

A Study of Zhu Xi’s View of Nature

【作者】 王霞

【导师】 王国良;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 朱熹是南宋儒家的杰出代表,是宋代理学的集大成者,他融合儒、释、道三家,建构起自然、人生与社会相统一的思想体系。在朱熹博大精深的哲学思想体系中,“自然观”是重要的组成部分,具体内容包括:“宇宙观”、“生命观”和“天人观”,分别体现了朱熹对于宇宙的认知,对于生命的看法和对于天人关系的观点。朱熹的“自然观”集中体现了他对于自然的总看法和根本认识,是其哲学思想不可分割的组成部分。两宋时期随着经济的发展和社会的进步,文化得到高度繁荣,科技文明的进步也达到中国古代最为辉煌的时刻,这些正是朱熹“自然观”产生的现实环境和时代因素。传统儒家的自然思想是朱熹“自然观”形成的重要理论渊源,北宋周敦颐、张载、邵雍、程颢、程颐的有关自然哲学的理论是朱熹“自然观”形成的学术背景。朱熹的“自然观”体现了对传统儒家所强调的人与自然“相即相融”和谐共存思想的继承,和对周敦颐的“太极观”、张载的“气化论”、邵雍的宇宙生成论以及二程的“理本”思想的继承与发展,先秦儒家关注自然的思想和北宋儒家自然哲学思想融汇于朱熹的“自然观”中,体现为对于茫茫宇宙的探索,对于生命的理性探究,和对于天与人和谐共生的思考。朱熹的“宇宙观”认为“理”是宇宙形而上的本原,“气”是宇宙形而下的根源,气的运动形成宇宙万物,同样也因为气的运动变化促进宇宙结构的形成。宇宙的结构就是:宇宙中充满了气,无形无质的天在地之上,悬浮在气中的地在中央,天地之间就是由气的运动而形成日月星辰,山川草木,人物禽兽等物事。气是宇宙万物的物质性根源,是实体性的存在,气的运动是宇宙形成的动力,而气的运动就体现为“动与静”和“变与化”的形式,宇宙间的种种天体运动和天地之间的种种自然现象正是宇宙运动的体现。朱熹的“宇宙观”不仅体现了他对于宇宙的本原、宇宙的生成、宇宙的结构和宇宙的运动的理性思考,而且在其“自然观”中也占有重要的地位,是“生命观”和“天人观”的理论基础。朱熹的“生命观”认为理是生命的本原,世间万物的生命都是由气的凝聚而生成,生命的过程有始有终,体现为人的生命是有生有死的,因而要尽力实现生命的价值。人的生命价值不仅在于生命本身,更在于生命所蕴含的道德价值,所以人要坦然面对生与死,做到“安于死而无愧”,淡然面对理与欲,强调道德自律精神。在现实中,人要以修身来不断培育和充实生命的内在善性,完善道德生命。朱熹的“生命观”发展了儒家关于生命的思想,是对于生命的本原、生命的形成、生命的过程和生命的价值等方面有意义的探索,体现了朱熹对生命的理性认知和对于现实人生的感性理解。朱熹的“生命观”是在“宇宙观”的基础上,将天之道联系于人之道,是对于人类生命的整体把握。朱熹的“天人观”是关于天、人及二者相互关系的理论,继承传统儒家天人观中有关“天人合一”的思想,并加以发展,在人与自然的和谐统一中强调人作为“天地之心”的重要作用,体现了天人所为各自有分的意蕴,强调了人的主体精神。主要内容为:天人本只是一理、天与人和谐共生、人是天地之心以及“循理而行”的实践。朱熹的“天人观”以天和人的关系为中心,既考虑到自然的化生万物,发育万物的作用,也充分体现了人的价值,人是自然不可分割的组成部分,人懂得天地万物为一体的道理,便会自觉地参赞天地之化育,便会在行动上促使万物生命蓬勃发展。“天人观”是在“宇宙观”和“生命观”的基础上,将天之道与人之道结合起来,体现对于整个大自然的探索和理解。朱熹的“自然观”体现了对于佛家和道家思想的吸收和创新。在“宇宙观”方面,朱熹吸收佛家的宇宙形成和道家的宇宙形成与运动等相关思想因索。在“生命观”上,汲取佛家思想中珍惜生命的观点和道家生命观中关于生命产生与形成思想等合理因素。在“天人观”上,融汇了佛家重视发挥心的主观作用的因素和道家“自然观”中所强调的“天人一体”的意蕴。在以上基础之上,朱熹的“自然观”突出儒家重视道德的价值取向,既体现了对于宇宙、生命和自然万物的现实关怀,也注重对于人类生命德性价值的理性思考,更加强调人类在天人关系中的主体地位和积极作用。朱熹将他对宇宙的关注,对生命的关爱和对自然的关心溶注于其哲学思想之中,虽然他没有明确提出“自然观”这一概念范畴,但是他的哲学思想处处体现出关注自然、关心生命的思想倾向。朱熹的“自然观”对于其弟子、后学以及后世思想的发展有着重要的影响,在科技高度发达,人与自然的关系日益密切的今天,朱熹的“自然观”仍具有独特的魅力和不可忽视的现代价值。

