

【作者】 乔国栋

【导师】 张丽君;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中国是一个拥有13亿人口的农业大国,农业发展问题一直是中国乃至世界最为关注的问题之一,是解决中国人吃饱和吃好的根本保障,是保证中国乃至世界安全稳定与和谐发展的物质基础。从世界农业发展态势看,全球农业发展的趋势是规模化、特色化与专业化,它的形成与发展,是自然、地理区位、交通、土地制度、人口与劳动力和社会经济条件等诸多因素综合作用的结果,也是世界农业日益商品化、市场化、社会化的必然结果。由于世界各国的自然条件、地理区位和农业发展阶段不同,特色农业区域化的形式及发展重点也不同,欧美一些国家之所以有发达的农业,很大程度上取决于区域特色农业综合体系发展。特色农业区域体系化已经是一个国家农业生产社会化和现代化发展的一个重要标志。中国农业产业化兴起于20世纪80年代末,它的产生是伴随着中国经济体制改革,即计划经济体制向市场经济体制转型而产生。中国长期的城乡二元经济结构和小农生产模式,难以适应大生产、大市场和大流通的需要,迫切需要新的农业发展体制与之相适应。20世纪90年代,中国开始对特色区域农业进行探索与实践,发展特色农业是中国农业产业化发展进入新阶段的必然选择。首先,中国幅员辽阔,地域资源丰富,为发展区域特色农业提供了必要条件;其次,中国农业发展的新阶段为各地特色农业开发创造了巨大的发展空间,中国各地把发展特色农业作为发展多种经营和“三高”农业的重要方向,并初步形成了特色种植业、特色养殖业、特色林艺、园艺等特色农产品类型体系,特色农业在农村经济发展中的地位日益提高;第三,中国政府把发展区域特色农业作为农业产业化发展的重要战略手段,在《国民经济和社会发展“九五”计划及2010年远景目标纲要》中明确指出,要引导地区经济协调发展,形成若干各具特色的经济区域促进全国经济布局合理化。自2005年开始,中央一号文件明确提出要发挥区域比较优势,建设农产品产业带,发展特色农业。20多年特色农业发展的理论与实践表明,特色农业是中国国民经济发展总体框架的重要组成部分,因地制宜地发展特色农业,对中国推动区域经济增长,增加农民收入,促进农业和农村经济可持续性发展具有十分重要的意义。中国东北地区一直是中国国家农业发展的重要区域。东北地区因其独特的气候条件和资源禀赋,农业成为地区经济的优势产业,东北是中国重要的粮食主产区和重要的粮食基地,且食用菌、果蔬、大豆、玉米、人参、鹿茸、海参等特色农产品非常丰富,为其特色农业经济开发提供了丰富的农产品资源。但由于受到整体农业机械化和现代化发展水平、土地制度、农村生产组织方式、农民素质技能等因素的制约,东北地区特色农业产业化发展水平距发达国家还有较大距离,东北地区整体特色农产品的国际市场竞争力不强,农业初级产品出口多,深加工产品出口严重不足,在国际贸易中“剪刀差”现象非常突出,东北地区特色农业发展优势与风险并存。基于以上认识,本论文试图以特色经济理论为基础,结合东北地区农业和农村经济发展实际状况,从分析东北地区农业经济发展的特殊性入手,从特色农产品、土地制度、农业生产方式、农村生产组织方式和外向型农业等方面归纳总结了东北地区特色农业发展的特点和具体内涵,并从制度层面、市场层面、经营层面和国际市场层面等分析了制约东北地区特色农业发展的诸多障碍性因素。在此基础上基于东北特色农产品开发、管理体制完善、土地使用制度改革、农民生产专业合作社和特色农产品现代化生产方式等方面,探讨了东北地区特色农业发展的对策体系和具体措施。论文的创新主要体现在:一是研究视角独特。论文以区域特色农业理论为研究基础,探讨东北地区特色农业发展体系,这在国内学界研究东北地区特色农业成果中并不多见;二是框架体系具有一定的创新性。论文基于对国内外区域特色农业发展的理论与实践,提出特色农业发展并不是单一的地域特色农产品发展问题,而是包含着特色农产品、市场体制、土地制度、生产方式和生产组织方式等的综合发展问题;三是对策建议具有一定的现实指导性。论文认为,东北地区特色农业发展体系的核心环节是生产组织方式的革新,即深化农民专业化合作社,组织方式的变革优化可以推动中国目前土地使用制度的变革、特色农业的规模化、机械化和现代化发展,国家农业产业化政策的实施以及东北地区农民素质技能的提高等。

