The most important reason is that Inner Mongolia integrated its own rich resource advantages with China’s heavy industry development opportunity. The constantly increasing demand of energy and basic raw materials as well as the extraordinary growth of capital input provided huge market and developing opportunities. The fast development of resource-oriented industry laid a solid foundation for Inner Mongolia’s economic growthHowever, the development of Inner Mongolia’s resource-oriented industry is featured by "huge input, huge energy consumption, huge pollution, low efficiency", which is called "three huge, one low". In the process of further development, Inner Mongolia faces the contradiction between low added value and sustainable development, that between huge input, huge energy consumption and resource-conservation-oriented society, that between huge pollution and environmental protection in the area rich in resources, that between the single industrial structure and the sustainable development of regional economy. The upgrading and transformation of resource-oriented industry have impact on its own development and also the sustainable development of Inner Mongolia.In the face of the barriers of institutional factor, innovation mechanism and infrastructure, resource-oriented industry in Inner Mongolia should borrow international and domestic experience and lessons, adhering to the principle of biology, intensity, agglomeration, and branding, through upgrading and concentration of industry, upgrading of circular economy, innovation in industry circle, to achieve the transformation and upgrading of resource-oriented industry.Around the achievement of this goal, Inner Mongolia should strive to build innovation system, make technology drive innovation, provide foundation and driving force for industrial upgrading and transformation, formulate scientifically regional development and industrial development plan, adopt necessary policy ensuring system, foster supporting factors to provide good institutional environment for industrial upgrading and transformation, deepen opening-up, strengthen coordination with neighbor provinces and cities, adopt industrial transfer, utilize others’advantages to advance its own industrial upgrading and transformation, improve resource-oriented structure, give priority to the strategy of big group, encourage the development of medium and small companies, upgrade the levels and competitiveness of resource-oriented industry, upgrade equipment manufacturing industry and service industry so as to complement and promote the transformation and upgrading of resource-oriented industry.


