

Inventory Control and Decision of Remanufacture Closed-Loop Supply Chain

【作者】 王晓锋

【导师】 杨保安;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 环境的恶化、法律的强制和利益的驱动共同促进了闭环供应链的诞生。随着废旧电器电子产品的大量产生,其中含有的有害物质对生态环境的影响越来越大,实施废旧电器电子产品的再制造闭环供应链运作不仅是解决环境污染、促进资源重复利用和经济可持续发展的有效方式,同时也是提高企业经济效益的重要途径。再制造闭环供应链的双源供应、多级库存控制问题尤为突出,因而基于再制造的闭环供应链库存问题研究已成为国内外研究闭环供应链的关键问题,引起学术界和企业界的高度关注。从闭环供应链的视角研究电器电子产品的再制造库存,需要关注以下问题:第一,回收网络选址决策与回收商库存控制问题。考虑便民性,回收点应接近于居民区,但是过密的回收点设置会导致设施建设成本过高,而回收点选址较远会影响居民的投递积极性,进而影响回收量和回收商库存。第二,制造商双源库存供应问题。由于同时存在可再制造的旧零部件供应和新零部件的采购供应,因而不同于正向供应链的库存管理,原有正向供应链由上游供应商向制造商的单源供应变成了包括供应商和回收商供应的双源供应,因而需要同时考虑废旧电器电子产品零部件的再处理策略和新零部件的订购策略,进而合理控制制造商的零部件库存。第三,再制造闭环供应链的多级库存控制问题。再制造闭环供应链的多级库存不仅有正向流动的产品的多级库存还有回流产品的多级库存,因而比正向供应链的多级库存控制更加复杂,对供应链中企业的信息共享要求更高,如何建立信息共享平台,为再制造闭环供应链多级库存各节点的订货点管理提供信息处理的基础,以及如何利用上下游企业的共享信息,建模分析闭环供应链的多级库存,从而有效解决多级库存难以控制的问题是再制造闭环供应链的重点也是研究的难点。针对以上问题,本文采用供应链理论方法、网络选址与优化方法、库存控制理论方法、实证研究与计算机仿真相结合的研究方法,建立了回收网络选址与回收商库存联合决策模型、制造商零部件双源库存控制模型、再制造闭环供应链多级库存仿真模型,提出了再制造闭环供应链决策支持系统实施方案,形成了再制造闭环供应链库存管理的完整理论体系,为企业制定再制造闭环供应链的库存战略提供支撑,所得到的重要结论对提高再制造闭环供应链的整体竞争力具有较强的实践指导意义。论文的研究内容及主要研究结论如下:一、通过对闭环供应链理论、再制造工程理论、库存控制理论的文献综述,结合废旧电器电子产品回收管理的现状,分析废旧电器电子产品回收中存在的问题,提出建立电器电子产品的再制造闭环供应链,明确企业实施再制造闭环供应链应具备的条件及对实施再制造产品的设计要求。进一步对再制造闭环供应链中的库存问题进行分析,明确库存研究的核心问题为回收商库存、制造商零部件双源库存和再制造闭环供应链的多级库存。二、根据上海市废旧电器电子产品总量预测数据及分布特点,提出在上海建立废旧电器电子产品回收的闭环供应链四层逆向物流网络,包括若干废旧电器电子产品产生点(居民区),初始回收站、集中回收中心和再制造工厂。通过分析回收网络选址成为回收商库存控制的要因,建立了回收网络选址与回收商库存联合决策模型,综合考虑了最小化回收网络运作成本和对公众产生的负效用。以上海市徐汇区作为实例对模型进行求解,并对回收站到居民区的最大距离对回收率的影响、对回收网络节点选址的影响以及对回收网络运作成本的影响,并找到了理想的最大距离。随着废旧电器电子产品的逐年递增,进一步分析了长期发展下的该回收网络的稳定性及适应性。三、制造商对可再制造零部件的合理利用是再制造闭环供应链有效运作的核心,但是可再制造零部件的供应使制造商面临零部件的双源供应问题,废旧电器电子产品产生的不确定性更增加了制造商零部件库存控制的难度。如何合理选择供应源、有效控制零部件库存是本文研究的重点之一。通过分析逆向物流产生的零部件供应源对制造商零部件库存控制的影响,建立双源供应的零部件库存控制模型。同时分析随着市民回收意识的增强,回收率不断提高对零部件订购策略和废旧电器电子产品的再处理策略的影响作用,有助于为制造商合理制定库存控制策略提供决策支持。四、再制造闭环供应链中,可再制造的产品主要是零部件,且由于其质量可以达到新零部件的质量,从而对企业的市场需求和生产需求没有直接影响,因此,重点考虑逆向物流中回流的废旧电器电子产品对制造商零部件库存及其上游的影响。建立逆向物流信息共享情况下的多级库存仿真模型,通过仿真发现不仅制造商的成本随着回收强度的加大而降低,供应商也可以通过多级库存管理合理控制库存,从而在信息共享状态下通过再制造闭环供应链中上下游企业的合作,最终使整条供应链的库存都得到有效控制。五、从库存控制的角度,如何建立信息共享的闭环供应链系统是保障再制造闭环供应链良性运作的前提,同时促进供应链企业成员间库存的合理流动,对企业的可持续发展战略具有重大意义。本文通过分析再制造闭环供应链各参与主体的信息管理现状和信息需求,提出基于SOA的闭环供应链决策支持系统体系结构。进一步对系统功能结构、采用应用租赁的运营方式、多租户数据访问控制机制等进行详细阐述。本文的创新性体现在以下三个方面:一、构建了回收网络选址与回收商库存联合决策模型。虽然目前已经有较多学者研究废旧电器电子产品回收网络问题,但同时考虑回收商库存、对环境的影响、适合再制造等因素的研究甚少。本文建立了回收网络选址与回收商联合库存决策模型,模型中综合考虑了正向供应链节点和逆向供应链节点的综合应用、回收网络选址与回收商库存的联合决策、对环境的影响最小等因素,并以上海市的一个实例计算优化的选址和库存决策方案。同时分析了回收距离对回收率的影响作用,并对回收率进行敏感性分析。这是对回收商选址决策与库存控制方法研究的新探索,也为企业实施基于再制造的回收管理提供了理论指导。二、建立了制造商零部件双源库存控制模型。已有文献关于闭环供应链的双源库存研究较多考虑的是制造/再制造的生产决策及其成品库存控制策略,而针对零部件的订购和旧零部件的修复策略的协调研究的文献还不多见。本文建立了制造商零部件双源库存控制模型,分析随着市民回收意识的增强,回收率不断提高对制造商零部件订购策略和废旧电器电子产品的再处理策略的影响作用,为制造商合理选择零部件供应渠道,合理进行新零部件的采购与废旧电器电子产品的处置安排提供了新的解决思路,提高了制造商库存控制策略分析方法对企业实际运作的指导作用。三、建立了再制造闭环供应链多级库存仿真模型。针对由于逆向产品的回流引起的不确定性等问题的影响,闭环供应链多级库存管理问题非常复杂,很难用数学规划方法完全解决,需要借助供应链仿真工具来完成。本文通过建立信息共享的多级库存仿真模型,研究废旧电器电子产品回收对回收中心废旧电器电子产品库存、制造商废旧零部件库存、制造商零部件库存和供应商库存的影响,得出再制造闭环供应链中上下游企业的信息共享将会提高整条供应链竞争力的结论,为闭环供应链多级库存难以管理的难题提出了新的解决方案。

【Abstract】 Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC) was facilitated to come into being by the circumstance deterioration, law force and benefits driving. With the increase of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipments(WEEE), the environment is being damaged worse and worse by all these wastes, to implement the WEEE remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain operation is not only the effective way to solve environment pollution issue, but also the important approach to improve enterprises’economic benefit. The core is remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain double source supply and multi-echelon inventory control, so the research based on the remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain inventory is becoming the critical one for the international and domestic experts, and arouse the higher attention from academe and enterprise.To study WEEE remanufacturing inventory from the angle of view of the closed-loop supply chain, the below issues need