

On the Relation between Content and Effect Scope of Real Right: Centering on the Domination, Disposal and Absolute Effect

【作者】 于子亮

【导师】 张俊浩;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 民商法, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本文共分四章。前两章围绕支配和绝对性两个概念展开,分别讨论了支配、处分两项物权主要权能以及绝对性概念的内涵和表现形式。第三章讨论物权权能与绝对效力的关系。第四章分析请求权发生绝对效力之局限,作为第三章结论的补充论证。第一章首先依据传统观点限定支配之概念,将其确定为无需他人意思或行为介入即可单方面实现之权能。同时将处分和间接占有排除在支配概念之外。其次,本章分析了处分权的内涵,将其与支配权作为物权两项主要权能。第二章讨论绝对性之概念实质,指出绝对性所指涉及的是一种“无权利”地位,同时分析了绝对性的三种表现形式。本文认为物权优先效力并非独立效力,物权请求权和侵权法保护是绝对性之表现。第三章探讨物权支配和处分权能与绝对效力之关系。就支配权与绝对效力之关系,本文认为支配权常生绝对效力,并以租赁权之历史考察做论证。就处分权与绝对效力之关系,本文认为处分权并不必生绝对效力,并以抵押权之考察为论证。第四章讨论请求权发生绝对效力之可能与局限。通过买卖不破租赁和预告登记两项制度之考察,本文认为,请求权之涉他效力止步于请求权之法定移转,若超出请求权之相对结构,则发生新的制度。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is divided into four chapters. The first two chaptersare written based on two conceptions: domination and absolute effect.These two chapters mainly focus on the two contents of real rights and thedefinition and forms of absoluteness of real right. The third chapter focuseson the relation between content and absolute effect of real right. The fourthchapter analyzes the limit of absolute effect of Anspruch, as thesupplementary analysis of the third chapter.The first chapter defines the concept of domination based on thetranditional views, which is certain right to control without other’s intent orbehavior. At the same time, the concept of disposal and indirect possessionis excluded from the concept of domination. Secondly, this chapteranalyzes the right of disposal and places it as another main content of realright.The second chapter discusses the nature of the concept of absolutenessof real right and points out that the absoluteness of real right refers tocertain legal status of “No-Right”. Meanwhile, it analyzes three generallyrecognized forms of absoluteness of real right. This chapter is in the viewthat the priority effect of real right is not an independent effect, and thedinglicher Anspruch and the protection of real right in tort are the forms ofabsoluteness of real right.The third chapter discusses the relation between the rights ofdomination and disposal as one part and the absolute effect as the other part.In respect of the relation between domination and absolute effect, this dissertation believes the right of domination will always generate absoluteeffect and demonstrates this proposition throught the review of the historyof lease right. In respect of the relation between right of diposal andabsolute effect, this dissertation believes that the right of disposal will notnecessarily generate absolute effect and demonstrates this propositionthrough the review of the history of mortgage right.The fourth chapter discusses the possibility and limit of Anspruch’sabsolute effect. Through the review of two doctrines,“sale will never breakthe lease” and pre-registration, this dissertation belives that the non-relativeeffect of Anspruch is limited to the statutory transfer of Anspruch. If itexceeds the relativeness structure of Anspruch, a new right will occur.

【关键词】 支配权处分权绝对效力
【Key words】 Right of DominationRight of DisposalAbsoluteEffect
  • 【分类号】D923.2
  • 【下载频次】653

