

The Implications of Petersburg Modern Myths in Russian Literature of19th Century

【作者】 杜国英

【导师】 金亚娜;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 俄语语言文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 现代神话是观察世界的一种独特方式以及用这种手法表现出来的对世界和人类永恒规律的认识。文学中的现代神话承袭和发展了浪漫主义新神话。西方和俄罗斯的各种现代神话理论使我们确证了现代神话在产生语境、哲学基础和表现手法等方面与古代神话的区别和密切联系。现代神话在观念上是一种对古代神话的现代化阐释,在创作方法上是运用现代主义的手法,虽然在思维方法上借用古代神话的模式,但这些新神话往往与传统神话的内容已经相距甚远。作者通过神话模拟,实际上是通过神话化的方法来阐明现代文明的种种问题,展现经验世界和历史变革的洪流中那些经久不变的永恒因素。19世纪俄罗斯文学中的神话创作既包括浪漫主义的新神话,又含有许多20世纪的现代神话元素。本文试图以普希金、果戈理、陀思妥耶夫斯基和托尔斯泰等作家关于彼得堡的作品为分析重点,紧紧围绕文本内容,建构包括神话元素、象征、双重世界、神话模拟、源文本和原型批评方法在内的概念体系,运用神话理论、现代神话理论和神话-原型批评方法对19世纪俄罗斯文学中彼得堡的现代神话意蕴进行深入解读,揭示现代神话的主要精神及有代表性的象征的永恒意义,阐发现代神话所要传达出来的社会现实意义,阐释现代神话反映出来的俄罗斯社会和文化的各种矛盾和冲突的对立及统一。

【Abstract】 Modern mythology is a unique way to observe the world and it is also therecognition of the lasting human law with the assistance of the method. The modernmythology in literature inherits and develops the new mythology of romanticism. Thetheories of modern mythology in the west and Russia confirm the difference andrelationship between modern mythology and ancient one in context, phylosophy and waysof expression. Modern mythology is the modern interpretation of ancient mythology andmodernism is used in its writing method. Although the model of ancient mythology isborrowed in the way of thinking, there is a great gap in content between the newmythology and the traditional mythology. With the method of mythology imitation andthe worship of divinity in it, writers clarify the problems in modern civilization and unfoldthose never-changing elements in the world of experience and historical transformation.Works of mythology in Russian literature of the19thcentury include both the newmythology of romanticism and many elements of modern mythology in the20thcentury.This paper focuses on the analysis of literary works about Petersburg written by Pushkin,Gogol, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, and constructs the concept system which includes elementsof mythology, symbol, double world, mythology imitation, source text and archetypalcriticism. It also analyzes the implications of modern mythology about Petersburg inRussian literature of the19thcentury by using theories of mythology and modern mythologyand archetypal criticism. Besides, the paper reveals the spirit of modern mythology and theimplication of typical symbol, explains the social and realistic significance conveyed bymodern mythology and interprets the opposition and unification of various contradictionsand conflicts in Russian culture and society reflected in modern mythology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

