

【作者】 王萃萃

【导师】 贺金瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族政治学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 一个民族作为一定的政治主体,不论是在构建自己的政治体系的过程中,还是在展开自己政治行为的过程中,总是要与其他政治主体如国家、政党、其他民族等发生关系,便形成了不同类型的民族政治关系。它是以民族的政治利益表达为逻辑起点,以政治权力博弈为核心,以政治权利保障为要求,以政治法制为政治行为的规范标尺而构建的民族与国家、民族与民族之间的政治关系及秩序。一般来说,什么样的民族政治关系意义和涵义,就对应着什么样的政治关系内容、现象和本质。因此,对民族政治关系意涵的重视很大程度上关系到民主法制国家的建立,关系到国家对利益、权力的配置和确定权利的内容等,关系到如何解决民族政治关系的纠纷和争议等问题。民族政治关系的政治主体多样化,论文选择少数民族与国家为政治主体所形成的当代政治关系为视角,来解读民族政治关系的意涵,主要因为少数民族与国家的政治关系是民族与国家发展过程中必然存在的一种关系。而且某种程度上,较之与族际间的政治关系问题更加重要。解决好少数民族与国家的政治关系,对于促进多民族国家的政治统一与少数民族与国家的共同发展都具有重要意义。论文主要采用历史研究方法、系统科学方法、定性研究方法及文献研究方法等对当代少数民族与国家的政治关系意涵进行了较为系统的梳理,围绕着政治利益表达、政治权力博弈、政治权利保障和法制构建四个独立而又相互关联的各要素对民族政治关系意涵进行了解读。论文由导论、正文和结语三部分组成。导论部分主要介绍了本文的选题背景及选题意义,对国内外相关研究进行了较为详尽的综述,并对相关基本概念进行了界定,介绍了文章的基本结构,以及阐述了本文的研究方法、创新之处和存在的问题和困难。正文共五章。第一章介绍了民族政治关系的概念及意涵框架,归纳出少数民族政治关系意涵的主要构成要素,包括政治主体,政治利益,政治权力、政治权利及政治法制。并从历史维度探讨了少数民族与国家的政治关系伴随着政治、经济、文化及其他社会制度建设的不断变化而相应的发生变迁,因此,论文对当代少数民族与国家政治关系的生态环境和时代特征做了分析,为全文框定了研究的社会背景。第二章论证了政治利益表达是民族政治关系的逻辑起点。政治关系的本质就是政治利益关系。少数民族与国家政治关系建立的逻辑起点也正是基于各自的政治利益诉求。少数民族与国家的政治利益既有统一性,又有对立性,少数民族政治利益、国家政治利益与公共利益交汇融合、碰撞竞争,并在此基础上产生多民族国家内部的利益博弈与整合,从而影响着民族政治关系的巩固与发展。第三章阐释了政治权力博弈是民族政治关系的核心内容。政治主体在争取、实现和维护自己利益的过程中,都围绕着这样的核心发挥自己的政治作用,形成了一系列的政治关系。少数民族政治权力既有国家形态的政治权力,也有非国家形态的政治权力,同国家政治权力既有同质依存性,又有异质抗御性,如何使两者协调发展,既保证少数民族的政治民主,又保证国家的权威和统一,是民族政治关系的核心内容。第四章指出政治权利保障是民族政治关系的和谐要求。正如周平先生所说,民族国家中的民族问题实质就是一个如何对待少数民族的政治权利问题。因此论文在论证民族政治关系的和谐要求时,也主要以民族政治权利的保障为起点而展开。论文首先介绍了少数民族政治权利的内涵及性质,然后指出了保障少数民族政治权利的必要性,并进行了权利保障的相关原则和对策分析。第五章论述了法制构建是民族政治关系的均衡标尺。在少数民族与国家的政治关系中,少数民族政治不可能脱离相应的国家法制构建的政治秩序而进行独立的社会活动,而应该在相应的国家法的规范下进行有秩序的活动。虽然少数民族政治内生政治行为与法制规约行为既有相互冲突性,但也相互支撑,保持多元均衡,以此为基础,协调少数民族与国家的政治关系,使少数民族中的各种政治主体与国家能够在一定的利益关系格局中相互适应,并以政治的方式将这类关系制度化、法制化,是衡量民族政治关系均衡的标尺,也是政治关系走向有序、成熟的表现。结语部分总结了前面研究的发现,集中探讨了少数民族政治及其与国家政治通过在政治利益、权力、权利及法制构建中的互动,对于中国政治社会发展所起到的作用,并指出随着国家政治的现代化发展,民主法制社会的建立及公共治理的需要,少数民族与国家的政治关系将由“统一”与“自治”模式最终走向民族“共治”。

