

【作者】 张文博

【导师】 潘蛟;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人类学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本文以陕西关中西部眉县县城镇西关村为田野点,通过对该村某常姓村民家族史的记述,来讨论中国近代以来,特别是在现代化进程中的农民身份构建的过程,也即从中国现代化进程的大背景出发,结合对中国城、乡与城乡关系演变,以及中国县城镇的行政农村化的论述,对作为社会身份的农民范畴的出现,到作为社会制度的农民身份的锁定/固化,再到当下农民身份制度的松动与变化这一过程加以整体观照和分析。在研究方法上,本文采取了参与观察、深度访谈、个案研究与文献相结合的方式,进行地域性的田野作业。在研究视角上,本文将农民置于中国的现代化进程中,结合前现代社会的农民文化、农民心态和农民人格,通过重点考察现代以来,特别是新中国以来行政安排下的制度构建、话语构建以及合法性构建,以观照中国现代化进程中的农民身份构建,并进而从国家与农民之间关系互动的角度对农民的个体身份认同(建构-解构-重构)进行了考察与分析。本文主要由绪论、正文和结语构成,其中正文包括三个部分的内容,共分六章进行论述。第一部分包括正文第一、第二章,主要采用了史志材料与田野材料相结合的方式,通过参与观察法和深度访谈法进行了相关资料收集,从历时性研究的视角对本文所选取常姓家族当地社会的历史、文化传统,以及常姓家族从19世纪中后期以来至今近150年的家族历史的介绍;其中,家族史部分又具体从家庭发展史、生产情况与经济生活发展史,以及社会身份与户籍变化情况等三方面做了重点记述与分析,为观察现代化进程中的农民身份构建提供了整体性的个案与背景资料。第二部分包括正文第三、第四和第五章,主要通过文献资料的方式,部分辅以田野资料,对中国的现代化进程、现代化进程中的城、乡与城乡关系、现代化进程中的中国农村与农民及其身份构建进行了论述,并得出以下几点认识:1)“城”的概念在中国传统社会与现代社会有很大的区别,城乡二元结构也并非前现代的遗留,而是近现代的制度产物;2)中国现代的行政农村也不同于传统乡土社会中的村落,县城镇及其市镇的“农村化”更是20世纪中期才出现的现象;3)现代的中国农民也不同于传统社会中的宗法农民,它是一种有差别的、“世袭”的社会身份,是现代化进程中制度建构的产物,并在不同阶段随现代制度的变换而强化或淡化。第三部分为正文第六章,主要通过文献资料与理论分析相结合的方式,部分辅以田野资料,以现代化进程中国家与农民的互动与博弈为切入点,对农民在不同阶段对其身份的不同认识与不同的工具化利用进行了论述。农民问题是个长期性的问题,又是个世界性的问题,而中国农民问题又是个具有“中国制造”意义的问题。唯其放在前现代社会中去加以溯源式的对比,才能发现现代社会中发生了怎样的变化;唯其放在世界现代化大背景和世界体系当中,才能了解它为何会发生这些变化;而唯其放在中国的具体现代化进程中,才能知道它是如何发生这些变化的。有别于传统现代化理论对农村、农民的边缘化,本文正是把农民身份的现代构建置于现代化进程中,从现代知识生产、阶级生产、制度生产和话语生产的角度对其加以论述。这也是本文的一点创新之所在。

【Abstract】 This dissertation takes the Xiguan Village, Meixian County in the western part of Central Shaanxi Plain as the fieldwork site and traces villager Chang’s family history to find out how the "peasant status" has been built in modern China, particularly during the process of modernization. In other words, the whole process from the emergence of the concept "peasant" as a social status to its institutionalization and then to the change of the peasant institution is analyzed based on the exposition on the evolution of China’s urban areas, rural areas and urban-rural relations as well as the transformation of China’s county towns into administrative villages in the context of modernization.In terms of research approach, observations, in-depth interviews, case studies and study of literature are all used in the regional fieldwork. As for the perspective of research, peasants are studied in the context of China’s modernization. The focus of research is on the building of institutions, discourse and legitimacy under administrative arrangements since the beginning of modern times, particularly since1949, while the culture and mentality of peasants in pre-modern times are also considered. The purpose is to find out how the peasant status is built during the process of modernization and to analyze the the individual identity of peasants (construction-deconstruction-reconstruction) from the perspective of the relationship between the state and peasants.This dissertation is composed of introduction, main body and conclusions. The main body is divided into three parts or six chapters.The first part includes Chapter1and Chapter2where both historical records and fieldwork documents are referred to for the research. Observations and in-depth interviews are used to collect related data and a diachronic approach is taken in the introduction to the history and cultural traditions of the local society where the Changs’reside as well as the nearly150history of the family from the mid-19th century until today. In describing the family history, the focus is put on three aspects including the development of the family, the development of financial conditions, and social status and change of household register, which provides a complete case and background information for the research into the building of peasant status during the process of modernization.The second part includes Chapter3, Chapter4and Chapter5where research mainly relies on literature and fieldwork documents are complementary. China’s modernization as well as urban areas, rural areas and the urban-rural relations, rural China, peasants and the building of their status during the modernization process are discussed and a couple of conclusions are reached. First, the concept of "city" in modern China differs greatly from the traditional idea. The dual urban-rural structure is not a pre-modern legacy but rather an outcome of modern institution. Second, the administrative villages in modern China are also not the same as traditional ones. The transformation of county towns into villages did not start until mid-20th century. Third, modern Chinese peasants are different from the patriarchal peasants in traditional society. Today,"peasant" is a different,"hereditary" social status, an outcome of institutional construction during modernization. It is either reinforced or lightened with the change of modern institutions at different stages.The third part is Chapter6where literature study and theoretical analysis are combined and fieldwork documents are complementary. Based on the interaction between the state and peasants during the modernization process, the different understanding and utilization of peasants at different stages are discussed.The peasant issue is by no means new and confronts countries all over the world while the issue of Chinese peasants is "made in China". Therefore, only by finding out what the situation was in the pre-modern society, can we see clearly what changes have taken place in the modern society; only by addressing the issue in the context of world modernization and the world system, can we understand why the changes have occurred; only by discussing it in the context of China’s modernization, can we find how the changes have taken place. Unlike traditional modernization theories where rural areas and peasants are marginalized, this dissertation deals with the building of peasant status in modern times in the context of modernization and from the perspectives of the production of modern knowledge, social classes, institutions and discourse, which is an innovation.


