

The Study on the Life Philosophy of "Liezi"

【作者】 卞鲁晓

【导师】 陆建华;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 今本《列子》乃魏晋时期的伪书,系玄学著作。《列子》哲学以人生哲学为核心,其人生哲学主要包括生成论、生死观、意识观、人生价值观、道德观、处世观、养生论、人生理想等,内容广泛而且深刻。《列子》以道为生死的本体,同时强调体认当下,更加关注人们对于生死的看法是否能超越生死。《列子》把生死看作是自然之事,从根本上否定生死的界线,以为死亡是生命的归宿,鼓励人们在生死问题上怀有现实精神,珍惜现有的生命,不以天下危及个人的现实生存,从对死亡的忧虑转化为对现实的美好追求,在此基础上以死亡为最终的归宿,从而不过分恋生畏死。《列子》非常关注人的精神,对人类心理活动的知、情、意给予了高度重视。它以寓言故事的形式对人类的意识加以探讨,详细描绘了意识的清醒、睡眠、催眠这三种状态。《列子》对感觉和知觉的分析,可以用现代心理学的感知觉理论加以概括,它对变态的感知觉以及成因的作了描述,细致而且深具启发性。《列子》的释梦思想也很丰富,与现代心理学的多种释梦思想有诸多相似之处。《列子》认为人生价值在人生的活动中得以体现,本质是对自然、社会、他人、自我所具有的作用,以及应该达到的效果。在《列子》看来,生命的价值不在于时间的长短,而在于在有限的时间内如何真正享有当下的快乐时光。《列子》充分肯定了人生的现实价值,对人的生存困境进行了深刻地思考,从个体存在出发抛弃虚名、贵身爱己、率性而为,体现了生命存在的生动性和合理性。也表达了《列子》不以身外之物累心的现实追求,以及对现实美好人生的渴望。《列子》以自我的存在为生命的最高价值。就个体生命言,《列子》重视生命本身而断然弃绝纲常礼教,是对儒家重义人生观的反对。就人类生命的全体而言,《列子》建立个体本位的道德原则,从人性出发,把人看作是自然之一员,以为人人皆有趋乐避苦的天性,人人皆有追求感官快乐的内在要求。它以为人常常被痛苦和快乐所主宰,那么苦和乐便可能成为道德的本源,因此,人不利我、我不利便成为《列子》治理天下的设想,天下和谐与自性的满足在此设想下融为一体。《列子》还总结出韬光养晦、持弱制强、审时度势等一系列生存谋略,充满机敏与和智慧,其目的无非是为生存做出最理智的选择。《列子》以保有形体的存在为先,在此前提下适度重视养生。《列子》所谓养生不单纯是一个形养的过程,更强调追求生命的质量,“养”被其视为对生命真谛的体悟,对自然自在自为的生存过程的回归,是对自由人生价值的自主选择。肉体的存在只是生命的最基本形式,以清明的精神对自然之道进行回应才是《列子》的终极目标,这一目标用《列子》的话概括就是“从心而动不违自然”。由此出发,《列子》推而广之,由己及人、由人及众、由众及国,期望达成一个自然理想的人际社会,实现对自然最完整的融合。本文置《列子》于魏晋时代背景下,考察其人生哲学对生命本质、生命构成、人生价值、人生理想的认识。对于学界未曾涉及的《列子》心理学做了初步研究,概括出《列子》在研究范围、研究主题等方面与现代心理学相关的事实与材料,尝试着揭示其内涵心理学思想的特点及逻辑规律。本文也从不同于前人的视角,尝试着分析《列子》具有现代社会性道德萌芽、个人本位的道德哲学思想。《列子》真正关注的是把正当的个人利益作为社会道德的基础,充分重视个人的权利、个人存在的价值、个人的首创精神和自我实现精神,强调尊重个人的独立人格,在政治上人人自治,则无需任何人的统治,君臣之道便用不着了。肯定了以个体生存、利益、幸福为基础的道德原则,以及以此作为治理国家的根本。总之,全文揭示出《列子》在死亡意识这一原动力推动下,以追求现世幸福为核心的人生观。

