

Research on China’s Cross-border Employment Legislation

【作者】 李世军

【导师】 李明发; 李坤刚;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 经济法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化必然导致劳动力这种最重要的生产要素在国际间频繁流动。部分发达国家和地区经济快速发展而人口老龄化日益严重,导致劳动力结构性短缺,这也成为跨境就业的重要诱因。当代综合国力的竞争突出地表现为高科技人才的竞争,导致各国纷纷出台政策防止本国人才流失,并大力吸引他国高科技人才,而高科技人才的跨国流动本质上也属跨境就业。我国当前的法律或政策文件已不能完全适应跨境就业实践发展的需要,急需修改、补充、整合并提高立法层次。在此背景下,本文主要运用移植性研究与适合性研究相结合、实证性研究与假设性(规范性)研究相结合、分析与综合相结合以及问卷和访谈调查相结合等方法,在明确界定跨境就业法概念后,首先对跨境就业法律制度进行国际考察从而获得完善我国相应法律制度的有益启示,其次分别对我国出境就业和入境就业立法现状进行梳理并指出不足,在此基础上探讨制定《跨境就业法》的必要性与可能性,最后对我国《跨境就业法》建议稿纲要进行了论证。关于跨境就业立法的相关概念与原理。与跨境就业相关的概念有移民、国际劳工移民、对外劳务输出、国际劳务合作、对外劳务合作、外派劳务、境外就业、跨境工作、自然人流动等,必须对此进行辨析,以准确界定跨境就业的内涵和外延,并以此为基础阐明跨境就业法和跨境就业立法的含义。跨境就业的相关经济学原理主要包括劳动力商品理论、国际分工理论、比较优势理论、人力资源理论、人口迁移推拉理论、劳动力市场双重部门理论等。跨境就业立法是指规范跨境就业的管理部门、政策支持、中介机构管理、就业者培训、就业合同、就业者权益保护等内容的法律规范、由此形式的法规体系以及制定法律规范和构建法规体系过程中所采用的立法技术的整体。关于跨境就业法律政策的国际考察与启示。在出境就业法律制度方面,菲律宾、孟加拉国、泰国和巴基斯坦等国是劳务输出强国或大国,其普遍的做法有:对劳动力出境就业设立了专门的政府管理机构、加强境外就业市场的研究和开拓、建立有效的私营招募机制并鼓励出境就业渠道多样化、重视对出境就业者进行培训、实施有利于出境就业的便利措施和财政支持政策、注重保护出境就业者权益、制定和不断完善出境就业法律法规等。在入境就业法律制度方面,世界两大经济体同时其劳工移民制度比较完善的美国和欧盟以及中国出境就业主要目的地日本和韩国值得考察,这些国家和地区可资我国借鉴的制度精华包括劳动力市场测试、职业清单、年度配额、独立工作签证、积分评估、雇主担保、外国人身份转换、促进融合等制度。关于我国出境就业立法的文本与问题。主要运用实证研究方法,并通过多种途径广泛征求实务界的意见,对出境就业方面比较重要的法律和政策文本(含草案和征求意见稿)进行条文分析,揭示了出境就业法律制度在形式和内容两个方面的主要问题包括:立法层次低,缺乏权威性;因事立法,随意性强,形式散乱:主管部门设置不当,管理职责模糊不清;经营企业与为其提供配套服务的机构之间的关系没有理顺;连结经营企业、境外雇主和劳务人员三方的合同性质定位不明;经营企业与劳务人员的权利义务配置不平衡等。关于我国入境就业立法的文本与问题。主要运用实证研究方法,对入境就业方而比较重要的法律和政策文本(含草案和征求意见稿)进行条文分析,揭示了入境就业法律制度在形式和内容两个方面的主要问题包括:缺少效力层次较高和统一调整的基本法律制度:法律文件内容过时、简单粗放、缺乏透明:立法目的表述不当,为管理而管理;外国人在中国就业与外国专家在中国工作关系不清;外国人入境就业手.续繁琐;未能吸收发达国家有关外国人就业法中长期以来形成的制度精华等。关于我国制定《跨境就业法》的必要性、可能性与具体理由。客观现实背景和法制背景决定了我国制定跨境就业法的必要性。相关的理论研究基础和立法活动基础又使得我国近期内制定一部综合性的跨境就业法具有很大可能性。我国应制定一部统一的《跨境就业法》的具体理由包括:出境就业和入境就业在制度构建上存在共性;符合我国近年来总体立法进程的方向;与跨境就业制度直接相关的法律文件制定过程的启示;法典模式是立法的高级形态;可以为跨境就业楷提供最高层级的立法保护;便于学习和执行。关于我国《跨境就业法》建议稿的纲要与说明。建议稿纲要由涉及理论和实务界分歧较大之处或可能属于制度创新之处等问题的的重要和关键条文组成。其具体内容包括总则、出境就业、入境就业、法律责任及附则四个方面。纲要的提出及其理由说明是本论文前几部分内容的总结、引申和运用。纵观全文,根据我国将会出现劳动力大出大进的特有国情,并考虑到出境就业和入境就业在制度构建上存在共性以及我国近年来总体立法进程的启示等理由,首次将跨境就业区分为出境就业和入境就业,在理论上将两者结合起来进行研究,进而提出制定一部统一调整的法典,这是他人研究中未论及之处。同时,借鉴国外相关立法经验,并对我国现行相关法律文本和其中存在的主要问题进行细致梳理和全面分析,在此基础上提出了建议稿的纲要并加以扼要说明,这也是本论文可能的创新之处。