【Abstract】 China is a large agricultural nation, which has a population of1.3billion. Agricultural development question has been one of the world problems, which is the fundamental guarantee of Chinese life level and the material base to ensure the world security and stability. From the world agricultural development situation view, the scale, characteristic and specialization contributes to global agriculture trend. Its formation and development is the result of a natural and geographical location, traffic, land system, population and labor, social economic conditions, agricultural commercialization, market socialization, Characteristic agriculture, regional systemization and many other factors. Due to the difference of natural conditions, geographical location and agricultural development stage among countries, the form and key of regional characteristic agriculture development is different. Some developed countries agriculture largely depends on the regional comprehensive agricultural system development. Characteristic agriculture area is an important symbol of national agricultural socialization and modernization.China’s agriculture industrialization emerged in the1980s, along with China’s economic system reform. China’s long-term urban-rural economic structure and agricultural production mode are difficult to adapt to the need of large-scale production and big circulation. A new suitable agricultural development system is in urgent need. In the1990s, China began to explore and practice regional characteristic agriculture. When China’s agriculture industrialization development enters a new stage, China developing characteristic agriculture is the inevitable choice. First of all, China is a large country with regional rich resources, and provides necessary conditions for the regional characteristic agriculture development. Second, the new stage of agricultural development created tremendous developing space for characteristic agriculture development. China makes characteristic agriculture development as the important direction of business variety and the "three highs" agriculture. Characteristic planting, characteristic cultivation, characteristic gardening and other characteristic agricultural system are initially formed. The status of characteristic agriculture in rural economy development is increasingly improved. Third, the Chinese government put characteristic agriculture development as the important strategic means of agricultural industrialization development. The ninth " five-year " national economy and social development plan and the2010long-range target program explicitly pointed out that guiding area coordinated economy development, forming a number of distinctive economic area, promoting national economic layout rationalization. Since2005, the NO.1central document has clearly pointed out that playing area comparative advantage, building agricultural products industry and developing characteristic agriculture are needed. More than20years of characteristic agriculture development theory and practice shows that the characteristic agriculture is an important component of China’s national economy development framework. Local characteristic agriculture development has important significance for promoting China regional economy, increasing farmers’ income and promoting agricultural and rural economy sustainable development.The northeast region of China is always a crucial area for the development of the agriculture of China. Based on the unique climate and resource, agriculture gradually advances in the development of local economy and make the northeast region of China become an important and main grain-planting area in China. In this area, there are abundant characteristic agriculture products, for instance, mushroom, fruit, vegetable, soybean, maize, ginseng, pilose antler, sea cucumber, promoting the developing of the characteristic agricultural economy. However, due to the restriction of low level of overall agriculture mechanism and modernization, defect of land system, the flaw of organization mode of production in rural area and the lack of farmer’s quality and ability, the development of industrialization of characteristic agriculture in the northeast region of China still has a long way to reach the level of developed country. The overall competitiveness of the characteristic agricultural products produced in the northeast region is not strong in the global market and the elementarily agricultural products compared to the deep processing products are much more, leading to the prominent price scissors and the coexistence of advantages and risks in the development of characteristic agriculture.On account of the knowledge before, combining the reality of the development of both the agriculture and rural economy and basing on the analysis of the particularity of the development of agricultural economy in the northeast region of China, this dissertation attempts to sum up the features and the connotation of the characteristic agriculture development in the northeast region from the respects of characteristic agricultural products, land system, agricultural producing mode, the organization mode of agricultural producing and opening-up agriculture and analyze many factors of barriers obstructing the development of characteristic agriculture in the northeast region from the prospects of system, market, operation and global market. Furthermore, this dissertation gives the countermeasures including exploitation of the characteristic agriculture products, the improvement of management system, reform of land-using system, establishment of the cooperation system of farmers and the modernization of producing mode.The new creations of the dissertation are as follow:firstly, the research angle is unique. On account of the regional characteristic agriculture theory, the dissertation probes into the characteristic agriculture development system in the northeast region which is seldom in the relative research area. Secondly, the frame and system of this dissertation is certainly creative. Basing on the relative domestic and foreign regional characteristic agriculture theory and practice, this dissertation put forward that the development of characteristic agriculture is not only the singly development of characteristic agricultural products but also the comprehensive development of the characteristic agricultural products, market mechanism, land system, producing mode and producing organization. Thirdly, the countermeasure and suggestions are of guiding significance for the reality. The dissertation manifests the core course of the characteristic agriculture system is the innovation of the producing organization mode. In other words, deepening specialized cooperation of farmers and improvement of organization mode push the reform of current land system, the scale expanding of characteristic agriculture, the development of mechanize and modernization, the enforcing of relative national policies, the enhance of the quality and scale of farmers in the northeast region of China and so on.


