

The Study on China’s Regulation Policies System of Grain Market

【作者】 矫健

【导师】 钱克明;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 粮食是农业生产的重要组成部分,是国民经济中动一发而牵全身的重要环节。一方面它直接影响农民收入水平,另一方面关系到广大城镇居民日常生活,更是国家安定和谐的重要基础。为了确保国家粮食安全,长期以来中国政府高度重视粮食生产健康发展,采取多元化调控政策以稳定国内市场。特别是2004年粮食流通体制改革以来,在减免农业税基础上,实施了最低收购价、临时收储和“四补贴”等政策,配合进出口、储备和竞价销售等一系列措施,对生产、流通和消费等环节进行了卓有成效的宏观调控,对鼓励生产、调整种植结构和保持国家粮食安全起到了积极的作用。可见,经过近10年的探索和完善,具有中国特色的粮食市场调控体系正逐步形成。与美国、欧盟和日本等发达国家相对科学完备的市场调控政策体系相比,中国粮食市场领域调控措施尚存在诸多不足,财政支农政策投入规模有限、资金投入结构不合理、调控措施有待改进以及部分WTO规定的绿箱和蓝箱政策还尚未应用等问题依旧存在。同时,作为弱势产业,粮食市场面对的内外环境依旧严峻。人工、农业生产资料等成本上升推动国内粮价持续上涨,不断弱化各项补贴政策实施效果。生产基础设施薄弱,耕地、灌溉等资源地域分布不均,限制粮食生产潜力的提升。国内需求结构转变,国外部分转基因品种低价冲击国内市场,造成大豆和玉米对外依存度逐年提高。国际政治经济动荡、自然灾害频繁,造成国际粮价大幅波动,对国内影响日益加深。为此,根据WTO《农业协定》相关规则,系统研究分析中国粮食市场调控政策体系,测算黄箱、绿箱政策支持总量、8.5%的政策空间使用情况,以及财政支农政策效率值,提出相应对策建议,对未来产业健康发展和市场调控体系完善具有积极的意义。本文主要从以下几方面开展研究:一是归纳总结粮食市场调控相关概念、目标和原则;二是回顾建国以来我国粮食市场调控所经历的不同阶段及特点,重点评述2002年至今政策实施情况;三是对水稻、小麦、玉米和大豆4个品种进行案例分析,回顾政策实施细则,评价措施效果;四是回顾WTO多哈回合谈判进程及加入WTO时我国农业和粮食产业所作出的减让承诺;五是根据WTO规定及支农政策分类,测算黄箱和绿箱政策实施情况,以及所剩政策实施空间;六是运用数据包络分析法(DEA)评价主要调控政策效率情况和发展趋势;七是分析美国、欧盟和日本市场调控政策历程、主要措施及调整趋势。在以上研究基础上,得出的主要结论包括:第一,调控政策成效显著,调控体系初步形成;第二,黄箱政策空间宽裕,年际支持有所波动;第三,调控目标有待调整,口粮作物亟需重视;第四,把握国情主要特点,借鉴国际有益经验;第五,粮食特殊商品属性,自由贸易步履维艰。提出促进粮食生产健康发展和完善市场调控政策体系的对策建议:一是明确产业发展目标,坚持市场调控原则;二是加快粮食立法进程,依法调控粮食市场;三是有效利用黄箱政策,确保农民生产收益;四是充分利用政策空间,扶持生产健康发展;五是完善产业运行机制,建设服务支撑体系;六是合理利用国际市场,调节国内粮食余缺;七是分类指导粮食价格,确保食用粮食安全。

【Abstract】 Grain industry is the central part of China’s agriculture and important aspects of national economy.It directly affects farmers’ income and life of urban residents. At the same time,it is the base of harmonyand national stability. In order to ensure national food security,China has given great importancattention to grain,and has taken some kinds of measures to keep the stability in the market. Especiallyfrom2004in which year grain circulation system reformed,in addition to agricultural tax reduction,China’s government has taken minimum grain purchase price,temporary storage and4kinds ofsubsidies.With the import and export,storage,auction sales policies,China has made effectivly controlof grain market.After10years’ explore and improve, China’s grain market regulation system has beenbuilt successfully.The grain market regulation system of United States,UN and Japan are more complete than China.China’s grain market regulation system is at the initial stage.And there are some shortages such asfinancial investment in agriculture being not enough,funding structure being irrational,controlmeasures being not suitable and some WTO’s Green Box policies and Blue Box policies being notused.At the same time,as a weak industry,China’s grain market is still facing serious internal andexternal environment.Firstly,cost of production prices being increase drivies gran’s prices up;Secondly,production facility of grain is weak,and grain production is limited by arable land,irrigation;Thirdly,structural changes in domestic demand,low-cost foreign genetically grain have entered domesticmarket;Fourthly,volatility in international grain prices by international political and economic shocks,natural disasters have affected domestic market more sincerecly than before.So according to WTOrules,researching China’s grain market regulation system,calculating the Aggregate Measure ofSupport of China’s grain market policies and policies space,measuring the efficiency value of China’sfinancial support for agriculture policies,and making some devices are all meaningful.This paper mainly includes the following content:Firstly,summarizing the concepts, objectivesand principles of grain market regulation;Secodly,analyzing the history,current measures,andadjusting trend of the U.S,EU and Japan;Thirdly,reviewing the experience and characteristics ofdifferent stages of China’s grain market regulation since the founding,focusing on analysis of policiesimplementation since2002;Fourthly,analyzing the details of market regulation policies implementationof rice,wheat, corn and soybean,and evaluating the effectiveness of measures;Fifthly,recalling theDoha Round of WTO agricultral negotiations,and reduction commitments made by agricultureespecially grain industry when China’s accession to the WTO;Sixty,according to WTO regulations andthe classification of agricultural support policies,measuring the Aggregate Measure of Support ofagricultural policies implementation and the the remaining space of Yellow Box and Green Boxpolicies;Seventh,measuring efficiency and trends of policies of China’s major grain market regulationby using Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA).According to a series of studies,this paper made some of policy proposals and advices on promoting the healthy development of China’s grain industry and improving the system of grain marketRegulation policies. Firstly,speed up the legal system construction of the grain market regulation;Secondly,improve the grain reserve and sales supporting policies;Thirdly,support the healthydevelopment of grain industry by using policy space effectively;Fourthly speed up construction of thegrain market service system;Fifthly,control the domestic food surplus and deficiency by using of theinternational market rationally;Sixty,adjust the structure of China’s grain area and planting.

  • 【分类号】F323.7;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1191
  • 攻读期成果