【Abstract】 Economic globalization will inevitably lead to frequent mobility of labor, the most important factor of production, among different countries. Some developed countries and regions, the rapid economic development and the aging of population, have led to the structural shortage of labor, which is an important inducement for cross-border employment. Contemporary competition in comprehensive national strength is obviously reflected by the competition of high-tech talents, which is leading to various countries making policy to prevent their brain drain and to strongly attract foreign hi-tech talents. The high-tech talents multinational flow in essence is a cross-border employment. The current legislation or policy documents of China could not fully meet the needs of the development of cross-border employment practices yet, and is in urgent need to modify, supplement, integrate and improve the legislative level. Portability study and suitability research, empirical study and hypothetical (normative) research, analysis and synthesis as well as questionnaire and interview survey method are used in this paper. After clearly defining the concept of cross-border employment law, the paper firstly gets an international inspection on cross-border employment legal system to obtain some useful inspirations to perfect the corresponding legal system in China, and secondly, combs the current situation of exit and entry employment legislation of China and points out the shortcomings, and then on this basis explores the necessity and possibility of enacting cross-border employment law. Finally, the paper demonstrates the outline of the proposed draft of China’s cross-border employment law.Regard to the related concepts and theories of cross-border employment legislation. Many concepts relating to cross-border employment, such as immigration, international labor migration, foreign labor export, international labor service cooperation, foreign labor service cooperation, overseas labor dispatching, overseas employment, cross-border work and the movement of natural persons, must be discriminated to accurately define the connotation and extension of cross-border employment, and on this basis to clarify the meaning of the cross-border employment law and cross-border employment legislation, to establish a logical starting point and set a clearly defined scope for the research project. The basic theory of cross-border employment includes the laborer commodity theory, the international division of labor theory, the theory of comparative advantage, the theory of human resources, the theory of population migration owing to push and pull, the theory of dual sectors of the laborer market and so on. The cross-border employment legislation means the legal norms of regulate cross-border employment management department, policy supporting, intermediaries’management, employment training, employment contracts, employee rights protection and so on, and thus formed the legal system, and the legislative techniques being used to make legal norms and build legal system.Regard to the international investigation of law and policy of cross-border employment and its enlightenment. On the aspect of the exit employment legal system, some countries such as Philippines, Bangladesh, Thailand and Pakistan are good at labor output. The common approaches include establishing a special government management institution, strengthening the research and development on overseas employment market, establishing an effective private recruitment mechanism and encouraging the diversification of the employment channels, paying attention to train the exit employees, implementing the convenient measures and financial support policies to benefit exit employment, taking notice to protect employees rights, drafting and constantly improving the exit employment laws and regulations and so on. On the aspect of the entry employment legal system, two economic bodies, the United States and the European Union, whose labor immigration systems are perfect, as well as Japan and South Korea, the main destinations of Chinese exit employment, are worth studying. The essence of the system of these countries and regions which can be as our reference includes the labor market testing, the list of occupations, annual quota, independent work visa, integral evaluation, employer’s