

Study on Nutrient Balance and Optimized Management in Soil-Greenhouse Vegetable System

【作者】 郝小雨

【导师】 金继运; 黄绍文;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 植物营养学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 设施菜田化肥用量过大、氮磷钾施用不平衡、有机肥用量不合理、施肥方法不当等现象十分突出,由此导致了菜田土壤肥力非均匀化、化肥利用率下降、菜田生态环境质量下降、蔬菜产品安全性降低等一系列较为严重的问题。迄今为止,设施菜田的研究工作主要集中在不同肥料用量下作物养分吸收、土壤养分累积、养分运移等单一过程方面,迫切需要全面了解和定量研究养分循环的整个过程。为研究设施菜田土壤-蔬菜系统养分循环与平衡过程,于2009年至2011年在天津市西青区开展田间定位试验,研究了芹菜-番茄轮作体系下有机无机肥料配合施用对设施菜田土壤氨挥发、N2O排放、养分淋失、作物养分吸收、作物产量等过程的影响。田间试验共设置8个处理,分别为不施氮、(4/4)化肥氮+(0/4)猪粪氮、(3/4)化肥氮+(1/4)猪粪氮、(2/4)化肥氮+(2/4)猪粪氮、(1/4)化肥氮+(3/4)猪粪氮、(2/4)化肥氮+(1/4)猪粪氮+(1/4)秸秆氮、(2/4)化肥氮+(2/4)秸秆氮和农民习惯施肥处理,除不施氮和农民习惯施肥处理外,其余处理等氮等磷等钾。采用通气法测定氨挥发,应用密闭箱-气相色谱法监测N2O排放,利用田间原位淋溶装置测定养分淋溶损失。研究取得的主要进展如下:1.有机无机肥料配合施用对设施菜田土壤氨挥发的影响设施芹菜和番茄施基肥后2~3d出现土壤氨挥发高峰,至施基肥后8~10d接近不施氮处理水平;追肥(施肥与灌溉同步)第1d出现氨挥发峰值,至追肥后第10~11d接近不施氮处理水平。土壤氨挥发受温度影响显著,各处理土壤氨挥发速率与5cm土层温度之间总体上呈显著相关,相关系数在0.37~0.67之间。土壤氨挥发主要发生在温度较高的番茄季,番茄季各处理土壤氨挥发总量是芹菜季的3.0倍。设施菜田大幅减施肥料的有机无机肥料配合施用模式可显著降低土壤氨挥发损失量,芹菜季和番茄季土壤氨挥发损失量较习惯施肥处理的分别降低50.0%和47.9%。等氮量投入时,施用秸秆较施用猪粪可有效降低土壤氨挥发损失,芹菜季和番茄季(2/4)化肥N+(2/4)秸秆N处理土壤氨挥发损失量较(2/4)化肥N+(2/4)猪粪N处理的分别降低32.4%和30.0%。2.有机无机肥料配合施用对设施菜田土壤N2O排放的影响设施芹菜和番茄施基肥后5~7d(灌溉后1~3d)出现土壤N2O排放通量峰值,至施肥后20d(灌溉后15~16d)接近不施氮处理水平;追肥后(施肥与灌溉同步)1d出现土壤N2O排放通量峰值,至追肥后第11d接近不施氮处理水平。芹菜季和番茄季施用基肥后20d内N2O排放量分别占当季总排放量的40%~65%,是土壤N2O主要排放期。土壤N2O排放受灌水影响较大,施用基肥后至定植灌水前各处理土壤N2O排放量逐渐降低,灌水后N2O排放通量迅速上升。各处理土壤N2O排放通量与土壤含水量之间呈显著相关,相关系数在0.43~0.72之间。土壤N2O排放受温度影响显著,各处理土壤N2O排放通量与5cm土层温度之间总体上呈显著相关,相关系数在0.40~0.58之间。土壤N2O排放主要发生在温度较高的番茄季,番茄季各处理土壤N2O总排放量是芹菜季的3.1倍。设施菜田大幅减施肥料的有机无机肥配合施用模式可显著降低土壤N2O排放量和肥料损失率,芹菜季和番茄季土壤N2O排放量较习惯施肥处理分别降低了66.3%和85.1%,肥料损失率分别降低了45.2%和74.9%。等氮量投入时,施用秸秆较施用猪粪可有效降低土壤N2O排放,芹菜季和番茄季(2/4)化肥N+(2/4)秸秆N处理土壤N2O排放量较(2/4)化肥N+(2/4)猪粪N处理分别降低了43.4%和74.2%。3.有机无机肥料配合施用对设施菜田养分淋失的影响有机无机肥料配合施用模式能显著降低渗漏水中氮素(总氮、硝态氮和铵态氮)渗漏量,渗漏水中总氮和硝态氮渗漏量较全部施用化肥处理的平均分别降低29.6%和33.0%,较习惯施肥处理的平均分别降低54.5%和55.7%;铵态氮渗漏量较习惯施肥处理的平均降低59.8%。氮素淋失主要以硝态氮为主,硝态氮淋失比例平均在80%左右。有机无机肥料配合施用模式可降低渗漏水中磷素和钾素渗漏量。设施菜田养分淋溶损失主要是氮素淋失,磷、钾淋失量很低,总氮、总磷(P)和总钾(K)淋失量平均分别为37.2、0.114和1.45kg/hm2。等氮等磷等钾条件下,有机肥替代化肥可以有效降低渗漏水中氮素(总氮、硝态氮和铵态氮)的渗漏量。4.有机无机肥料配合施用对设施菜田土壤肥力的影响芹菜收获后(2月份)从耕层到深层土壤硝态氮含量总体上呈逐渐增加的趋势,番茄收获后(6月份)土壤硝态氮含量总体上表现出表层增加、深层降低的趋势。与习惯施肥处理相比,大幅减施肥料的有机无机肥料配合施用模式处理可显著降低土壤硝态氮含量,0~20、20~40、40~60、60~80和80~100cm土层硝态氮含量较习惯施肥处理的平均分别降低34.5%、44.9%、44.7%、40.2%和34.6%。土壤速效磷含量从表层至深层表现出明显下降的趋势。与习惯施肥处理相比,大幅减施肥料的有机无机肥料配合施用模式处理可显著降低土壤速效磷含量,0~20、20~40、40~60和60~80cm土层速效磷含量较习惯施肥处理的平均分别降低21.0%、21.6%、21.1%和21.7%。施用有机肥可显著增加土壤有机质含量,第一茬~第四茬有机无机肥料配合施用模式处理0~20cm土层有机质含量较全部施用化肥处理的平均分别增加8.5%、12.2%、17.5%和24.5%(平均15.7%)。5.有机无机肥料配合施用对设施蔬菜产量、品质及养分吸收的影响与习惯施肥处理相比,大幅减施肥料的有机无机肥配合施用模式处理均能保证芹菜和番茄产量稳定,显著提高经济效益,其中(3/4)化肥氮+(1/4)猪粪氮模式处理产量和效益相对较高,较全部施用化肥处理产量和效益平均分别增加4.8%和9351元/hm2,较习惯施肥处理产量和效益平均分别增加5.1%和28431元/hm2。有机无机肥料配合施用模式处理可降低蔬菜可食部分的硝酸盐含量,较全部施用化肥处理和习惯施肥处理的平均分别降低11.3%和19.1%;有机无机肥料配合施用模式处理总体上可提高芹菜可食部分和番茄果实中的Vc含量,芹菜季较全部施用化肥处理的平均提高32.6%,番茄季平均提高6.5%。与习惯施肥处理相比,大幅减施肥料的有机无机肥配合施用模式处理总体上可以保证芹菜和番茄植株氮素累积量的稳定和提高;各处理植株磷素累积量总体上差异不明显;与习惯施肥处理相比,大幅减施肥料的有机无机肥配合施用模式处理总体上可以保证芹菜和番茄植株钾素累积量的稳定。每生产1000kg芹菜产品对N、P2O5和K2O的吸收量平均分别为1.91、0.96和5.47kg,N、P2O5和K2O吸收比例平均为1:0.52:2.93;每生产1000kg番茄产品对N、P2O5和K2O的吸收量平均分别为2.33、0.83和4.68kg,N、P2O5和K2O吸收比例平均为1:0.36:2.02。6.有机无机肥料配合施用条件下设施菜田养分平衡特征施肥是养分输入的主要途径,其比例占到总输入量的95%以上,灌溉水和种子带入的养分量所占比例低于5%。作物吸收是养分输出的主要途径,氮、磷和钾吸收量平均分别占其总输入量的49.1%、34.6%和94.3%。氮素淋溶量平均占氮素总输入量的7.7%;磷和钾淋失量极少,占其总输入量的比例均低于1%。氮素气体损失(氨挥发和N2O排放)的量较低,占氮素总输入量的比例低于5%。与习惯施肥处理相比,大幅减施肥料的有机无机肥料配合施用模式处理可显著降低土壤氮、磷和钾盈余量,有机无机肥料配合施用模式处理周年N、P2O5和K2O盈余量较习惯施肥处理的平均分别降低71.7%、75.4%和90.0%。大幅减施肥料的有机无机肥料配合施用模式处理周年钾素基本保持平衡,而周年氮素和磷素盈余仍较多,需对设施菜田氮肥和磷肥用量作进一步调整,以提高氮肥和磷肥利用效率。在本试验条件下,短期内基于产量、经济效益和环境效益的适宜有机无机肥料配合施用模式为(3/4)化肥N+(1/4)猪粪N模式处理。

