

Studies on Modern Agricultural Development in Typical Southwestern Karst Rocky Regions

【作者】 王晋臣

【导师】 唐华俊;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业区域发展, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 发展现代农业是新时期加快推进我国农业发展的重要战略部署。《国务院关于进一步促进贵州经济社会又好又快发展的若干意见》(国发[2012]2号)明确指出要建设贵阳、遵义、毕节等山区现代农业示范区。开展毕节地区现代农业发展战略研究对于明确该地区现代农业发展方向、制定支持政策以及为西南岩溶地区谋划现代农业发展具有重要参考和借鉴作用。本论文基于毕节地区农业农村经济发展现状分析,构建了现代农业评价指标体系,测评了当前毕节地区现代农业发展水平及主要农产品的比较优势,并开展了现代农业功能区划研究,进而提出毕节地区现代农业发展模式选择和政策保障措施。主要研究内容与结果如下:(1)现状对比分析表明毕节地区农业和农村经济取得了长足进展,现代农业发展面临的问题和机遇并存。“十一五”期间,毕节农业和农村经济稳定增长,农民生活水平不断提高,开发式扶贫有效推进,特色种养业不断壮大,生态保护成效明显,农业试验示范功能凸显。现代农业发展还面临农业基础条件差,特色产业优势未充分发挥,贫困人口多、素质低,农民组织化程度低,物流业不发达,产业化水平不高,科技创新支撑不足等问题。随着西部大开发、黔中经济区战略的深入实施,川、滇、黔三省重要的区域性交通枢纽建设,以及国家进一步加大对毕节试验区的支持,毕节地区现代农业发展将迎来巨大的发展机遇。(2)构建了现代农业评价指标体系,综合评价表明毕节现代农业发展水平不断上升,但总体发展处于现代农业发展的准备阶段。毕节地区现代农业发展评价指标体系由目标层、准则层(4个一级指标)和指标层(16个二级指标)组成,能综合反映现代农业支撑、农业产出、社会发展、可持续发展水平。2010年,毕节地区农业发展水平指数为0.36,处于现代农业发展准备阶段,金沙县、毕节市、织金县则达到了现代农业初步实现阶段,其它县均处于现代农业发展的准备阶段。农业产业化和科技支撑方面的实现度最低,分别仅为0.1和0.01。毕节地区现代农业建设应重点加强农业基础设施、城镇化和农民组织化建设,培育规模化农产品加工企业,提高农业的产出率和农民收入水平。(3)农产品比较优势评价表明毕节地区薯类、烤烟、牛、猪等具有较明显的比较优势,茶叶、蔬菜等比较优势未充分发挥。与贵州全省相比较,2010年毕节地区小麦、玉米、谷子、高梁、大豆、油菜籽、烤烟、牛、猪、羊具有微弱的综合比较优势,指数值在1.5以下;大豆、薯类具有较强的比较优势,指数值分别为1.96和1.59。与全国相比较,2010年毕节地区玉米、高粱、大豆、薯类、油菜籽、烤烟、牛、猪具有综合比较优势。毕节地区应实施农产品差异化发展和特色农产品精品发展战略,稳定玉米、高梁、大豆种植面积,扩大薯类面积,适度降低小麦、水稻等种植面积;优先发展烤烟、油菜等优势较为明显的产业,培育茶叶、蔬菜、杂粮等特色产业;大力发展特色生态畜牧业,重点发展牛、羊及生猪产业,积极发展特种养殖,打造以威宁、赫章、纳雍等地为主的草地生态畜牧业基地。(4)运用聚类分析方法制定了毕节地区现代农业功能区划方案,明确了农产品供给、文化休闲和生态调节与约束等功能分区。农产品供给功能主导区在全地区各县市均有布局,共包括138个镇,以提供优质特色农产品为主要功能目标;文化休闲功能主导区主要布局于毕节地区政府所在地及各县县城周边自然风景优美、民俗风情独特的区域,共包含46个乡镇,以构建“点、线、面”立体式乡村旅游发展格局为目标;生态调节与约束功能主导区主要分布于威宁县、赫章县及其它县市生态较为脆弱的地区,共包含60个乡镇,以提供生态保护屏障为目标,重点加强石漠化治理和防治水土流失。各县均以主导功能为基本发展方向,但也要兼顾其他农业功能的拓展。(5)结合不同农业功能区特点,总结出适宜毕节地区的七种现代农业发展模式。在人口众多、坡地比较肥沃的地区推广“五子登科”立体农业模式;在不适宜种粮的坡耕地大力推行“绿袍”模式,发展花卉、药材、茶叶等特色农产品种植;在山高坡陡、降雨量较大地区全面实施小流域综合治理模式,加强生态建设;在优质畜禽产品生产带实施畜牧业循环经济模式,加强生态养殖技术推广;在城市周边、风景区周边和具有特殊民族文化传统、风景秀美的乡镇建设休闲观光农业开发模式,着力提升旅游档次和服务水平;在农业生产技术、经济水平较高的区域推广农业科技园区模式,加速农业科技成果转化;在经济基础比较优越、交通便利、主导产业较突出的乡镇,选择发展产业组织带动型模式,加强市场服务体系建设,打造“一村一品”产业格局。(6)提出了促进毕节地区现代农业发展的支撑保障体系和政策措施建议。重点加强高效运转的组织保障体系、稳定高效的资本支持体系、提升有力的科技支撑体系、务实有效的农民培训体系等建设。建议加快完善实施生态补偿机制,促进土地流转和农业产业化建设,建立风险防范机制等政策措施,提高现代农业的支撑保障能力。本论文的主要创新和特色是:(1)以县(市)为基本评价单元,构建了现代农业评价指标体系,并综合评价了2005-2010年毕节地区现代农业发展总体水平及现代农业支撑水平、产出水平、社会发展水平、可持续发展水平,明确了毕节地区现代农业发展所处的阶段及存在的差距。(2)运用综合比较优势评价方法,评估了毕节地区主要农产品的比较优势,明确了农畜产品的产业发展重点及结构调整方向。(3)以乡镇为基本评价单元,运用聚类分析法,划分了毕节地区现代农业功能区划,明确了农产品供给、生活保障、生态保障、观光休闲和文化传承等主导功能区,指明了分区特征及未来发展重点。

【Abstract】 Developing modern agriculture is an important strategic deployment in accelerating agriculturaldevelopment of China in the new era."Certain opinions on promoting sound and rapid economic andsocial development of Guizhou from the State Council”(GF [2012] NO.2) clearly pointed out thatmodern agricultural demonstration zones should be built in the mountain areas of Guizhou includingGuiyang, Zunyi and Bijie. Research on the development strategy of modern agriculture in Bijieprefecture is very important to discovering the right direction and making policies on modernagricultural development. The study can also gather useful experiences on modern agriculturaldevelopment planning in karst areas of Southwest China. Based on the analysis of current conditionsof agricultural economy in Bijie prefecture, evaluation index system of modern agriculture wasconstructed. The model was used to estimating the current development level of modern agricultureand comparing the advantages of the main agricultural products. Furthermore, the agriculturalfunction zone planning was made. Main contents and conclusions were as follows:(1) Compared analysis showed that the modern agriculture and country economy in Bijieprefecture acquired notable development. The results showed that modern agriculture in Bijie hadboth problems and opportunities at the same time. During the "Eleventh five year" period, the modernagriculture and rural economics of Bijie has obtained great progress. The rural economics had asteady growth and the industrial structure had been optimized ceaselessly. The living standard of thefarmer had been improved