

Studies on the Quality Differences and Division of Characteristic and High-Quality Flue-Cured Tobacco in Dali, Yunnan Province

【作者】 宗浩

【导师】 刘洪祥;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 作物遗传育种, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文利用大理多年气候和土壤数据、多年产区烟叶生产和调拨相关数据和相关试验研究数据资料,运用相关分析、聚类分析、贡献率、建模分析等方法,对大理烟叶品质特色定位、品质差异化成因、烟区生态条件和烟区规划等方面进行了研究。得到以下主要结果:大理烟区烟叶生长大田期各旬平均气温相对较稳定,变化较小,旬均温在20.52℃,适宜烤烟生长;大理州以南部坝区烟叶生态条件较好,其次为西部、中部和北部。影响大理烟区烤烟种植的气象条件为成熟期均温>大田期均温>成熟期月降雨量>大田期降雨量;经气候适宜性评价,将大理烟区分为三个,一是南部山区(巍山、弥渡、南涧),二是西部坝区(云龙、永平、漾濞),三是大理市及周边地区。红花大金元清香型风格特色已基本廓清:初烤烟叶颜色比K326等品种稍浅,多浅橘黄色(或金黄色);烟叶身份适中,烟碱含量适中;糖碱比值较高;多酚含量高;生育期组成不同;色素含量不同;需肥特性不同;烘烤特性不同。运用了基因工程技术,对大理主栽品种间的PPO基因表达差异进行了分析比较。结果表明,在红大品种适熟烟叶中Y12501表达量高于其它三个品种,验证了红大品种PPO活性较高的结论。外观质量中,对烟叶质量风格的影响大小顺序为:着生部位>烟叶颜色>烟叶身份>叶片结构。化学成分中,对清香型风格显著性的影响排序为:糖碱比>总糖>还原糖>烟碱含量>钾氯比;对感官评吸质量的影响排序为:烟碱>总氮>蛋白质>糖碱比>氮碱比;其它化学成分的印象较微。在一定范围内,海拔高度、成熟期日均温和降雨量、成熟期水热适度系数均与清香型风格显著性呈显著或极显著正相关,土壤pH值和不同茬口也有一定影响。就品种而言,以红花大金元的清香型风格的显著程度表现最为明显;施氮量是影响烟叶清香型风格显著性的最主要的栽培技术措施,其次是种植密度、留叶数和打顶时间。在大理州目前生产条件下,就对烟叶产量、产值指标和香型风格、糖碱比与烟碱含量的影响而言,生态环境(46.71%)>种植品种(30.55%)>栽培措施(22.72%);在栽培措施中,补偿措施的作用(13.43%)又明显大于调控措施(9.29%)。通过研究分析,将大理烟区划分为以下三个区域:东南部清香型特色烟叶典型产区,区内分为最适宜首选区(南涧、巍山、弥渡和宾川)、适宜替代区(祥云)两个二级区;西南部清香型特色烟叶次典型产区,区内分为适宜首选区(永平、漾濞)、适宜替代区(云龙)两个二级区;中北部清香型特色烟叶一般产区,区内分为适宜替代区(大理市、洱源)、适宜候补区(鹤庆、剑川)两个二级区。经两年三地的品种(系)筛选比较试验,中烟104表现较好,有替代红大和K326的潜力。

【Abstract】 Using the methods of correlation analysis, clustering analysis, contribution rate analysis,model building analysis, ecological environment, the quality of tobacco, cause of formation ofquality differentiation and quality division were researched based on the data of climate, soil,some tests, tobacco production and allocation in Dali. The conclusions of this paper were asfollows:The average temperature of every10-day in field period in Dali tobacco planting area wasrelatively stable and small changes. It was20.52℃, which was suitable for the growth offlue-cured tobacco. The ecological conditions for planting tobacco of southern dam area in Daliwere better, west, center and north area as follows. The order of meteorological conditionsinfluence degree to planting tobacco was the average temperature in mature stage, the averagetemperature in field stage, each month rainfall in mature stage and rainfall in field stage. Afterclimate suitability, three parts for planting tobacco were divided. These were southern mountainregion (including Weishan, Midu and Nanjian), western dam region (including Yunlong,Yongping and Yangbi) and the region of Dali city and its surrounding area.Fen-flavor style of Hongda had been clarified. Its cured tobacco leaves had a lighter colorthan other varieties. Most were shallow orange or golden. Its thickness and nicotine contents weremoderate and suitable with high sugar-nicotine ratio and high polyphenol content. Hongda haddifferent growth stage composition, different pigment contents, different fertilizer characteristicsand different curing characteristics.The differences of PPO activity in different varieties were studied using genetic engineering.The results showed that the relative expression levels of Y12501in Hongda were higher than threeother varieties. The results verified that the PPO of Hongda had high activities.In all of the appearance quality factors, leaf position was the most important one for aromastyle characteristics and intrinsic quality, leaf color, leaf thickness and leaf structure as follows. Inthe index of chemical components, sugar-nicotine ratio had the largest effects on fen-flavor stylesignificant, followed by total sugar, reducing sugar, nicotine and potassium-chlorine ratio.Nicotine, total nitrogen and protein contents had the largest effects on tobacco sensory quality, theratio of sugar to nicotine and the ratio of nitrogen to nicotine as follows. Effects of other chemicalcomponents were little.Hydrothermal moderate coefficient, rainfall, average daily temperature in mature stage andaltitude was significant or highly significant positive correlated with fen-flavor type style. The pHvalue in soil and different planting position also had effects. Fen-flavor type style significant ofHongda was the most obvious. Nitrogen rate was the most important cultivation measureseffecting on fen-flavor type style, planting density, leaf number and topping time as follows.On the present production condition in Dali, the order of factor influence degree to economiccharacters, aroma style and chemical constituents were ecological environment (46.71%), cultivated varieties (30.55%), and cultivation measures (22.72%). Compensation measuresfunction (13.43%) was significantly greater than regulation measures (9.29%).Tobacco growing areas in Dali was divided into three regions after analysis. The first regionwas Southeastern typical region for fen-flavor characteristic tobacco which was divided into thesuitable first-selected region (Nanjian, Weishan, Midu and Binchuan) and the suitable substitutedregion (Xiangyun). Southwestern secondary typical region for fen-flavor characteristic tobaccowas the second divided into the suitable first-selected region (Yongping, Yangbi) and the suitablesubstituted region (Yunlong). North center general region for fen-flavor characteristic tobacco wasthe last, which was divided into the suitable substituted region (Dali city and Eryuan) and thesuitable candidate region (Heqing and Jianchuan).Zhongyan104played a better performance after two years screening test. Zhongyan104which has the potential to replace Hongda and K326has good popularization value in Dalitobacco region.

【关键词】 大理特色烟叶品质差异化区划
【Key words】 DaliCharacteristic tobaccoQuality differentiationDivision

