

The Dynamic Changes of Microbial Flora in Three Shrubs Silage and Its Fermentation Characteirstics

【作者】 司丙文

【导师】 王宗礼; 孙启忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 草地资源利用与保护, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 以内蒙古赤峰市林西县栽培的尖叶胡枝子(Lespedeza hedysaroides (Pall.) Kitag.)、达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica (Laxm.) Schindl.)和山竹岩黄芪(Hedysarum fruticosum Pall.)三种饲用灌木为材料,进行青贮微生物种群动态变化及发酵特性的研究,主要结论如下:1.在孕蕾期、初花期和盛花期,三种饲用灌木附生微生物数量有以下特点:乳酸菌、酵母菌、霉菌、大肠杆菌及好氧细菌的数量在孕蕾期最低且相差不多,在102-104cfu/g之间;初花期的酵母菌、霉菌和大肠杆菌数量最高,在107-108cfu/g之间,乳酸菌的数量也有所增加,在104-105cfu/g之间;盛花期,酵母菌、霉菌、大肠杆菌和好氧细菌数量有所下降,大肠杆菌下降明显,达乌里胡枝子乳酸菌数量稍有增加,尖叶胡枝子和山竹岩黄芪中乳酸菌数量有所下降,在初花期和盛花期,对青贮发酵不利的酵母菌和霉菌、好氧细菌和大肠杆菌的数量远多于乳酸菌。2.三种饲用灌木与中北410玉米混贮试验中,达乌里胡枝子与中北410玉米混贮中乳酸菌和酵母菌、霉菌和好氧细菌的数量随着中北410玉米的含量的增加而逐渐增加,大肠杆菌的数量随着中北410玉米含量的增加显著减少;尖叶胡枝子、山竹岩黄芪混贮也与其相似。3.三种饲用灌木添加SL和AC青贮试验中,尖叶胡枝子中乳酸菌、酵母菌、霉菌、大肠杆菌及好氧细菌数量达到峰值的时间主要集中在第2、5和10天,而后逐渐减少至平稳,大肠杆菌在青贮30-60天减少尤为明显。达乌里胡枝子和山竹岩黄芪青贮中乳酸菌、酵母菌、霉菌、大肠杆菌及好氧细菌数量变化和尖叶胡枝类似,也分别在第2、5、10天达到最大值,而后乳酸菌、酵母菌和霉菌的数量缓慢下降至平缓,大肠杆菌在达到最大值后一直保持快速下降的趋势。4.从尖叶胡枝子、达乌里胡枝子和山竹岩黄芪的青贮原料、发酵初期、中期和后期共分离得到67株乳酸菌,分别属于5个属15个菌种。5.比较分离出的10种乳酸菌产酸能力和生长曲线发现,A33(植物乳杆菌)、A74(鼠李糖乳杆菌)和A29(戊糖片球菌)在发酵12小时后的pH值较低,分别为4.20、4.26和4.40。3株乳酸菌在发酵36h后的吸光值分别为3.01、2.91和2.80,均高于其它7株乳酸菌,生长速度也较快。A33、A74和A29适合做青贮饲料乳酸菌添加剂菌种。6.根据弗氏Flieg评分法,三种饲用灌木不加添加剂青贮品质均较差,尖叶胡枝子SL0.0005%和SL0.001%+AC0.003%处理的青贮品质为好,其它处理品质为很好;达乌里胡枝子AC0.00075%和SL0.001%+AC0.003%处理得分为好,其它处理得分为很好;山竹岩黄芪SL0.001%、SL0.00025%、AC0.0015%和SL0.001%+AC0.003%处理得分为好,其它为很好。在与中北410玉米混贮中,尖叶胡枝子单贮的青贮品质为好,其它混贮处理得分为很好;达乌里胡枝子单贮的青贮品质为差,混贮评分为很好;山竹岩黄芪单贮青贮品质为好,混贮评分为很好,三种材料与中北410玉米混贮的适宜比例为70%中北410玉米。7.综合三种评价方法,尖叶胡枝子、达乌里胡枝子和山竹岩黄芪与中北410玉米三种比例混贮的9个处理的乳酸含量最高,无丁酸生成,pH值最低,粗脂肪和可溶性糖含量也较高,青贮质量为优。三种材料单贮的6处理青贮质量为差。尖叶胡枝子、达乌里胡枝子和山竹岩黄芪青贮中添加SL和AC的27个处理对发酵品质均有不同程度改善,但不如混贮效果好。

