

A Study on the Electrochemical Techniques for Detection of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria

【作者】 万逸

【导师】 张盾;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋腐蚀与防护, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 以取自黄海淤泥的硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)为研究对象,利用生物化学反应和电化学反应探索电化学生物传感器的组装、构建和优化。构建了四种快速检测SRB的无标记免疫传感器平台和基于纳米信号标记的生物传感器技术,为快速检测微生物研究提供了新思路。主要研究内容如下:(1)研究了密闭体系的海水培养基中,SRB在有氧条件下的生长状态对环境参数及碳钢腐蚀行为的影响。发现SRB在有氧条件下可以存活,但出现了缓慢生长及快速衰亡的现象,且会导致碳钢的腐蚀电位发生正移,SRB在碳钢表面生成的生物膜也由无氧条件下致密的结构变为疏松的结构。(2)构建了快速检测SRB的无标记免疫传感器平台。设计了基于自组装单分子层、多巴胺生物自激发、电化学聚合和三维泡沫镍技术构筑的电化学生物传感器平台;研究了这些平台的传感器信号与微生物浓度的关系;发现了基于免疫传感器平台材料性能与生物传感器检测信号存在显著的关联。这些平台能够用于微生物快速高效检测和分析,对构筑生物相容性好和电化学性能优异的传感器平台具有应用价值。(3)发展了基于纳米信号标记的生物传感器。发现具有类过氧化物酶功能的氧化锰纳米线和自催化功能的氧化石墨烯,可用于生物传感器的信号标记物和增强信号作用;研究了磁性纳米粒子在石英晶体微天平生物传感器中的信号增强作用;发展了基于硫化铅沉淀的电位溶出伏安分析方法来检测SRB。证实了这些纳米材料可用于生物传感器的高效检测和分析。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on the discussion for assembly, fabrication and optimizationof biosensor, the novel application of environmental monitoring for sulfate-reducingbacteria (SRB) detection. In the present dissertation, we fabricated several new sensorplatform for the immobilization of biochemical molecules. A series of new analysistechniques with and without nanoparticle labels were also developed for studying theresponse amplification, which provides as a novel pathway for bacteria detection. Themain content of the thesis are as follows:1. An original method for biocorrosion mechansim was reported. Wesystemically studied the dissolved oxygen for effect on biocorrosion mechanism.Oxygen dissolved in the culture solutions induced slow growth and fast decay of SRBand inhibited the biocorrosion. The biofilms that formed under aerobic conditionsexhibit a homogeneous and loose structure because the proliferation and metabolicactivities of SRB under aerobic conditions were inhibited, resulting in the change inthe thickness and density of biofilm.2. A new approach for the fabrication of sensor platform was reported. Fourkinds of sensor platforms based on self-assembled monolayer, bioinspired film,electropolymerization technique and three dimensional foam Ni were designed forstudying the correlation between impedimetric immunosensor response and microbialpopulations. The well correlation between sensor response and microbial populationswas established.3. A novel technique for bacteria detection with nanoparticle labels was alsoreported. We discovered the peroxidase-like property of Manganese oxide nanowireand the self catalytic property of graphene oxide nanosheets, which were used forsignal amplification in biosensor. We also studied the response enhancement ofmagnetic nanoparticles in quartz crystal microbalance and lead sulfide inpotentiometric stripping voltammetry for monitoring microbial population, whichdemonstrated that the present method can be used for high sensitivity detection ofSRB.

  • 【分类号】TG172.7;O657.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】641
  • 攻读期成果