greatly and the poverty help had been promoted effectively. The functionof agricultural experiment and demonstration was highlighted. However, there were also someproblems in Bijie. The basic agricultural condition was poor and the investment was inadequate. Thecomprehensive level of agricultural production was still low and flabby. The industrial structure ofagriculture was unreasonable and the proportion of grain production was too large, and the specialindustrial advantages had not been played efficiently. The poverty population number was large andthe pressure of increasing income was high. The degree of farmer organization was low and thelogistics industry was underdeveloped, so the industrialization level was not high. The science andtechnology innovation was insufficient and the farming ability personnel quality was not high, so thepromote benefit was not clear. Under the help of Western Great Development and middle Guizhoueconomic zone strategy, the modern agriculture has great opportunities in Bijie which is the keytransportation site among Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunan.(2) Agricultural comprehensive evaluation index system composed of object layer, rule layer(including four first grade index) and target layer (including sixteen second grade index) by means ofthe data from2005to2010in Bijie was constructed in this paper. The index system can syntheticallyexpress the level of modern agriculture technology support, agriculture output, social developmentand the level of sustainable development. The results showed that the development level of modernagriculture in Bijie prefecture kept rising from2005to2010. Development level index of modernagriculture in Bijie prefecture was0.36in2010, which means the preparation stage of modern agriculture. Modern agriculture in Jinsha county, Bijie city and Zhijin city developed relative well andlied in the preliminary implementation stage. The other counties in Bijie prefecture were all in thepreparation stage. Therefore, in order to promote the development of modern agriculture in Bijie area,the agricultural infrastructure, organizational change, construction of urbanization should bestrengthened and the agricultural productivity and the income level of farmers should be improved,the training and the promotion of agricultural technology and the cultivation of large-scale agriculturalproducts processing enterprises should be especially strengthened.(3) The comparative advantage index of agricultural products in Bijie prefecture was calculatedby using the method of comprehensive comparative advantage evaluation. The results showed thatpotato, tobacco, cattle, pig had distinct advantages, while tea and vegetable had no distinct advantages.Compared with data of Guizhou Province in2010, wheat, maize, millet, sorghum, rapeseed, tobacco,cattle, pig, sheep of Bijie prefecture had small comparative advantage with the index under1.5,soybean and potato had stronger comparison advantage with the index of1.96and1.59respectively.Compared with data China of2010, maize, sorghum, soybean, potato, rapeseed, flue-cured tobacco,cattle, pig of Bijie prefecture had relative comprehensive comparative advantage. Therefore, thedevelopment strategy in Bijie prefecture should be implemented according to its advantages andagriculture products difference and characteristic. Food industry should be promoted steadily bykeeping stable production area of corn, sorghum, and soybean. Development strategy of specialagricultural products should be given priority opportunity. Local special ecological animal husbandryshould be developed rapidly.Ecological grassland husbandry in Weining, Hezhang, Nayong should bebuilt.