

【作者】 李睿

【导师】 常永才;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 少数民族教育, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 近二十年来教师信念日益成为教育研究与实践关注的焦点,我国民族地区正在推行新课程改革面临了诸多困难。本研究选择两个样本学校采用质性量性结合的方式探究个案学校教师信念对对理解民族地区教师文化心理,探索当地教师教育方向,探索民族地区教师实践与专业化成长、民族地区学校如何面新课程改革都具有一定意义。本研究的主要理论取向为布鲁纳的文化心理学,该理论认为文化是心理学的核心概念,通俗心理学是文化心理学的基础,人人都有关于如何教和学的庶民理论。基于此,本研究将教师信念定义为:教师在共享的文化意义中,建构出来的有关教学行为实践和教学活动中的互动交往对象的基本的一种符号文化系统,是教师的包含如何看待学生、如何看待教学与课程、以及如何看待教师的庶民教育学。本研究的研究目的是1.探究个案学校教师通过语言(特别是案例、故事、例子等)表达他们置身的文化之下的教师信念的基本叙事结构和诠释意义,以及这些诠释在民族学校情境中形成的文化符号系统是怎样的?2.在本研究所依据的文化心理学取向下,初步探讨在特定文化场景下探究教师信念的方法论。3.根据研究发现,为课程改革下藏族中学教师信念的培养和改变,藏族中学教育的改革提供理论依据,供民族地区师资培育机构、民族地区中小学管理者、民族地区教育管理部门、民族地区教师,以及民族地区教师教育相关单位作为改善教师教育制度之参考。根据上述背景研究目的,本研究从藏族教师的教育信念入手,探讨藏族中学教师信念的现实状况,因此,本研究的基本问题是:“教师信念结构可诠释出的叙事结构、诠释意义及其文化符号系统是怎样的?本研究所依据的文化心理学取向下,可以获得怎样的有关教师信念研究的方法论的初步理解?本研究对藏族中学教师信念培养以及民族学校教师教育的启发何在?”本研究中的教师信念的性质首先是文化意义的,可以通过叙事、例子来表现和诠释的。本研究通过采用个案法、叙事法、问卷法、观察法等方法的组合,通过文本诠释为主,量化分析为辅的分析得出如下结论:1、“民族学生”是教师信念意义诠释的起点,“民族学生”、“学生特点”的意义在于为学生们指定了一类标签,其他信念都建构在这样一个前提之下,成为教师们叙述类似的模式。关于教师信念与关于学生信念也构成了教师与学生的相当对地位、关系的信念。在个案学校,教师是权威者的地位和角色。2、教师信念形成的外部情境有两个,第一是藏族文化情境,比如体罚在个案学校中突出反映了藏族传统教育方式对于教师信念形成的意义。第二,是应试教育情境。比如教师行为的依据是“考试”、“时间”等有关应试制度的语言符号,应试教育制约了教师行为,使得教师们在教师信念与行为上存在不一致。教师信念与教师行为关系还存在强烈的情境性,比如教师会存在使用两种标准来评价“好学生”。3、在教师信念形成的过程中,一些事件具有转折意义。教师信念都经历过转变,新教师入职的头几年是其信念转变的关键期。4、从方法论上,个体的教师信念在他们的经历、故事中才容易被我们所理解,仅从量表中无法体现。由教师们、学生们所陈述的故事、案例、比喻等等文本中,研究者才可能勾画教师信念的大致图景。个案学校学生的信念与教师信念存在不一致的看法,学生有关教学和教师的信念可以帮助我们诠释教师信念的意义。最后本文提出了相应的建议:1、学校应充分重视新教师关于学生信念的培养;2、改善民族学校在职教师教育模式,将知识传授模式转变为信念转变模式;3、在民族学校建立一种社群互助的学校文化环境;4、改善民族学校教师评价体系

【Abstract】 In recent20years, teacher’s belief has become a focus in educational research and practice. In our country, The New National Curriculum Reform in minority areas confronted with many difficulties. This study chose two Tibetan Schools in Gansu province to explore their teacher’s belief by using both quality and quantity approach. It has some positive implications on teacher’s practice and professional development, improving curriculum reform in minority areas, understanding local cultural psychology and exploring way of local teacher’s education.This study aimed at exploring structure and tendency of teacher’s belief at two Tibetan middle school, interpretive implications of teacher’s belief and inherent relations among belief’s structure in a certain cultural scene. According to the study’s results, some suggestions are provided to local teacher training institutes and administers, local teachers and other educational sectors in Tibetan areasTherefore, the basic questions in this study is:’How is teacher’s belief in those school? what are the interpretative implications in their narrative to their belief? What we can learn from it?’Based on Bruner’s cultural psychology, this study aimed at exploring of teacher’s belief at two Tibetan middle school, interpretive shared implications of teacher’s belief and inherent relations among belief’s structure in a certain cultural scene. Teacher’s belief is defined as a symbol cultural system relate to mutual interacting subjects in teaching practice to teachers, to curriculum and teaching; and a kind of folk pedagogy consisted of how to think of students, teaching and curriculum, of teachers.Thus, there several approaches were applied in this study such as case study, narrative approach, metaphor techniques, questionnaire and observation. By comparing quality and quantity results, final conclusions are drawn as following:1. In the teacher’s belief cultural symbol system,’Tibetan student’ as a presupposition is the most crucial base in the structure. Belief related to teachers and to students constructed beliefs related to mutual roles and status. In the case schools, authoritative teachers are usual; teachers equal to students like friends are rare and conditional.2. there are two outside scene in the case school, Tibetan traditional culture and Education system cultural aimed at examination which restricted to teacher’s belief and act.3. Very beginning years of a teaching career is very crucial when some important changes will happen.4.In methodology, teacher’s belief which has a general meaning can not be interpreted when we don’t use stories and stories. Finally, some suggestions are put forward.Finally, some suggestions are put forward such as teacher beliefs related to students should be pay very atttions in school; school’s evaluation system, local teacher’s education should be improve from a kowlegdg-focus model to a belief-focus model; a social-mutual-help school culture should be built in minority schools; evaluation system of teachers in minority school should be improved.