【Abstract】 Recently, the excessive use of chemical fertilizer (especially nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers),unbalanced application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, irrational application (excessive orinsufficient) of organic manure, and improper fertilization methods led to some serious problems, suchas degradation of soil fertility, low fertilizer use efficiency, negative impact on environment anddecreasing safety of vegetable products in main greenhouse vegetable production regions in China.Little information is available on the effect of different fertilization patterns on NH3volatilization,nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes, and nutrient leaching loss from greenhouse vegetable soils. Scientificevaluation of nutrient balance in soil-greenhouse vegetable system is very helpful for improving soilfertility management. This study was conducted to determine the effect of combined application oforganic manure and chemical fertilizers on ammonia volatilization, N2O emission, nutrient leaching,soil fertility, nutrient uptake by vegetable (celery-tomato rotation), and vegetable yield undergreenhouse condition in Tianjin from2009to2011. The field experiment consisted of eight treatments:1) No N,2)4/4CN, all nitrogen in chemical fertilizer (CN),3)3/4CN+1/4nitrogen in organicmanure(PN),4)2/4CN+2/4PN,5)1/4CN+3/4PN,6)2/4CN+1/4PN+1/4nitrogen in straw (SN),7)2/4CN+2/4SN and8) CF, conventional fertilization. Equal amount of N, P and K was used fortreatments2,3,4,5,6and7and same rates of P2O5and K2O were applied for treatments1,2,3,4,5,6and7. Soil NH3volatilization, N2O emission and nutrient leaching loss was measured by the ventingmethod, static chamber-gas chromatograph method and a lysimeter device method with undisturbed soillayers. The main results obtained are summarized as follows:1. Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on ammoniavolatilization from greenhouse vegetable soilThe peak of NH3volatilization rate occurred within2~3days after basal fertilization, whereas infirst day after fertilizer top-dressing (fertilization and irrigation were carried out simultaneously) duringthe celery and tomato growth period. Thereafter, the NH3volatilization rate from the nitrogenapplication treatment decreased and closed to the similar level from the no nitrogen applicationtreatment8~10days after basal fertilization and10~11days after fertilizer top-dressing. The NH3volatilization was significantly affected by temperature and exhibited obviously seasonal variationsduring the celery and tomato growth period. Significant correlations between the NH3volatilization andsoil temperature in5cm soil layer during the celery and tomato growth period were generally observed,with correlation coefficients ranging from0.37to0.67.Total NH3volatilization during tomato growthperiod with higher temperature was notably higher than that in celery season, with the total amounts ofNH3volatilization for all treatments in tomato season being3.0times of that from the celery growthperiod. Compared with the conventional fertilization with much higher rates of fertilizers, the combinedapplication patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizers significantly decreased the total NH3volatilization by50.0%and47.9%during the celery and tomato growth period, respectively. Strawapplication compared with pig manure application with the same N rate respectively decreased the NH3 volatilization by32.4%and30.0%during the growth period of celery and tomato under thisexperimental condition.2. Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on N2Oemission from greenhouse vegetable soilThe peak of N2O emission flux occurred within5~7days after basal fertilization (1~3days afterirrigation), whereas within1day after fertilizer top-dressing (fertilization and irrigation were carriedout simultaneously) during the celery and tomato growth period. The N2O emission fluxes from thenitrogen application treatments were close to the flux from the no nitrogen application treatment20days after basal fertilization (15~16days after irrigation), whereas11days after fertilizer top-dressing.40%~65%of total N2O emissions during celery or tomato growth period occurred from the first20days after basal fertilization. The N2O emission fluxes were greatly affected by irrigation during thegrowth period of celery and tomato, with the fluxes gradually decreasing after basal fertilization, thenrapidly increasing after irrigation. Significant correlations between the N2O emission fluxes for alltreatments and soil moistures were observed, with correlation coefficients ranging from0.43to0.72.The N2O emission was significantly affected by temperature, and exhibited obviously seasonalvariations during the celery and tomato season. Significant correlations between the N2O emissionfluxes for different treatments and soil temperatures in5cm soil layer during the celery and tomatogrowth period were generally observed, with correlation coefficients ranging from0.40to0.58. TotalN2O emission during tomato growth period with higher temperature was higher than that during celeryseason, with the total amounts for all treatments in tomato season being3.1times as high as that of thecelery growth period. Compared with the conventional fertilization with much higher rates of fertilizers,the combined application patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizers significantly decreased thetotal N2O emissions by66.3%and85.1%as well as loss ratio of N fertilizer by45.2%and74.9%during the celery and tomato growth period, respectively. Straw application compared with pig manureapplication with the same N rate respectively decreased the N2O emission by43.4%and74.2%duringthe growth period of celery and tomato under this experimental condition.3. Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on soil nutrientleaching loss under greenhouse conditionCompared with treatments of all NPK applied with chemical fertilizer and the conventionalfertilization treatment, the combined application patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizersdecreased total N leakage rate in the leakage water by29.6%and54.5%, and NO3--N leakage rate inthe leakage water by33.0%and55.7%, respectively. Compared with the conventional fertilization, thecombined application patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizers decreased NH4+-N leakagerate in the leakage water by59.8%. NO3--N leaching loss accounted for almost80%of total nitrogenleakage rate during four growth seasons. Compared with the conventional fertilization, the combinedapplication patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizers decreased total P and total K leakage rate,respectively. Nitrogen leaching loss was identified as significant sources of leaching loss in soilnutrients (N, P and K) under greenhouse condition. The average leakage rates of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) for all treatments were37.2,0.114and1.45kg/ha. Combinedapplication patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizers with the same NPK rate significantlydecreased nitrogen (Total N, NO3--N and NH4+-N) leakage rates in the leakage water.4. Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on soil fertilityunder greenhouse conditionSoil nitrate contents generally tended to increase from surface soil layer (0-20cm) to deep soillayer after celery harvest, whereas increase in surface soil layer and decrease in deep soil layers aftertomato harvest. Compared with the conventional fertilization, the combined application patterns oforganic manure and chemical fertilizers significantly decreased NO-3-N contents in soil layers of0-20,20-40,40-60,60-80and80-100cm by34.5%,44.9%,44.7%,40.2%and34.6%, respectively. Soilavailable P generally tended to decrease from surface soil layers to deep soil layer after celery andtomato harvest. Compared with the conventional