【Abstract】 The "Lie Zi" is the fake book that was written in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and is the department of metaphysical writings. The core issue of "LieZi" is life issues, including their generative theory, conception of death, consciousness, their own values of life, ethical ideology and policy, and ideal of life. Comprehensive and profound."Liezi" regarded the life and death as the nature, also stressed that everyone realizes the moment, and concerned about people’s views of life and death beyond death."LieZi" regarded life and death as natural things, and rejected the fundamental the boundaries of life and death. It thought that death is the end of life, and encouraged people to cherish the reality of spiritual in life and death issues, and cherished existing life. It didn’t think that the world threatened personal the reality of survival. It hope that people are from the worries of death into a better pursuit of reality, are not afraid of dying because death is the final destination."Lie Zi "attaches great importance to the phenomenon of the human spirit, and gives a great deal of attention about mental activity, cognition, emotion, containing a wealth of philosophical and psychological thought. It explored the conscious by the manner of a fable, depicting conscious wakefulness to sleep and hypnosis, which the theory of perception, a preliminary analysis of the metamorphosis of perception and its causes can be regarded as ancient representative of the psychological thought. The Interpretation of Dreams theories are full of vitality, a variety of interpretation of dreams thinking of modern psychology."Lie Zi" think that the value of life is embodied in the activities of survival. It is the essence of the natural, social and others, self-role and results."Liezi" think that you do not have to add infinite time to life, when you remove the desire for immortality, you can live happily. Life’s ultimate is seeking to enjoy the happy time, and does not have to seek to live longer. It fully affirmed the practical value of life deeply about the plight of human existence. "Liezi" think that the existence of the self is the highest value in life. On the individual life statement,"Liezi" values life and contempt mortality; regards self life as the best valuable. It is against the Confucian Philosophy’s morality. In social life,"Liezi" established individual-based moral principles, starting from the human, which is the existence of the natural, which trends to happiness and avoids suffering. That is the unshakable nature. People have the inherent requirements of the pursuit of sensual pleasures. The emotions and moral should be the origin, because they control everyone. Self-interests become tentative idea that "Liezi" achievements harmonious world. So peace or harmony and self-satisfaction are just combined."Liezi" summed up the practice from their own survival experience, holding a weak system, stronger situation and a series of survival strategies, which are full of smart and wisdom. Its purpose is to make the most rational choice for survival."Lie Zi" hope that the first is to retain physical presence, then pay attention to health."Liezi" thought that health was not only raising shape process, but also emphasized on the pursuit of quality of life." Support" was regarded as the true meaning of life experience on the natural freedom, the survival process of regression, was to be free to choose the value of life. The most basic form of life is with material and tangible physical presence."Liezi," has the ultimate goal that the clear spirit of Tao responds the nature, which is summarized "not to violate the nature from the heart"."Liezi" spreads such a natural realm from themselves to others, from the people to the public, from the public to the country, expecting to reach an ideal human society to achieve the most complete fusion of the nature.This article set "Liezi," in the context of the Wei and Jin dynasties, to examine their philosophy of life the essence of life, life form, the value of life, the understanding of ideals. It has done a preliminary study on the psychology of "Liezi" which had not been involved in academic The paper summarized the scope of the study on "Liezi", topics related to modern psychology facts and materials, trying to reveal the characteristics and laws of logic thought in its psychology.This paper also tries to analyze "Liezi" that contained modern social moral budding and the moral philosophy of the individual standard by the different perspective from the previous attempt. What is real concerned by "Liezi" is legitimate personal interests as the foundation of social morality. It pays full attention to the rights of the individual, the value of individual existence, individual initiative and self-realization, emphasizing respect for the independent personality of the individual. If everyone has right to do on the political autonomy without any rule, they do not need the emperor."Liezi" think t that it is sure to individual existence and interests. Happiness is based on the principles of morality, as well as fundamental in governing the country.In short, the paper reveals the outlook on life that is inherent in the "Liezi". It regards the pursuit of life and desire as the core which is driven by the consciousness of death.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