be focused on:Firstly, the return network location and inventory decision-making issue of collectors. Considering the convenience, the Collection Spots should be close to resident living area, but the too many spots will result in the higher investment cost, on the contrary, if the number of spots is smaller, some sites will be far from living area, then impact the collectors’ inventory. Secondly, manufacturer’s double source inventory issue. Because both the recyclable old spare parts and new spare parts are available, it will be different from the forward supply chain inventory, the original single source supply will become the double source supply including normal suppliers and collector suppliers. Thirdly, the multi-echelon inventory management issue of remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain. The multi-echelon inventory of remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain covers 2 parts, it’s forward flow multi-echelon inventory and reverse flow multi-echelon inventory, so this kind of inventory will be more complex than the forward supply chain’s inventory, and require more for information sharing between every enterprise in whole supply chain. How to establish the information sharing platform, and how to take advantage of the shared information between up-stream enterprises and down-stream enterprises, then Modeling and analysing closed-loop supply chain multi-echelon inventory to solve effectively the issue of multilevel inventory, all these will be the key points and difficult points for remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain study.To focus on the above issues, by taking the supply chain theory method, network location and optimization method, inventory management method and demonstration study combined with computer simulation research method, the models are established including callback network location and collector inventory joint decision-making model, manufacturer spare parts double source inventory control model and remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain multi-echelon inventory simulation model. Remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain inventory management comprehensive theory system is formed and provide the support for enterprises to set up remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain inventory strategy, the related conclusion have the instructive and valuable use to improve the overall competition of remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain.The main work and conclusion are as below:1. To suggest establishing WEEE remanufacturing supply chain by summarizing closed-loop supply chain theory, remanufacturing engineering theory and inventory control theory, combining the issues during WEEE callback process. The required condition if the enterprise apply remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain is clarified. Further the core issue of inventory study foucs on collectors’inventory, manufacturers’spare parts double source inventory and remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain multi-echelon inventory.2. To suggest establishing WEEE callback closed-loop supply chain 4 level reverse logistics network in Shanghai based on WEEE total volume estimation and coverage status, including certain WEEE Source spots (Resident Living Area), the primary collection stations, the centralized collection centers and remanufacturing factories. The model of callback network location and collectors inventory joint decision-making is established by analyzing the main reason which is callback network location will impact the collectors inventory management. The model minimize callback network operation cost and negative impact to the public, and have the analysis of the maximum distance between collection station and residents living area impact to collection ratio, also have the analysis of collection ratio sensitivity.3. The core of remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain is that the manufacturer takes