

【作者】 薛峰

【导师】 赵农;

【作者基本信息】 西安美术学院 , 美术学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 城市的设计文化是近年来设计界一直关注和探讨的话题,之所以能够引起如此的关注,关键在于随着中国城镇化水平的提高,未来大多数人的家园都会定位在城市之中。而城市中的规划设计、建筑设计、交通设计、装饰设计、文化产业,审美趣味、等多方面的设计文化要素都会对城市中的每一个人产生直接的影响和作用。同时由于现在城际高速铁路的建设,城市与城市,区域与区域之间的设计文化也存在着交流和借鉴的可能。高速铁路带来的不仅仅是空间距离和时间长度的缩短,也会深刻的影响到各个城市之间设计文化的发展和交流,因此针对城市之间的设计文化的比较研究就极为必要,本文正是通过选取两个具有代表性的城市—西安与郑州进行了城市设计文化多方面的比较,力图从中找到中国未来城市发展的正确方向与合理道路。本文共分为十个部分:第一部分为绪论,针对西安与郑州之间进行设计文化比较的动因提出缘由。第一章论述城市设计文化的理论体系,从城市、设计、文化三点入手,进行理论体系的建构。第二章将西安和郑州两座城市的综合环境和历史上设计文化的沿革做一详尽分析。第三章针对西安与郑州城区建筑的设计风格和样式做一比较和评价。第四章针对西安与郑州的城市设计规划思想的脉络做一梳理和比较,对双城的色彩系统的建立做一比较,对双城的老城区改造和新城区建设的得与失提出自身的看法和见解。第五章对西安和郑州城市之中图像和文字的存在做出理性分析。第六章将双城的设计文化生产的样本—文化创意产业的发展进行了剖析。第七章面对双城设计文化消费的趋向,以城市居民的趣味取向为例进行论证。第八章从城市美学的角度对西安世园会和郑州绿博会中所展现的城市美学的不同选择进行辨析。第九章通过双城之间设计文化的比较研究,为未来生态文化宜居之城规划蓝图和设想。

【Abstract】 The urban design culture has been concerned and discussed to the designcommunity in recent years. The reason why it is to attract such concern is the mostpeople will set their homes in the city in the future, with china’s urbanization levelincreased. And the urban design cultural factors such as urban planning, architecturedesign, traffic design, cultural industries, and aesthetic tastes will impact everyone inthe city directly. At the same time, with now intercity high-speed railway construction,there is the possibility of exchanges and learn from in the design culture of the city tocity, from region to region. The high-speed railways not only shorten the space andtime, but also impact the development and exchanges of design culture in differentcities firmly. Therefore against the design of the cultural city of research is extremelynecessary. This article makes many comparisons in the urban design culture betweenXi’an and Zhengzhou which are most representative, and try to find the correctorientation and reasonable road of China’s future urban development.This article is divided into ten chapters:The first is the introduction part, comparing the motives put forward the reasonfor the design culture between the twin cities of Xi’an and Zhengzhou.The chapter one discusses the theory of urban design culture system, startingfrom three points the city, design, culture, to build theoretical system.The chapter two will analysis of Evolution of design culture from theenvironment and the history of he two cities of Xi’an and Zhengzhou.The chapter three will make a comparison and evaluation for the building’sdesign style of the city of Xi’an and Zhengzhou.The chapter four is a comb for the context of urban design and planning of Xi’anand Zhengzhou thinking and comparison. A comparison of the establishment of thetwo cities’ color system, and make a opinion to the gain and loss of the reform of theold city and the new city building.The chapter five will make a rational analysis on the presence of images andwords into the city of Xi’an and Zhengzhou.The chapter six analysis the cultural and creative industries development whichis sample of the design of cultural production of the two cities.The chapter seven, facing the two cities’ design of cultural consumption trends,to demonstrate interesting orientation as an example of urban residents. The chapter eight to discriminate the different choices of the urban aestheticsfrom the perspective of urban aesthetics of the World Park in Xi’an and ZhengzhouGreen Expo.The chapter nine by comparing the design culture between two cities, to buildthe blueprint for the future ecological and cultural livable city and ideas.

【关键词】 西安郑州城市设计文化
【Key words】 Xi’anZhengzhouUrban Design and Cultural
  • 【分类号】TU984
  • 【下载频次】404