【Abstract】 In this experiment, Lespedeza hedysaroides (Pall.) Kitag., Lespedeza davurica (Laxm.) Schindl.and Hedysarum fruticosum Pall. were chosen to determine the characteristics of microbial flora dynamicchanges and fermentation quality, and main conclusions are as follows:1. The number of adnascent microorganism on the three species of feeding shrubs in the squaringstage, initial bloom stage and full bloom stage has the following characteristics: The least number oflactic acid bacteria, aerobic bacteria, coliform bacteria, yeast and mold were found in the squaring stage;The largest number of coliform bacteria, yeast and mold were found in initial bloom stage, maximumwere107-108cfu/g, the number of lactic acid bacteria also increased, the number is about105cfu/g; infull bloom stage, counts of coliform bacteria, aerobic bacteria, yeast and mold decreased, moresignificance can be seen by coliform bacteria, counts of lactic acid bacteria increased a little inLespedeza davurica, decreased in Lespedeza hedysaroides and Hedysarum fruticosum. Counts ofadnascent lactic acid bacteria on three materials was far less than harmful microorganisms in initial andfull bloom stage.2. The number of lactic acid bacteria, aerobic bacteria, yeast and mold gradually increased withincreasing content of corn, counts of coliform bacteria reduced with increasing content of corn in themixed ensiling of three materials and Zea mays L..3. Lactic acid bacteria, aerobic bacteria, coliform bacteria, yeast and mold reached maximum wasmainly concentrated in2,5and10days, and then gradually reduced to a smooth; counts of coliformbacteria decreased significantly in ensiling30-60days in three materials ensiling with SL and ACaddition.4. Sixty seven lactic acid bacteria strains were isolated from three materials, the initial and laterfermentation stage. These strains belonged to five genuses and fifteen species.5. Three lactic acid bacteria strains A33(lactobacillus plantarum), A74(lactobacillus rhamnosus)and A29(pediococcus pentosaceus) were screened for their quicker acid-probuction rate and speed ofgrowth, their pH values were4.20、4.26and4.40after12hours fermentation, their absorbance valueswere3.01、2.91and2.80after36hours fermentation. Three lactic acid bacteria strains were suitable formicroorganism additive.6. The Flieg evaluation method of silage showed that the fermentation quality was worst in directlyensiled Lespedeza hedysaroides, the treatments with SL0.001%+AC0.003%and SL0.0005%were good,others were excellent; the fermentation quality was worst in directly ensiled Lespedeza davurica, thetreatments with AC0.00075%and SL0.001%+AC0.003%were good, others were excellent and thefermentation quality was worst in directly ensiled Hedysarum fruticosum, the treatments withSL0.00025%, SL0.001%, AC0.0015%and SL0.001%+AC0.003%were good, others were excellent.The Flieg evaluation method of silage showed that the fermentation quality were good in directlyensiled Lespedeza hedysaroides and Hedysarum fruticosum, the fermentation quality was worse in directly ensiled Lespedeza davurica, others were excellent in three materials mixed ensiling with Zeamays L. The suitable mixed silage proportion of three materials and Zea mays L. was the70percent ofZea mays L..7. Summarized three evaluations, three materials silaged with the three ratios Zea mays L. hadhigher lactic acid content and lower pH value, no butyric acid and the EE and WSC contents werehigher than others, silage quality is excellent. three materials directly ensiled had higher pH, butyricacid content and lower lactic acid content, silage quality is poor. The addition of SL and AC to threematerials improve the fermentation quality in varying degrees, but not as good as mixed silage.

【关键词】 灌木青贮微生物乳酸菌发酵品质
【Key words】 shrubsilagemicroorganismlactic acid bacteriafermentation quality