【Abstract】 An ethnic group as the main political subject, whether in the process of their own political system construction, or in the process of their own political behavior, they always need to contract with others, such as political parties, the nation, or other ethnic groups, and this forms different types of the ethnic political relations. In these political relations, the expression of the ethnic group’s political interests is its starting point, the game of the political power is its core, the protection of the political rights is its requirements, and the legal system is the scale of the balanced political relations. Generally, which kind of the ethnic political relations’meaning, is always corresponding to which kind of the phenomenon and essence. Therefore, the research on the ethnic political relations’meaning attaches to the establishment of the democratic and legal system country, relates to how the nation to allocate interest, power and determine the right content, and how to solve the ethnic conflict and other issues.The subjects are diversity in the ethnic political relations. But the thesis focuses on the relation between the minority groups and the nation mainly due to its importance. It influences to the unification of the country and the development of the minority groups and the nation.The research approaches of historical analysis, system analysis, logic analysis and documentary analysis are the primary approaches employed in the thesis, and the important subjects consist of general study in the expression of the political interest, the game of the political power, the guarantee of the political right and the construction of the legal system. These four elements are independent but interrelated. This thesis is composed of three parts, which are introduction, text and conclusion.The introduction part mainly introduces the background and significance of the topic, and makes a detailed review of the abroad and domestic research. It defines some basic concepts, and introduces the research method, the innovation and the existing problems and difficulties of this research.The text is constituted by five chapters. The first chapter introduces the concept and implications of the ethnic political relations, summed up the main elements of the implications:political subjects, political interests, political power, political rights and political rule of law. And then the thesis points out that along with the changing of the political, economic, cultural and other social systems, the relation between the min(?)rity groups and the nation changes too. Therefore, this thesis does the analysis on contemporary ethnic political relations setting in the ecological environment, which has the characteristics of the times.The second chapter demonstrates that the expression of the political interest is the logical starting point of the ethnic political relations. The relationship of the political interests is the essence in the political relationship. The logical starting point of establishing the political relations between minority groups and the nation is based on their political interests. The political interests between the minority groups and the nation are both uniformity and opposition, which are with the public interests showing the characters of intersection, collision and competition. And on this background there are interests’game and integration in the multi-ethnic country, affecting the consolidation and development of the ethnic political relations.The third chapter explains the game of the political power is the core content of the ethnic political relations. The political subjects for implementation and safeguarding their own interests are around this core to play their political role, forming a series of political relations. The political power of the minority groups formed by not only state political power, but also non-state forms of political power, is both homogeneous dependence and heterogeneous resist with the political power of the country. So how to make a harmonious development, both to ensure minority political democracy and the state’s authority and unity, is the core content of the ethnic political relations.The fourth chapter pointed out that the guarantee of the political rights is the harmonious requirements of the ethnic political relations. As Mr. Zhou Ping has said, the national ethnic issues are the issues how to deal with the political rights of the minority nationalities in essence. So when the thesis demonstrates the requirements of forming harmonious ethnic political relations, it mainly starts from the protection of the minority nationalities’ political rights.This thesis firstly introduces the connotation and nature of the minority political right, and then pointed out the necessity to protect the political rights of the minorities, and analyzes the principle and countermeasure on protection of rights.The fifth chapter discussed the legal system is a balanced scale of the ethnic political relations. In these relations, the ethnic political behavior can not be divorced from the order constructed by national legal system and to do social activities independently, they should perform under the corresponding national law. Although the minority political behavior which is endogenous is conflict with the legal statute behavior each other, but also mutual support, maintaining multiple equilibrium. On this basis, harmonious relations between the ethnic groups and the nation, make a variety of minority political subjects can be mutually adapted with the nation in a certain interests’ relationship. To make this kind of relations institutionalized and legalized in a political way, is a measure of the scale balanced by the ethnic political relations, also is a performance of the orderly and mature political relationship.The conclusion part summarizes the findings of previous studies, focuses on the interaction between the minority politics and national politics through the political interests, power, rights and legal system construction, and the role for the Chinese political and social development.And then the thesis points out that relations between the ethnic groups and the nation will be "unified" and "autonomy" model ultimately to the "jointnomy" with the modernization of the country’s political development, the need for the establishment of democracy and legal system of society and public governance.

【关键词】 民族政治关系利益权力权利法制
【Key words】 Ethnic political relationsInterestPowerRightsLegal system