effectively advantage of the recyclable spare parts, but the manufacturer must face the spare parts double source, the uncertainty of WEEE and recyclable spare parts availability increase the difficulty of spare part inventory control. How to choose the supply source and effectively control spare parts inventory will be the one of the important item for this paper. To analyze generated spare parts in reverse logistics impacting to manufacturers’spare parts inventory, then establish double source spare parts inventory control model. At the same time, to analyze the impact of increasing collection ratio to spare parts ordering strategy and WEEE rehandling strategy with the enhancing of resident environment protection sense.4. In remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain, the reused spare parts’s quality can match the level of new spare parts, so no direct impact to market requirement and production requirement.This paper is focusing on the impact of reverse logistics WEEE to manufacturers’inventory and its upstream. To establish multil-echelon inventory simulation model based on reverse logistics information sharing, the conclusion is that the operation cost of the manufacturer will drop down with callback effort increase, the suppliers can manage their multi-echelon inventory well. By information sharing and comprehensive cooperation between upstream enterprises and downstream enterprises, make the whole supply chain’s inventory under the effective control.5. From the angle of view of inventory control, how to establish information sharing closed-loop supply chain system is the premise to ensure the effective operation of remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain, meanwhile, to push the reasonable inventory flow between supply chain enterprises make great sense to enterprises’sustainable development. The Decision Support System (DSS) based on Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) is proposed by analyzing the information management status and information requirement of every involved main body into remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain. Further to demonstrate the rental operation approach and multi-tenant data control mechanism.The creation of this paper is shown as below:1. The joint decision-making model for callback network location and collectors inventory is established. In this model, the synthesized application of forward supply chain nodes and reverse supply chain nodes is considered, also a real sample in Shanghai is taken to calculate and optimize the location selection and inventory decision-making, at the same time, analyze the collection distance impact to collection ratio, and analyze the collection ratio sensitivity as well. This is the new explore to collectors’inventory control and decision-making method research, also provide the theory instruction to the enterprises to implement callback management based on remanufacturing.2. The manufacturer spare parts double source inventory control model is established To analyze the continuously improved collection ratio impact to manufacturers’ spare parts ordering and WEEE re-handling strategy with the residents environment protection sense, to choose the reasonable spare part supply channel for manufacturers, to provide the new solution of managing new spare part inventory and dealing with WEEE, to improve the influence of manufacturers’ inventory control strategy analysis method to enterprises practice operation.3. Remanufacturing closed-loop supply chain multi-echelon inventory simulation model is established. To study WEEE callback impact to manufacturers’ WEEE inventory, spare parts inventory and suppliers’ inventory by establishing information sharing multilevel inventory simulation module, work out the conclusion, that is, the information sharing platform can help whole supply chain to improve competiveness, to provide the new solution of manage closed-loop supply chain multilevel inventory.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

