

The Study on Academy Outwardbound Course Pedagogy in China

【作者】 闫闯

【导师】 葛春林;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 从1995年起拓展训练在中国企业培训领域异军突起,其新颖的教学模式和教学内容得到了教育界的广泛关注。近年来,我国部分高校将拓展训练课程纳入到体育课程体系中来,力图通过拓展课程独特的教学模式去实现新时期体育课程的教学目标。本研究采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈调查及数理统计法对我国高等院校的拓展课程教学理论进行了探讨,并得出以下结论:(1)拓展训练课程是指在设定的情景或特定的环境条件下,以提高参与者的能力和素质为主要目的,以心理挑战为主要手段,以团队学习为组织形式,以游戏为主要活动形式和载体,积极促进参与者身心健康,进而使参与者不断丰富知识、熟练技能、完善人格的一门以体验式学习思想为主导的新型体育课程。(2)在制定拓展课程教学目标时应:1)根据拓展课程的功能制定目标。2)根据体育教学搭载文件制定教学目标。3)根据本校学生专业特点和知识结构制定教学目标。4)根据体育学科的特点制定教学目标。5)在陈述目标时要做到清晰、具体。(3)本研究将揭示拓展项目类属聚合及其基本规律的理论界定为拓展项群理论,据教学目标主导因素、场地器材主导因素以及风险程度主导因素将拓展项目分为三个项群。拓展课程教学内容的选择应从以下几个方面进行考虑:1)教学目标。2)场地器材等教学资源配置。3)学生的身心发展水平和专业特点。(4)拓展训练课程的理论基础及原理包括教育学、心理学、体育科学(学校体育、运动人体科学运动保健、体育游戏)、社会学、管理学(组织行为学)、户外运动、避险求生知识等不同学科不同领域的知识和内容。在拓展训练课程的教学过程中除了体现体验式学习的基本思想外,应突出其作为体育课程的基本特点,无论是在教学模式的选择、教学方法的运用以及教学原则的贯彻上都应以体育教学的基本特点为主。(5)狭义的拓展教学评价是以学生为评价对象,专指对学生在拓展课程学习过程中在知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度以及价值观等方面给予的判断或评价。以教学目标为导向的拓展课程的教学评价体系的一级指标分为:1)社会适应。2)情感态度。3)身体健康。4)知识认知。5)运动技能五个维度。并在拓展课程教学评价的实施过程中把握好以下3个环节:1)做好拓展课程教学评价前的准备工作;2)把握好评价的整个过程;3)科学的处理拓展课程教学评价结果。

【Abstract】 Outward Bound has begun to be popular in training course for Chinese enterprises since1995. The evident training effect was widely paid attention, owing to the original teaching mode and content which is good for psychological wellbeing and social adaptability. Outward Bound was integrated into china physical education curriculum system in a portion of China academies in recent years. The action was to strive for achieving new-era teaching target through unique teaching mode and positive effect.The paper applies literature review, case study, live observation, hierarchy analysis, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics in researching Outward Bound teaching theory in China academies. The result as follows:(1) Outward Bound is a new type of course, given priority to experienced learning idea, in certain scene or circumstance, which is aiming to upgrade the participant skills and capabilities, by means of al challenge, organized by team work, shaped in games, in order to be more physically and mentally healthy, knowledgeable, skillful and perfect personality.(2) The essential functions of Outward Bound course in China Academy include in health education, skill training, social adaptability.(3) Outward Bound course is based on psychology, management, academy physical education, sociology, outdoor movement and skill seeking for safe.The paper is to disclose the essential rule of clustering polymerization in outward bound, which is named by the theory of outward bound item clustering. The theory is divided into3categories,-oriented, field and equipment-oriented, and venture level-oriented. The contents of Outward Bound course should take teaching target, teaching resource collocation, body and mind development level and the major characteristic into consideration. (4) The core teaching mode of outward bound course is’experience style teaching mode’. The affiliated teaching mode includes1) knowledge mode,2)skill mode,3)problem-solving mode,4)motivation mode,5)attitude mode. The outward bound course should follow the principles as below:1)rational arrangement of physical activities,2)experience of fun from body movements,3) gradually promotion of sports skill,4) upgrade of sports awareness and persistence of sports culture,5)collectivity education through team work,6) Teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and7)safety education. The teaching methods usually used include1)Mainly on Information transfer through language,2) Mainly on directly apperceivation,3) Mainly on physical exercises,4) Mainly on competition, and5) Mainly on explorative activities.(5) Narrowly speaking, the object of teaching evaluation of Outward Bound course is college students, specially referring to judgments or evaluations on the students learning results. The first-grade index of evaluationsysteminclude,1) socialadaption,2) sensibilityattitude,3) hea lthy body,4)knowledge and cognition, and5)sports skill.

【关键词】 高等院校拓展训练教学
【Key words】 academyoutward boundpedagogy