【Abstract】 Zhu Xi is an outstanding representative of Confucians living during the Southern Song Dynasty, who generalizes the Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty. Conglomerating Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism together, he set up a system of thinking consisting of nature, society and human life. In his deep and broad system of philosophy, his views of nature occupies an important part, which include his Views of Universe, Views of Life and Views of Relation between Heaven and Humans, which respectively embodies Zhu Xi’s cognitive thinking about universe, life and the relation between heaven and humans. His views of nature especially illustrate his comprehensive understanding about nature as a whole, which is an unalienable part of his philosophical system.With the development of economy and the progress of society spanning the two periods of Song Dynasty, its culture also prospered greatly and its scientific and technological development had greatly achieved in the history of science and technology of ancient China. Depending on these social conditions and beneficial factors, Zhu Xi’s philosophical views of nature came into being.Traditional Confucians’thought on nature offers an important theoretical source for Zhu Xi’s view of nature. In the Northern Song Dynasty, several great thinkers such as Zhou Dunyi, Zhang Zai, Shao Yong, Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi had ever illustrated their views on Natural philosophy, whose thoughts greatly enlightened Zhu Xi’s view of Nature. Zhu Xi inherited traditional Confucian thought of the harmony between nature and human. Besides this, he absorbed philosophical thoughts by Zhou Dunyi’s view of Tai Ji, Zhang Zai’s thought of Vaporization, Shao Yong’view of the formation of the universe and the Cheng Brothers’idealism-centered thought. Confucians living Pre-Qin Dynasty concerning about nature and other five thinkers of Northern Song Dynasty’s view on natural philosophy were adopted by Zhu Xi, which can be shown from his views on the exploration towards broad universe and the rational research about life and thinking about the harmonious co-existence of heaven and humans.Zhu Xi’s Viewr of Universe insists that reason is the metaphysical origin of Universe and Air is the source of the physical universe. Due to the movement of air, Universe formed; similarly, the movement and change of air helps the formation of Universe’s structure. That is Universe is filled with air, inside which formless heaven lies above, the earth is hung below it and air runs between. Everything between heaven and earth is formed by the movement of air. They include the sun, the moon and the stars in the heaven, and mountains, rivers, plants, grasses, woods, humans and animal and so on in the earth. Air is the physical origin of substantial existence of everything in the universe. The force caused by its movement makes the formation of universe and appears in two ways, one is motional and static, the other about Yin and Yang (the two opposite principles in nature). The movement of heavenly bodies and various phenomena between heaven and earth are the embodiment of universe’s motion. Zhu Xi’s View of Universe not only shows his rational thinking about the origin, the formation, the structure and the movement of the universe, but also occupies a key position among his system of natural philosophy and offers the theoretical basis for his Views of Life and the relation between heaven and human world.In his view of life, Zhu Xi regards that Idea is the origin of life in the universe and everything is generated by coagulating of air. Life is a progress lasting from beginning to end, showing that a man has life and death, so a person should try one’ best to realize one’value of life. The value of human life lies in life itself, but also in its moral spirit within. So human should face life and death calmly and act as being satisfied with death without feeling guilty and treating mind and desire serenely and emphasizing the spirit of moral discipline. So, only if a man lives, one should try to perfect oneself continuously to discover, cultivate and enrich the inner kindness of life and fulfill the perfection of moral life. Zhu Xi’s views of natural law develop Confucians’ thought about life, make a significant exploration about the origin, the formation, the progress and the value of life, and embody his rational thinking about life and his emotional understanding of real life. Based on his View of Universe, Zhu Xi puts forward his view of life, connecting the law of heaven to the way of human world; actually grasps the ultimate truth of human life.Zhu Xi’s View of Heaven and Human concerns about the mutual relationship between heaven and human, signaling the quality of correlative being of heaven and human advocated by traditional Confucians and makes further development. In the harmony between human and nature, he stresses the important function of that saying Human is the heart of heaven and earth, including their respective roles, emphasizing the subjectivity of humans. It mainly includes that Heaven and Human originates from Idea, the ultimate truth, heaven and human exists harmoniously, human acting as the master of heaven and earth and its practical applications. Zhu Xi’s View of Heaven and Human centers the relationship between heaven and human, considering that nature generates everything, raises and cultivates them, fully showing the function of human beings. Humans are an inalienable part of nature, who know the truth that ultimate being between heaven and everything under it, then will have a passionate love for nature, and take actions to stimulate the thriving development of various living beings. Based on his views of Universe and Life, Zhu Xi combines the law of heaven with the way of the world, showing his understanding and exploration about the whole natural world.Zhu Xi’s View of Nature shows his absorption and originality of Buddhist and Taoist thoughts. In terms of his views of Universe, Zhu Xi absorbs the formation of universe by the Buddhists and Tai Ji Saying and views of Motion and Stillness and other factors. His view of life not only absorbs Buddhists’thought on life which values life but also adopts Taoist’view of life about those reasonable factors for the formation of life. His View of Heaven and Human combines the subjective function of the mind held by the Buddhists and the whole being between heaven and human thought by Taoist’ view upon nature. On the basis of these, Zhu Xi’s Views of nature highlight the tendency that traditional Confucians who stress the value of morality, embody his realistic concern about the universe, human life and everything in the natural world, also show his rational thinking about the value of human life, stress more about the active and subjective role that human should act in the relation between heaven and human world.Zhu Xi instills his concerns about universe, his love for life, his care about nature into his philosophy. Though he does not clearly put forward his views of Nature, his philosophical thought embodies his concerns about nature and the value of human life. Zhu Xi’philosophy of nature greatly influenced his disciples, followers, and other Confucians in the following years. Nowadays, though science and technology have been greatly developed, the relationship between humans and natural world gradually strains. So, Zhu Xi’s philosophical thought of nature appears to be instructive and valuable to modern people.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

