

【作者】 马富英

【导师】 吴楚克;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 边疆的安全与稳定,历来是一个国家繁荣安定的体现。边疆作为中国国家安全的重要战略屏障,因其地缘政治位置的特殊性,在国家安全方面表现出不可替代的重要作用,对国家安全的各个层面均有深远影响。正是这种独特的地缘战略地位,使得边疆地区成为国际社会大国势力相互争夺和渗透的场所。自近代以来,我国边疆地区一直存在影响安全与稳定的诸多不安定因素,既有现实的,也有潜在的。如何在和平时期科学认识边疆地区的安全与稳定,有效维护我国边疆安全与发展,为国内经济建设创造一个和平的周边环境提供理论支持和现实指导,是本论文的主要出发点和最终归宿。本文主要沿着历史回顾——形势分析——战略思考这一思路展开研究。从历史的纵向和现实的横向角度,重新梳理近代以来中国和沙俄、苏俄、苏联与俄罗斯的领土争端和边界冲突,力图通过对中苏(俄)各个历史阶段的领土争端、边界冲突和边疆利益争夺的研究,将影响边疆安全与稳定的内外部因素进行总结,以发现其规律和共性,为营造良好的边疆安全环境,提供理论依据。特别是以新中国建立之后中国边疆而临的安全环境及其态势变化为背景,采用点、线、面相结合的方式对边疆安全与防御问题进行分析和探讨,在尊重前人研究成果的基础上,提出自己的观点和看法。全文由绪论、主体论述和结论三大部分组成。在绪论中,简要陈述了本篇论文的选题依据及意义,研究方法及原则,进行相关文献综述。主体论述部分由四个章节组成。第一章,追溯:近代中俄关系与边疆问题。这部分内容主要通过对近代沙俄侵占中国领土、侵害中国主权利益的梳理和分析,来探讨造成近代中国出现严重边疆危机的内外部因素。第二章,超越:历的误解与边疆危机。文章通过对20世纪50年代和60年代的中苏关系,以及双边关系中边疆问题的发展与变化进行审视和总结,来探讨边界事务与国家关系之间的相互影响和作用。20世纪50年代,中苏结成军事政治同盟关系,两国的边界处于友好和睦的状态。50年代末60年代初,随着中苏两党两国关系的不断恶化,两国边界冲突与纠纷不断升级,边界斗争日益政治化。边界问题,成为影响两国关系正常发展的重要因素,而国家关系的恶化又进一步加剧了边界事务的矛盾与冲突。第三章,正态:珍宝岛——个改变世界冷战格局的弹丸之地。随着中苏边界流血事件的不断扩大和升级,爆发了中苏珍宝岛边界武装冲突。两国由此进入了长期的政治、军事全面对峙时期。本部分内容主要论述了中苏珍宝岛事件的背景、对两国关系及世界政治格局的影响及历史意义。第四章,威德:面对未来边界冲突与边疆安全。随着国家利益的不断拓展、新安全观的形成,边疆的内涵及外延不断丰富和延伸,国家而对未来海疆、空疆、天疆等多重边疆安全及利益的挑战。本部分的内容主要是从军防和民防两个方面进行探讨,积极构筑坚固的边疆安全防御。结语部分,总结了前四章论述的主要内容及观点,概括为:国家实力是边疆安全的保障,边界问题是国家关系的晴雨表,边界冲突是国家政治的体现,边疆是国家利益的核心。在总结和概括全文的基础上,提出了构筑未来边疆安全的战略思考。总之,本文的写作基于这样一个目的,以史论结合的方式,对影响中俄边疆安全与稳定的因素进行探讨和总结,力图在构建21世纪中国边疆安全理论建设方面,做出有益的尝试和探索,以期为有效维护国家的边疆安全与民族利益提供理论支持和现实指导。