(4) Agricultural function zone planning including agricultural products supply, culturalentertainment and ecological adjustment were made by means of cluster analysis method. Agriculturalproducts supply dominant function zone distributes all counties and includes138towns. Culturalentertainment dominant function zone mainly locates in Bijie prefecture local government and theareas with natural beautiful landscape and especial folk-custom characteristic surrounding everycounty town. This zone includes46towns whose main object is to construct stereo tourism frompoints, lines and areas pattern. Ecological adjustment dominant function zone mainly distributes inWeining, Hezhang and other ecological environment and includes60towns whose main object is tosupply ecological protection barrier and strengthen the fathering works of rock desertification and soilerosion.(5) Based on agricultural function zone planning, seven kinds of development pattern suitable formodern agriculture in Bijie prefecture were summarized according to the characteristics ofagricultural development. In areas with large population and fertile sloping land, stereo agriculturemode of “wuzidengke” should be implemented and improved, while in slope land unsuitable for thegrain,"green robe" mode should be carried out energetically, and the cultivation of flowers, herbs, teaand other characteristic agricultural products should be developed according to the market. In theareas with great rainfall, tall hill and steep slope, small watershed comprehensive management should be implemented fully to strengthen the ecological construction and innovation of science andtechnology. In the production zone of livestock and poultry with high-quality, the recycling economyof animal husbandry mode should be implemented to develop feed resource vigorously, to strengthenthe promotion of ecological breeding technology. In the area surrounding big cities and scenic areas,or in the village and township with special national cultural tradition or beautiful scenery, the leisureagriculture development pattern should be built to promote the class of tourist and to enhance themanagement level of service. In the areas with high level of regional economy and agriculturalproduction technology, the mode of agricultural science and technology park should be extended andto accelerate the transformation of agricultural science and technology achievements. In the townshipswith advantageous economic base, convenient traffic and outstanding dominant industry, it wassuitable to choose mode of industry organization driven to create the development environment ofindustrialization, to strengthen the construction of marketing service system, and to create theindustrial pattern of "one village one taste".(6) Finally, development guarantees system, policy and advisement to modern agriculture inBijie prefecture were put forward. Construction of high quality organization guarantee system, steadcapital support system, powerful science and technology support system and effective farmer trainingsystem should be strengthened. Policies such as ecology compensation mechanism, promote landsources circulation and agriculture industrialization, and risk keep away mechanism should be madeto strengthen modern agriculture ensuring capacity.Main innovation and newly feature in the paper were as follows:(1) Taking county or county level city as the basic evaluation unit, agriculture comprehensiveevaluation index system was constructed. The index system was then used for comprehensive analyzeof the modern agriculture overall development level, modern agriculture technology support,agriculture output, social development and the level of sustainable development of from2005to2010in Bijie prefecture. Based on the analysis, developmental stage and the shortage of modern agriculturein Bijie prefecture were clarified.(2)Using the comprehensive advantage comparative method, comparative advantages of mainagricultural products, agriculture and pasturage industry developing, and structure adjusting directionin Bijie prefecture we evaluated.(3)Taking town as the basic evaluation unit and using cluster analysis method, the agriculturalfunction zone planning of modern agriculture in Bijie prefecture were made. Furthermore, agriculturalproducts supply zone, life ensure zone, ecological ensure zone, tour and entertainment zone, culturalinherit zone were clarified. Finally, the characters and future developing keystones of differentfunction zone in Bijie prefecture were analyzed.


