

Torch Festival of the Yi

【作者】 孟纹波

【导师】 熊晓正;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本研究以文化变迁、族群认同等理论为核心,采用解释人类学的相关概念,在田野调查的基础上,对石林撒尼彝族火把节进行“深描”。在分析石林地区彝族撒尼火把节在历史时空中的变迁过程,揭示其独特的文化流变以及在这一过程中缺失、再生的原因和机制。研究结论如下:人类文化是适应环境的产物,节日文化是体现传统与变迁的最佳结合点,它积聚了民族文化的全部要素,节日成为族群文化因子中最核心的部分。火把节本身的特质使它具有随着社会文化变迁而不断更新的能力。石林撒尼火把节的节日文化变迁的历程可以分为三个阶段:传统时期原初的火把节;特殊时期“缄默”的火把节;新时期“复归”的火把节。节日的变迁基本呈现一种由娱神到娱人、由祭祀为主到功能综合、从传统仪式到现代节日的发展过程。发生变迁的原因有内外两大类:内部主要有族群内的观念变化导致社会解释和个体认识其文化的规范价值观的方式发生改变而导致的节日文化变迁;外部有环境变化和异文化的冲击。是否拥有共同的节日文化不能作为族群认同的必要条件。在研究中发现,撒尼的族群认同不会受到火把节等传统节日习俗不在场的影响。对于文化传统,不可能人为单纯的扬弃。传统在今天体现的生命力体现在它仍然可以满足人们的需要,也可称为传统的再创造。人群对传统的选择,表明这些部分在现时代具有其存在的价值和意义。族群的认同和对传统的再创造是相互交融的。通过族群的主观认同延续的传统,在这个过程中,实现传统的再创造。传统的再生和发展进一步加强了族群认同。异文化,尤其是旅游业对撒尼社区传统的影响是巨大的,主要表现为对以往传统生产生活结构的渗透,涵化。但就其实质而言,这种影响导致的变化暂时局限在撒尼传统的物质生活文化领域,而构成一个族群基本属性的精神核心,以及代表一个民族文化特征的民间文化等领域还远未被触及。旧的体系会逐渐消解,但文化本身的禀赋使她能够适应这种外来的冲击和变化,促成一种新的文化模式的生成。对石林火把节的两种形态——“原初文本”和“重构文本”进行文本解读,这两个文本在现实发展呈现出某种程度的“合二为一”,又保持着某种“和而不同”。这种现象可以用“文化二元结构”来描述。两个层面、两种结构的两种文化彼此共存、融合、发展,可以预见在未来较长的历史时期,这种国家与民间、旧传统与新发展共存的“二元”结构的火把节还将继续存在。

【Abstract】 By studying on the traditional folk festival Torch Festival of Shilin County, Yunnan Province, the study found that, ethnic minority folk culture does not disappear with development of political systems, social and cultural changes. Instead, a new folk festivals and cultural regeneration give to birth. In this study, it takes the Culture Change Theory as the core, using anthropological concepts to explain the Torch Festival on the basis of field surveys. By The analysis of historical time and space of the Torch Festival of Yi People, it reveals its unique culture, as well as the "mechanism " which disappears in the process and regenerates later.The conclusions are as follows:The tradition should not be simply abandoned. In the village communities which still takes subsistence farming as the main means of living, the tradition likes blood, is not easily cut. The tradition linked with people’s daily lives together, which is as natural as eating. The vitality that tradition embodied today, because it still needs to meet some people, this realization of the need to meet with the social and historical development of the ever-changing, also can be called a traditional re-creation.Use the thick description,After the fieldwork, the writer found that ethnic identity and the traditional re-creation are intertwined, in the traditional re-creation of the city to give new meaning to the traditional.The course of cultural change of the Torch Festival of Shilin Sani branch is influenced by social change and can be divided into three phases: during the original of the Torch Festival of traditional culture; special period "missing" the Torch Festival culture; the new era,"reversion" in Torch Festival culture.Outside culture, especially the traditional tourism has strong impact on Sani community, mainly shows the intervention of the structure of infiltration. In the farming-based civilization, the tourism industry, as the representative of the types of modern industry, added. But in its essence, most of the changes are limited in the traditional material culture in the Sani area, showing the traditional way of life and production methods change. However, the ethnic spirit of the fundamental attributes of the core, as well as on behalf of a national cultural characteristics of the areas of popular culture are rarely truly touched, but had not been subverted cut off. Of course, in this process, Part of the old traditional model of material culture will be eroded by the collapse or even disappear. However, culture is a dynamic composition, a factor which itself has changed, has its own laws of development and recycling. Is a historical inevitability of the rise, traditional in this process has also undergone a natural development and replacement, to achieve their own background in the new era of creative representation.Shilin Torch Festival of the morphology of the two kinds of text read-"original text" and the "reconstruction of the text." In reality, the development of these two texts has shown a certain degree of "combining", the traditional way in a new creation. Torch Festival achieved a resurrection.

【关键词】 彝族亚族群撒尼石林火把节
【Key words】 The YiSaniShilinTorch festival

