

A Study of Color Printing and Book Design of Victorian Britain(1837-1890)

【作者】 高鹏

【导师】 王敏;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 对于全球各地图书设计的历史而言,19世纪是一个承载着巨大转折意义的时代。在此期间,图书设计逐渐形成繁盛体系。与此同时,彩色印刷也得以出现并渐趋成熟。19世纪30年代至90年代的英国维多利亚时代是其彩色印刷、书籍装帧、插图设计以及图书业无限繁荣的时期。在这段时间内,人们从彩色石版印刷术(chromolithography)到锌版套色印刷术,从乔治·巴克斯特(George Baxter)及其同代人在工艺上的锐意革新,再到1880年前后图像制版(photo-menchanical)方式的出现,英国设计领域最终形成了传统书籍装帧设计的雏形样式及其基本工艺技术。本论文的主要研究对象是维多利亚时代1837年至1890其间53年的英国彩色印刷工艺与图书设计。此时,大工业生产与传统手工艺书籍制作之间历经着前所未有的较量。本文最主要目的是以尽量详实的史料梳理以呈现英国维多利亚时期彩色印刷技术从出现到最终大规模使用的发展过程;同时,结合当时英国所处的经济社会状况,消费者对彩色印刷及图书装帧书籍的需求,探索该时期印刷公司与出版公司对彩色印刷方法的革新与工艺推广;并在此基础上,总结这一时期彩色印刷与图书设计方面的重要人物及其代表作品分析。在维多利亚时期之后,现代图书设计由于逐渐走向机器,特别是在依赖于数码技术的当下,诸多手工制作工艺已经离人们渐行渐远。本论文凸显出对维多利亚时代英国图书设计及彩色印刷“工艺”的关注,意在通过对大量外文资料的研究对该时代书籍装帧的相关设计师、工艺师、设计与工艺理念进行历史性还原,以弥补国内研究者大多研究当时设计理论的缺憾,填补国内对该时期图书设计与印刷工艺研究的欠缺;其次,论文以时间线索对该时期彩色印刷及图书设计研究,梳理不同时期经济发展与对技术及印刷工艺的探索,到图书设计风格的形成,构建起维多利亚时期书籍装帧设计的繁荣景象,其发展脉络自身成为中国当今图书设计发展的借鉴实例,值得引起国内设计史研究学者的关注。希望本文能对该时期图书设计,尤其是彩色印刷的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用。

【Abstract】 The19th century is a great turning point in the world book design history, when book design was on a rise and formed a system. At that time, color printing appeared and gradually grew mature. Victorian Britain, from1930s to1990s, witnessed the flourishing development in color printing, book design, illustrating, and book industry. This period was glorified by chromolithography, zincograph chromatic printing, the technical innovations of George Baxter and his contemporaries, and photo-mechanical production developed around1880, which formed the traditional rudiment forms and the basic technologies of book design.This thesis focuses on color printing and book design in Victorian Britain from1837to1890, when an unprecedented competition arose between large-scale industrial production and traditional craftsmanship in book making. The main purpose of this thesis is to present, with detailed historical materials, the development of color printing in the Victorian Era, from its first appearance to a large-scale application; to explore innovations in color printing by printing companies and publishing companies at that time, and what they did to promote the printing technology, in the light of the social and economical conditions and customers’demand for color printing and book design then; and to summarize and analyze the important figures involved in color printing and book design industry and their works during this Era.After the Victorian Era book design began to rely on machines more and more, especially nowadays, when digital technology has become the mainstream. As a result, many craftsmanship and techniques are fading out. With a reference to a large number of foreign language materials, this thesis first highlights book design and color printing technology in Victorian Britain, and displays the design concepts, as well as the book designers and craftsmen of that time, to enrich the current study in China on book design practice, theory and printing of the Victorian Era. Secondly, with research on color printing and book design in the Victorian Era, and the printing technologies against different economic backgrounds, this diachronically study itself demonstrates an invaluable experience for Chinese book design, worthy of the attention from domestic design history scholars. The Author hopes this thesis could draw further studies on book design and color printing of the Victorian Era.

  • 【分类号】J53
  • 【下载频次】829

