

【作者】 王闯

【导师】 杨楠;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 专门史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 之字纹是指在陶器外表面施以连续“之”字形的阴纹纹饰图案。针对纹饰系统的分类方式,本文提出分层解剖、以母题为名的命名原则。因此,就其定义而言,之字纹实际上是以纹饰的母题和样式命名的一种分类。它主要见于新石器时代中、晚期我国东北及华北地区乃至更为广大范围的文化遗存当中。其延续时间长、分布范围广,在母题形式上表现出相当的一致性,同时又在具体样式上展现出一定的差异性。因此,对其进行深入的研究,对认识之字纹本身、理解之字纹所在文化遗存的内涵以及文化之间的相互关系有着颇为重要的意义和作用。本文所说的之字纹特征,主要包括两个方面,即:之字纹本身特征和之字纹陶器施纹风格。针对之字纹本身特征,可分解为三个层次,即:线条、母题和样式。而这三个层次又各有具体的表现,其中主要对线条虚实、施纹方法、节段直弧以及纹带走向等四个要素进行考察,同时辅以实验手段,对施纹工具刃部特点进行推知。针对之字纹陶器施纹风格,首先,本文关注的是之字纹施于何种器物,而并非器形变化上的具体差别;其次,主要以平底筒形罐为例(因其与之字纹关系最为密切),辅以其他器类,将之字纹的施纹风格大体归结为六大类15种基本型。本文根据之字纹典型遗址分布的集中程度,粗略地把我国东北及华北地区之字纹遗存划分为A-E六个区,对所涉及的十数种考古学文化中之字纹特征进行系统地梳理和归纳。并结合其他调查材料,对不同文化、不同区域以及同一区域不同阶段之字纹特征的差别与联系进行了比较研究,最终得出之字纹特征上存在着两个大区、两大阶段以及两个现象等直观性的认识。以此为基础,本文又对之字纹的产生、发展、变化以及传播等情况做了综合分析,提出了“辽西地区兴隆洼文化之字纹筒形罐传统”的看法。同时,以之字纹的研究为线索和铺垫,上升为对包含之字纹的遗存文化现象的考察,并试图对造成这些现象的内在原因进行揭示,概括出了诸如“边缘式裂变”等具体的理论观点。最后,本文以我国东北及华北地区之字纹遗存的研究为内核,再兼顾和延及国内、国外其他地区考古遗存材料,提出“以辽西地区为中心的之字纹遗存月牙形分布带”的设想。我国东北及华北正好处于这个月牙的中间部分(亦即核心地带),而辽西地区又是这个核心地带的中心。月牙的南翼沿着我国东南沿海或近海地区一直弯向西南内陆,北翼经黑龙江流域一直延伸到遥远的西伯利亚腹地。

【Abstract】 The zigzag pattern refers to some kind of continuous "zigzag" concave decoration pattern on the surface of the pottery. For the classification of the decoration system, this paper made a new attempt. That is to be "named after its motif. Therefore, by definition, the zigzag pattern actually is a classification based on its motif and styles.The zigzag pattern mainly prevailed in the middle and late Neolithic Age, and widely distributed in cultural relics over Northeast China and North China, even more wider range. Extending over a relatively long time and wide distribution, the zigzag pattern showed considerable consistency in the form of motif, and at the same time, showed some differences in the specific styles. Its in-depth study has very important significance and role in understanding of the this pattern itself, the connotation of cultural relics and the relationship between cultures which contained the zigzag pattern pottery.The zigzag pattern characteristics include two aspects, namely the features of the pattern itself and the pattern collocation styles on the surface of pottery. The features of the pattern itself can be divided into three levels, namely the line, motif and style. These three levels, each with some specific characteristics, include four principal aspects:dotter or full line, making method, straight or arc segment, style trend. With the experimental means, the relationships between tool blade features and the zigzag pattern characteristics were found. On the pattern collocation styles, first of all, this paper focused on that the zigzag pattern was made on what pottery types, rather than specific differences in the shape change. Next, taking the flat-bottomed cylindrical tank for example (with which the zigzag pattern is most closely related), the pattern collocation styles were divided into15classes in6categories.Based on the concentration of distribution of the typical sites, the zigzag pattern cultural relics in Northeast China and North China were roughly divided into A-E six districts, involving dozens of archaeological cultures. With other materials of the investigation, through systematically study of the zigzag pattern characteristics of different cultures, different regions and different stages of the same region, the author made a generation, including the existence of two major region, two stages and two intuitive phenomena. On this basis, the article made a comprehensive analysis of generation, development, change and the spread of the zigzag pattern, and introduced "the Xing Longwa culture zigzag pattern on cylindrical tank tradition in western Liao Xi area". Meanwhile, through the research of the zigzag pattern, this paper also focused on cultural phenomenon of the zigzag pattern relics, and try to generalize a specific theoretical point of view on the underlying cause of relics phenomena, such as "edge-type fission". Finally, on the basis of research of the zigzag pattern remains in Northeast China and North China, as well as domestic and foreign other parts of the Archaeological Remains, this paper put forward a proposition,"the crescent-shaped distribution with zigzag pattern pottery centering on western Liao Xi area". Northeast China and North China is located in the middle part of this crescent (ie., core zone), and western Liao Xi area happens to be the center of the core zone. The south wing of the crescent has been extending toward the southwest along the southeast coast of China or offshore areas inland, and the north wing has reached the distant Siberian inland in Russia through the Hei Longjiang River valley.


