

Studies of China’s Rural Sports Development and Innovation under the View of Urban-Rural Overall Planning

【作者】 郑宇

【导师】 谢琼桓;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中国是一个拥有13亿人、且农村人口占大多数的发展中国家,农村问题历来受到党和政府的高度重视。农村体育作为中国群众体育事业的重要组成部分,同时也是广大农村地区精神文明建设的一项主要任务。2002年发布的《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进新时期体育工作的意见》明确指出:“注重区域体育.城乡体育共同发展,加大对农村体育事业发展的支持力度。进一步制定和完善中国农村体育事业发展的规划和政策,抓住社公主义新农村建设的历史机遇,加大扶持力度,推动农村体育场地设施建设,是当前农村体育等公共文化事业发展的需要。”农村体育即是中国体育事业的重要组成部分,也是当前群众体育发展的重点和难点。自改革开放以来,与高速发展的城市经济和享有现代文明的城市相比,广大农村地区不仅在经济发展上相对处于落后,而且在体育公共服务方而也被远远地抛到了后面。于是,建立与时代发展相适应的农村体育,就成为摆在体育工作者面前的一项重要任务。在对城乡关系红验的长期总结的基础上;党的十六大报告中第一次明确提出了“统筹城乡经济社会发展”这一具有创新意义的战略,“统筹城乡经济社会发展,建设现代农业,发展农村经济,增加农民收入,是全面建设小康社会的重大任务。”2007年国务院正式批准重庆、成都两地设立为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,设定了“全面推进各个领域的体制改革”的发展目标,并在党的十七届三中全会上提出了建立促进城乡经济社会发展一体化制度,强调推进社会主义新农村建设的重要环节就是加强农村基础社会、义务教育、卫生等公共产品的供给。本文以此为研究背景,力求用统筹城乡视角分析当前农村体育发展中的问题。通过对新时期农村体育发展内外部环境变化的探讨,特别是针对当前城乡体育发展巨大差异和农村地区社会变迁等现实情况,提出农村体育如何生存并发展于目前复杂、动态的不确定性环境之中的对策建议。全文共分五个部分,第一章前言,主要介绍了选题背景和选题依据。第二章文献综述,对国内外相关选题的研究进展情况进行丁分析。第三章是研究对象与方法,介绍了研究对象、研究方法和理论借鉴。第四章是分析与讨论,对农村体育的发展历程进行回顾,并针对不同时期的发展特点进行了分析和借鉴;对统筹城乡进程中农村体育的存在问题与核心任务进行剖析,并对相关概念做出阐述;提出农村体育的价值重建与发展的主要内容。第五章结论部分对本文进行了总结,并提出了未来展望。

【Abstract】 As a developing country with1.3billion people, China has her most population in the rural areas. Rural issues had always been paid great attention by the Chinese Comunist Party (CCP) and the central government. Rural Sports issue is one of the main contents of the rural cultural constructions as well as an important aspect of rural material and spiritual, civilization constructions."The views of the CCP Central Committee and State Council on Further Strengthening and Improving of the Sports in the New Era" released in2002pointed out clearly that the policy was to "focus on regional sports in both urban and rural area development, to increase support for the development of rural sports, to further develop and refine Chinese rural sports development planning and policy, to seize the historical opportunity of the new socialist countryside construction, and to promote rural sports facility constructions, therefore, to meet the needs of the new public cultural development in rural areas in China". As an important part of sports business in China, rural sports development is now a major focus with many tough issues. Since the reform and opening movement from the late1970’ s, comparing to the rapid development of urban economy and rapid modernization in the cities in China, the vast majority of China’ s rural areas had been far left behind both economically and cultually especially in the sports development. Thus, the establishment of a compatible rural sports structure has become an important task.Summing up years experience in urban-rural relations in China, the CCP for the first time clearly anounced "the overall planning of urban and rural economic and social development" as a new innovative strategy in the16th CCP National Congress report."Tounify urban and rural economic and social development, to build modern agriculture, to develop the rural economy, and to increase farmers’ income, are the major tasks of building a moderately prosperous society". The2007State Council officially approved Chengdu and Chongqing to set up the experimental zones as the examples of comprehensive urban and rural reform with the goals of "promoting the comprehensive structural reform in various fields." The Third Plenary Session of the CCP national meeting also emphasized the development of an integrated urban and rural economic and social system, in which, an important part of a new socialist countryside construction is to strengthen rural-based society, compulsory education,health, and other public infrastructures.Based on the social background as mentioned above, this study systemically analyzed the problems in the rural sports development through the years;and probed the impact of the internal and external environmental changes on the rural sports development in the new era. Therefore, we tried to come up with suggestions on how the rural sports business can survive and make furter development in today’s complex, dynamic, and ever changing environment, with respecting the reality of the huge difference between the current urban and rural sports development. The full text is divided into five chapters:Chapter One introduced the study background, research status, main ideas, and study methods; Chapter Two reviewed the courses of the rural sports development and the characteristics of different rural sports development periods; Chapter Three analyzed the core tasks and the difficulties in overall planning of the urban and rural sports development as well as related issues in the process; Chapter Four presented the value of reconstruction and development of the rural sports business, discussed the management systems of the rural sports development and corrsponding implementation processes, with the focus on balancing and coordinating the interests of related parties; Chapter Five made suggestions on promoting the rural sports business innovation under the vision of urban-rural overall planning strategy.