guarantee, foreigners identity transformation, the ways to promote fusion and so on. Regard to the text and inadequateness of the exit employment legislation. Using the empirical research methods, and soliciting the views of practitioners widely, the paper analyses the important legal and policy documents (including drafts and exposure drafts), and reveals the main problems in the form and content of the exit employment legal system, including the low legislative level, the lack of authority; legislation on account of the incident, strong randomness, arbitrary forms; the improper setting of the management departments, blurred responsibilities; not straighten out the relationship between the enterprises and the agencies which can provide the supporting services; not locating bright on the nature of contracts linking enterprises, foreign employers and laborers; the imbalance of rights and obligations of business enterprises and labor personnel.Regard to the text and inadequateness of the entry employment legislation. Using the empirical research methods, the paper analyses the important legal and policy documents (including drafts and exposure drafts), and reveals the main problems of the legal system concerning the entry employment in form and content aspects, including lack of the basic legal system which has the higher effectiveness level and the uniform adjustment; the legal documents are outdated, simple and extensive, lack of transparency; the purpose of the legislation is expressed impr operly, and manage just for the management; the relationship of employed for eigners and the foreign experts in China is not clear; the procedures of the ent ry employment are complex; and it fails to absorb the essence of the long-stand ing systems in developed countries.Regard to the necessity, possibility and reasons of drafting the cross-border employment law in our country. The backgrounds of objective realities and legal systems determine the necessity to draft the law of cross-border employment in China. There are much possibility to develop a comprehensive cross-border employment law in China in the near future because of the basement of the theoretical researches and the legislative activities. China should develop a consolidated cross-border employment law. The reasons include exit employment and entry employment have some commons in the construction of the system; lining with the overall direction of the legislative process of our country in recent years; enlightenment of progress of making legal documents directly related to cross-border employment system; the codex mode is an advanced form of legislation, it can provide the highest level of legislative protection for cross-border employment; be apt to promote the study and implementation.Regard to the outline of advice draft of China’s cross-border employment law and its explanation. The outline of the proposed draft is made up of the important or key provisions, which belong to the large differences in theory and practice or innovations. The outline of the proposed draft includes four aspects, which are general principles, exit employment, entry employment, legal liability and supplementary. This part of the discourse is actually a summary, extention and using of the previous parts.Throughout the whole text, according to the unique national conditions of large quantities of labor export and import in China, and taking the commonalities in system architecture between exit employment and entry employment, and the enlightenment of total legislation course in China in recent years into account, the paper divides the cross-border employment into exit employment and entry employment for the first time and combines the two subjects to study, then proposes to draft a uniform code for adjustment, which is not in others’ research scope. At the same time, learning legislative experience from abroad, combing carefully and analysing comprehensivly the current related law text and the main problems of China, the paper designs the main provisions of the proposed draft of the law and gives brief explanation, which also may be the innovations of this paper.

【关键词】 跨境就业立法建议稿
【Key words】 Cross-border EmploymentLegislationThe Proposed Draft
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】D922.5;F249.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1108
  • 攻读期成果

