

【作者】 安永欣

【导师】 薛永年;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在晚明繁荣的版画出版中,画谱作为一个特殊门类大量涌现。本文以晚明刊刻的画谱为研究范围,根据画谱的题材形式和社会功能,大致分为三类,即职业画家的单科画谱,文人出版家的画谱,以及坊刻的综合性画谱及诗画谱。论文的第一部分为导言,包括选题缘起、研究范围限定、成果述评,以及本论文的章节设定与拟解决的问题。第一章首先通过列表的方式,著录晚明画谱的基本信息,概括整体特点;按照画谱出版的环节,论述与之相关的社会文化背景,考察画谱兴盛的社会因素;通过追溯之前单科画谱的发展,分析画谱的历史传统及传播功能。第二章以晚明单科画谱的个案研究为主,考订刊刻者的社会身份,以及诸画谱的具体内容及图文关系;结合当时的艺术赞助,分析以职业画家为主的画谱的社会功能。第三章以周履靖及其《画薮》中的综合性画谱为研究重点,结合晚明的士人文化及出版文化,探讨中下层文人画家的画谱功能,兼及晚明文人阶层中绘画知识的流行。第四章在晚明最后四十年所刊画谱的语境中,重点考察两种坊刻画谱:杨尔曾的《图绘宗彝》和黄凤池集雅斋的《唐诗画谱》系列,联系晚明的版画风格史以及赏玩文化,分析坊刻画谱适应读者趣味的商业特性;在对诗书画谱的分析中,重点论述了该类画谱的发展、图文关系及图像的粉本功能,分析画谱图像模件化生产的特性。在文章的最后,综合以上在各类画谱研究中的丰富发现,对晚明画谱的多重性格做一概括,并对本文的工作做一总结及评价。

【Abstract】 The Hua-pu as a special category emerged in large numbers in the late Ming dynasty when prints were prosperous published. The Hua-pu which was published in the late Ming dynasty as the scope of this article were focused. In accordance with the form of theme and the social function, those Hua-pu were divided into three categories, billing division Hua-pu of professional painters, Hua-pu of literati publisher and square engraved comprehensive Hua-pu and poetry Hua-pu. The first part of the article was the introduction which included the topics origin, the limited scope of the study, the review of achievements, as well as the chapters set and the problem to be solved in the paper. The first chapter recorded the basic information of the Hua-pu in late Ming dynasty, summarize the overall characteristics by the way of list; In accordance with the Hua-pu publishing process, this chapter discussed the associated social and cultural backgrounds and inspected the Hua-pu thriving social factors; it also analysed the historical tradition and the spread function of Hua-pu by tracing the development of the previous billing division Hua-pu. In the second chapter, it researched the social identity of the carver, the specific content and the relationship between the illustrations and text of all the Hua-pu, combined with the sponsor of the arts at that time, analyzed the social function of Hua-pu which mostly based on professional painter by mainly studying the case of the billing division Hua-pu in the late Ming dynasty. In the third chapter, it focused on Zhou Lv-jing and his comprehensive Hua-pu in the Hua-so, discussed the Hua-pu function of the literati painters of the middle and lower class and the prevalence of painting knowledge in the late Ming dynasty literati, which combined with the late Ming dynasty literati culture and publishing culture. The fourth chapter emphasis on the two Square depicts the spectrum:“图绘宗彝”which was drawn by Yang er zeng and“集雅斋画谱”series which was drawn by Huang feng-chi, contacted the prints publishing history and culture of admiration in the late Ming dynasty, analyzed the commercial character of the square engraved Hua-pu which adapted to the reader interesting. It focused on the development and the relationship between the illustrations and text of those Hua-pu, as well as the粉本function of the image; it also analyze the characteristics of the Hua-pu module production by analyzing the poetry and literature Hua-pu.At the end of the article, synthesized the rich discoveries in various Hua-pu study, it summed up the multiple personalities of the late Ming dynasty Hua-pu; it also summarized and evaluated the work of this paper.

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】947

