

Legal Regulation for Delivery of Goods Without Bill of Lading

【作者】 塔利莉

【导师】 董惠江;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 民商法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 《鹿特丹规则》设计了一套合法实施无单放货的解决方案。比较各国及国际公约的相关规定,这套规则是最具针对性的,较系统,较完备的,具有很强的借鉴意义。但是,鹿特丹式无单放货法律规制颠覆了凭单放货这一基本原则。这不符合国际立法趋势。对此,本文持批判继承的态度。经济利益的驱动是无单放货现象产生且屡禁不止的根本原因。无单放货是把双刃剑,法律规制无单放货不应格杀勿论,搞一刀切,仍应坚持凭单放货基本原则地位,对于既能提高交易效率又能保障交易安全的无单放货行为应予以肯定。无单放货的法律规制必须确保效率与安全的有效协调,这是构建无单放货法律规制的指导思想。我国无单放货法律规制应采取并存模式。在该模式下,本文分别提出了在传统纸质单证下及电子提单机制下修改我国《海商法》及无单放货司法解释的具体建议。立法框架方面,本文参考了《鹿特丹规则》确立的“运输单证”与“电子运输记录”并存的二元体系。具体制度设置方面,本文借鉴了《鹿特丹规则》、英国法及《国际海事委员会电子提单规则》的相关规定。

【Abstract】 “Rotterdam Rules” designed a set of solutions to solve the implementation ofdelivery goods without B/L. Comparing with relevant provisions in different countriesand international covenants, this set rules is the most targeted, systematic, complete. Ithas a strong reference value. However, legal regulation for goods delivery without B/Lin "Rotterdam Rules" subverted the basic principle of goods delivery with B/L. Thisdoes not conform to international legislative trends. In this regard, this thesis holds theattitude of critical inheritance.Driver of economic interests is the fundamental reason of phenomenon occurring ofdelivery goods without B/L. Legal regulation for goods delivery without B/L should notshoot to kill or engage across the board. It should still adhere to the basic principle ofthe status of delivery goods with B/L. Behaviors of goods delivery without B/L shouldbe affirmed that not only improve the efficiency but also ensure the security oftransaction. Legal regulation for goods delivery without B/L must ensure the effectivecoordination of efficiency and safety, which is the guiding ideology to build the legalregulation for goods delivery without B/L.In China, legal regulation for goods delivery without B/L should adopt coexistentmode. In this mode, this thesis put forward specific recommendations to modify theChina “Maritime Law” and judicial interpretation of goods delivery without B/L withrespect to the mechanism of traditional paper documents and electronic bills. Inlegislative framework, this thesis learns from the coexistence binary system betweentransport documents and electronic transport record that established in “RotterdamRules”. In settings of specific system, this thesis draws on the relevant provisions of“Rotterdam Rules”, English law and “Committee Maritime International Rules forElectronic Bills of Landing”.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D996.19;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】616
  • 攻读期成果