【Abstract】 The security and stability of border area is always been the embodiment of national prosperity and stability. As an important strategic barrier of China’s national security and particularity of its geopolitical position, border area plays an irreplaceable role in national security and impacts on national security profoundly at all levels. Because of the unique strategic geography position, border areas become the places that the international powers penetrate and contend with each other. Since modern times, numerous destabilizing factors always exist in China’s border areas, some of them are real, and some of them are potential. So the starting point and the final destination of this thesis is to understand the security and stability of the border areas in time of peace with science, and to provide theory support and guidance for effectively protecting security and development of our country’s border, and creating a peaceful environment for domestic economic construction.This thesis is mainly along the line of history review-the situation analysis-strategic thinking to conduct the study. With the angle of the longitudinal of history and transverse of realistic, the thesis is to comb the Sino-Tsarist Russia, the Sino-Soviet, and the Sino-Russia’s territory disputes and boundary conflicts. Moreover, the thesis tries to summarize the internal and external factors that affect the border security and stability through the study of the different historical stages of the Sino-Soviet (Russia) territorial disputes, boundary conflicts and boundary interests, in order to find the general rules and provide the theory basis for building good boundary secure environment. Especially with the background of environment of the security and its trend changing that China was facing since the founding of People’s Republic of China, the thesis analyzes and discusses the boundary security and defense problems with the method of combination of the dot, line, and face. Moreover, based on the respect of the previous research results, the thesis proposed some ideas and opinions of its ownThe whole thesis consists of three parts:the introduction, the main body and the conclusion remarks.The introduction briefly introduces the basis and significance of choosing this topic, research methods, principles as well as related documents. The main part consists of four chapters. The first chapter focuses on the retrospect of the history of Sino-Russian relations and border problems. By combing and analyzing modern tsarist Russia’s invasion of Chinese territory and infringement upon China’s sovereignty, this part is arranged to explore internal and external factors having got modern China in serious frontier crisis. The second chapter centers on the transcendence of the historical misunderstanding and frontier crisis. This article, by reviewing and summarizing the Sino-Soviet relations1950-1960of the20century as well as the frontier issues in the development and changes of two country’s bilateral relationship, discusses the interplay between border affairs and national relationship.In the1950s, two countries came into an alliance, so border areas remained in a quite friendly state.At the end of the50’s and early60’s, with the deterioration of the Sino-Soviet Relationship, border conflicts and disputes escalated and the struggle became more politicized. Border problems became the big barriers in the development of normal relations. More seriously, the deterioration of two countries’relations further exacerbated the contradictions and conflicts on border affairs. The third chapter concentrates on a positive change:Chen-pao island-a tiny place which finally changed the cold war pattern. With the bloodshed continuing to expand and upgrade, the border armed conflict broke out in Chen-pao Island. Thus two countries came a long period of political, military comprehensive confrontation. This part mainly discusses the background of Chen-pao island, and its significance and impacts on the Sino-Soviet bilateral relationship and pattern of world politics The fourth chapter is mainly concerned about the power and benevolent rule:Facing the future border conflict and border security. With the national interests continuing to expand and the formation of new security concept, either connotation or extension of the boundary has been enriching and extending. And that makes two countries face more multiple challenges from the sea, the air and outer space border. This part aims to enhance border security defense actively by discussing two angles of military and civil defense. In the conclusion part, the author sums up the main contents and viewpoints, which include:The comprehensive national strength is the guarantee of border security; the boundary problem is the barometer of National relationship; the border conflict is the embodiment of national politics; the frontier is the core national interest. Based on the summarization of the whole text, the thesis put forward a series of Strategic thoughts on how to construct border security in the future.In conclusion, this paper is based on such a purpose: with a combination of history-commenting and summarization those influencing factors of the Sino-Russia border security and stability, The thesis aims to make certain beneficial attempts and explorations, which also may contribute to the theory support and practical guidance of effectively safeguarding the national border security and national interests, on the theory construction of21CN border security.