fertilization, the combined application patterns oforganic manure and chemical fertilizers decreased available P contents in soil layers of0-20,20-40,40-60, and60-80cm by21.0%,21.6%,21.1%and21.7%, respectively. The combined applicationpatterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizers significantly increased soil OM contents by8.5%,12.2%,17.5%and24.5%(averaged15.7%for four growth seasons) than that with treatment of all NPKapplied with chemical fertilizer after celery and tomato harvest.5. Effects of combined application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on vegetableyield, qulity and nutrient uptake under greenhouse conditionCompared with the conventional fertilization with much higher rates of N, P2O5and K2O, there arenot significant differences of celery and tomato yields under the different combined application patternsof organic manure and chemical fertilizers with proper rates of N, P2O5and K2O. Income of thecombined application patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizers was significantly increased.Compared with treatments of all NPK applied with chemical fertilizer and the conventional fertilizationtreatment, the combined application pattern of3/4N in chemical fertilizer and1/4N in organic manureincreased yield by4.8%and5.1%, and increased income by9351and28431RMB yuan/ha,respectively. Compared with treatments of all NPK applied with chemical fertilizer and the conventionalfertilization treatment, the combined application patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizersdecreased nitrate contents in edible parts of vegetable by11.3and19.1%, respectively. Whereas thecombined application patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizers increased Vc contents inedible celery parts and fruit of tomato by32.6%and6.5%, respectively, than that in treatment of allNPK applied with chemical fertilizer. Compared with the conventional fertilization, there are notsignificant differences of celery and tomato nutrient (N, P2O5and K2O) uptake under the differentcombined application patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizers with proper rates of N, P2O5and K2O. The average plant uptake of N, P2O5and K2O for producing1000kg products were1.91,0.96and5.47kg for celery, and2.33,0.83and4.68kg for tomato, respectively. The average uptake ratio ofN, P2O5and K2O was1:0.52:2.93for celery, and1:0.36:2.02for tomato.6. Nutrient balance in soil–greenhouse vegetable system under the combined application patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizersNutrient application with both chemical fertilizer and organic manre was the main source ofnutrient input, accounting for more than95%of the total nutrient input. Crop nutrient uptake wasprimary nutrient output, with N, P2O5and K2O uptake accounting for49.1%,34.6%and94.3%of totalN, P2O5and K2O input, respectively. Moreover, the average N leakage rate accounted for7.7%of totalN input, whereas P or K leakage rate only contributed less than1%of the total P or K input. NH3volatilization and N2O emission contributed less than5%of the total N input. Compared with theconventional fertilization, the combined application patterns of organic manure and chemical fertilizersdecreased the annual N, P2O5and K2O surpluses rate by71.7%,75.4%and90.0%, respectively. Theannual N and P2O5surpluses in the soil–greenhouse vegetable system still exceeded its rational range.Application of P and K fertilizers in the soil–greenhouse vegetable system should be improved bybalanced fertilization to rationalize P and K status. The proper pattern of combined application oforganic manure and chemical fertilizers based on yield, income and environment during a short periodwas the pattern of combined application of3/4N in chemical fertilizer and1/4N in organic manureunder this experimental condition.


