

The Struggle for Realized at Bauhaus’ Ideal

【作者】 姚民义

【导师】 许平;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 包豪斯创立了一种同新的时代条件与历史需求相符的现代设计教育思想,前卫艺术家、包豪斯最年轻的教学骨干莫霍利-纳吉坚定执行包豪斯开创者格罗皮乌斯所确立的教育理念,对包豪斯教育体系的巩固起到了关键作用。本文较为全面地梳理了纳吉的职业生涯过程,并对其在各个时期与阶段的艺术实践和教育理论展开了初步分析。文章首先对纳吉的职业生涯与成就作出客观的叙述和总结,从整体上建立对纳吉的理论与实践的全面认识;而后,从第二章开始,在历史语境下对纳吉从事艺术活动历程加以评述。纳吉的教育理念最早来源于他的艺术实践,通过对抽象绘画、摄影、雕塑、印刷版式、光与综合媒介的开拓实验,产生了大批有代表性的作品,这些作品从不同侧面折射出纳吉试图运用艺术手段改造社会的激进思想:纳吉所有思想的一个基础是理性,在包豪斯教学中,他倡导了理性主义教学方法,提倡培养学生“建设性的思维”和客观理性的设计原则,这种立场和方法在学生中产生了明显的影响,部分学生的课堂作业被企业采纳后进入批量化生产,包豪斯的理性主义设计风格开始形成;纳吉在美国芝加哥创建“新包豪斯”是对包豪斯思想的发扬光大,他实行“艺术与科学技术的结合”的教学思想和活动,并在艺术上探讨设计与社会的联合机制;在艺术教育界,纳吉首先强调了“通识教育”的概念,并进一步号召对人们素质的全面培养;纳吉在美国与商业主义设计发生激烈冲突,他坚持现代主义的设计原则,注重对学生进行社会责任感的培养,抵制为商业而设计,倡导“为生活而设计”,纳吉力图定义设计为人文学科而非专业技巧,宣扬“设计是一种态度而非职业”;最后,在经过对纳吉的艺术实践和教育理念进行解读的基础上,本文认为纳吉是包豪斯体系的集成者,虽然他在教育思想上含有部分理想主义的愿望和乌托邦的信念,但这种超越性中却也包含着合理性,他的教育理念超越了狭义的艺术设计教育本身的范畴和内容,而是指向了社会责任的高度。纳吉的设计教育理念表明,设计教育既是设计思维与方法的培养过程,也是作为一个具有高度社会理想的设计师的人格塑造过程。纳吉在设计教育上的远见卓识对未来社会发展具有持久的参考价值,贯穿纳吉一生的集成与超越精神将对设计教育事业的发展产生深刻的启示与影响。

【Abstract】 School of Design Bauhaus who are created the new thoughts of modern design education, Moholy-Nagy is a main teacher of bauhaus who used important with form of bauhaus education system. This thesis centers on Moholy-Nagy’s life and career, so that can be found a whole understand about Moholy-Nagy’s theory and practice; Moholy-Nagy’s education idea mainly come from his art practice at first, he want through his work like abstract painting and photograph and sculptures to impact society; the basic thought of Moholy-Nagy is reason, at bauhaus teaching,he insisted about thinking of constructive and principle of design of objective reason in training students, so this attitude and method is influenced clearly in students, some student’s works in workshop had been chose for mass production by company, so that the bauhaus’s design style of reason begin forming; Moholy-Nagy constructed the new bauhaus is broaden out with bauhaus’s idea in Chicago, in pedagogy he insisted "unity of art with sciences and technology", and he advocated "General Education" in art education with intent to training "the whole man"; Moholy-Nagy happened conflict strongly with Americans business design thought, he insisted design principle of modernism, and educated his students concerned with responsibility at society, and advocated "design for life", and he tried to redefine design as a humanistic discipline rather than a vocational skill, so he thing that "designing is not a profession, but that it is an attitude which everyone should have."In the final essay, with research base on through Moholy-Nagy’s arts practice and education idea, I think that Moholy-Nagy is the biggest composite of bauhaus idea, even though he had many idealism and utopian’s dream, but this transcend can also included reason,his education idea was beyond the limit range of arts and design deucation itself,but pointed to the high level of social responsibility.Moholy-Nagy’s education idea of design which insisted that design education was not only training process of design thinking and method,but also character building of design with higher social ideal, his foresight and deep thoughts has more value constantly in design education for future society, and the spirit of transcend through Moholy-Nagy’s life and career which can useful and meaningful forever for development of design education culture.


