

The Developmental Trend of Matrimonial Property Regime in China

【作者】 孙艳军

【导师】 巫昌祯;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 夫妻财产制是规范夫妻约定财产制的设立、变更与终止和法定财产制下夫妻财产的归属、管理、收益、处分、债务清偿、分割与清算的法律制度。夫妻财产制是婚姻家庭法的主要内容,也是整个社会财产制度的组成部分。财产是人格的基础,夫妻财产制关系到夫妻在家庭和社会中的地位,关系到夫妻间财产权利义务的确定,关系到民事交易安全。研究夫妻财产制的发展趋势,对于倡导夫妻人格的独立与平等,维护婚姻家庭的和睦,构建社会和谐与稳定,具有重大理论价值和现实意义。本文分为三部分:导论、正文、结论,其中正文部分共分为五章:第一章夫妻财产制理论基础之演进。本章从法理研究的角度,探寻夫妻财产制理论基础之演进,为论证我国夫妻财产制的发展趋势提供理论依据。夫妻财产制作为一项法律制度,其背后有着深厚的理论基础。本章首先分析了古代夫妻财产制的理论基础及夫妻财产制的类型。其次,分析了现代夫妻财产制的理论基础及夫妻财产制的类型。最后,梳理了夫妻财产制理论基础演进之轨迹和原因。第二章域外夫妻财产制的立法简介。本章从比较研究的角度,为论证我国夫妻财产制的发展趋势提供域外立法背景。本章主要考察了世界上具有代表性的大陆法系和英美法系国家和地区的夫妻财产制的立法概况。从法定财产制和约定财产制的基本分类作为研究切入点,探析国外及我国台湾和香港地区的夫妻财产制的设立、变更和终止;夫妻财产所有权的归属;夫妻财产的管理、使用、收益及处分;夫妻债务的负担和清偿;夫妻财产的清算及分割等五方面的主要内容。第三章我国夫妻财产制的发展理路。本章从历史研究的角度,探究了我国夫妻财产制的发展历程,分析了我国夫妻财产制从无到有,从家庭财产制、夫妻财产制到个人财产制的演变历程。为论证我国夫妻财产制的发展趋势提供历史依据。第四章我国夫妻财产制发展趋势的原因与表现。本章从实证研究的角度,阐述了决定我国夫妻财产制发展趋势的主要原因,论证了我国夫妻财产制的发展趋势。我国社会目前处于转型时期,自古以来的农耕文明正在向商业文明发生转型。经济基础决定上层建筑。以家庭本位的夫妻财产制必然发展为以个人本位的夫妻财产制。深度探讨了我国夫妻财产制发展趋势的历史必然性和进一步发展的趋势和方向。第五章发展趋势视野下我国夫妻财产制之完善。根据前文论证的我国夫妻财产制的发展趋势及其价值取向,在穷尽我国目前学术界对夫妻财产制的主要学术观点,借鉴国外及我国台湾和香港地区夫妻财产制的先进立法理念和具体制度,探讨了完善我国夫妻财产制的立法原则,法定财产制和约定财产制。结论:在改革开放的时代背景下,我国自古以来的农耕文明正在向商业文明的进行转型,以家庭本位为立法理念的夫妻财产制必然发展为以个人本位的夫妻财产制。

【Abstract】 Matrimonial property regime which standard ownership, use,management,benefits,dispose, debt service, division, clear of Pre-maritalproperty of husband and wife After marriage property income andestablishment, modify, termination of Matrimonial property regime is alegal system.Matrimonial property regime is the main content of the marriage andfamily law and the component part of the social property. Property is thefoundation. Matrimonial property regime relates to the status of husbandand wife in the society and the family、the confirmation of the propertyrights and obligations between husband and wife and the security of thecivil transaction. Studying the trend of development about matrimonialproperty regime is important theory and practical significance foradvocating the independent and equal personality、 maintaining theharmony of the marriage and family and constructing the harmonious andstable society.The paper is divided into three parts: introduction, body, conclusion,which body part is divided into five chapters.Chapter1Evolution of the Theory Basis of Matrimonial PropertyRegime.This chapter researches the evolution of the theory basis ofmatrimonial property regime, which provides a theoretical argument forthe developmental trend of matrimonial property regime in China. As alegal system, the matrimonial property regime has a profound theoreticalfoundation. Firstly, this chapter analyzes the theoretical basis of ancientmatrimonial property regime and the type of the matrimonial propertyregime. Secondly, this chapter analyzes the theoretical basis and the type of the modern matrimonial property regime. Finally, this chapter combsthe evolutionary reason and track of the matrimonial property regime.Chapter2The Legislative Background of the Extra-territorialMatrimonial Property Regime. This chapter provides the Extra-territorialLegislative Background for demonstrating China’s developmental trend ofMatrimonial Property Regime from the perspective of comparative studies.This chapter examines the legislative profile of the continental law systemand the common law system. This chapter researches the establishment,change and termination of the matrimonial property regime in China’sTaiwan, Hong Kong and the foreign country; the ownership of thematrimonial property regime; the management, the use, revenue and thesanction of the matrimonial property regime; the debt and the settle of thehusband and wife’s burden; the asset and the segmentation of husband andwife’s property and so on.Chapter3The Developmental Progress of the Matrimonial PropertyRegime in China. From the perspective of historical, this chapterresearches The Development of the Matrimonial Property Regime inChina and analysis evolutional process that is the matrimonial propertyregime out of nothing, from family property regime to the MatrimonialProperty Regime, which provide historical evidence for arguing thedevelopmental trend of the Matrimonial Property Regime.Chapter4Background and performance of the development trendof the Matrimonial Property Regime in China.This chapter expounds themain reason that decides the development trend of Matrimonial Propertyin China and demonstrates the development trend of Matrimonial PropertyRegime. Our country is currently in the social transitional period currentlyfrom the ancient farming civilization to commercial civilization. Theeconomic basis determines superstructure. Matrimonial property regimebases on the agricultural economy develops to matrimonial propertyregime bases on the commercial economy, which discusses the historicalinevitability of matrimonial property regime and the further developmenttrend and direction.Chapter5The perfect of matrimonial property regime under thedevelopment trend. According to the above discussion of the development trend and the valuable orientation of matrimonial property regime, thepaper explores the legislative intent of matrimonial property regime, thelegislative system of matrimonial property regime, the legislative model ofmatrimonial property regime, the legal property system and appointedproperty system, which researches the current academic main point ofmatrimonial property regime in China and learn the legislative intent andspecific system of the matrimonial property regime in China’s Taiwan,Hong Kong and the foreign countryConclusion: In the background of the reform and the opening up, forChinese ancient agricultural civilization is transferring to commercialcivilization, the legislative is transferring from the legislative intent thethat family standard of matrimonial property regime to individual standardof the matrimonial property regime.

  • 【分类号】D923.9
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】4606

