

A Study of Rules of Variation in Order of Chinese Modificatary Complex Sentences

【作者】 黎洪

【导师】 曹德和;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近年来汉语复句句序研究呈现视角和方法多样化趋势,进展迅速成绩喜人。受此启发和激励,本文以语用学、语体学、篇章语言学、认知语言学等新兴学科的有关理论为指导,充分利用语料库提供的优裕条件,注意发挥具有高度实证性的统计方法的作用,对现代汉语偏正复句的句序变异,进行全面、深入、细致的考察和探析,力图从句法、语义、语用、认知等层面揭示其句序变异规律。全文由九章组成。第一章为绪论,鸟瞰式地回顾汉语偏正复句句序研究概貌,对本文研究对象和研究目标、语料来源和选择处理、理论依托和方法运用给予适当交待,以及对本文基本结构给予必要说明。第二至第八章为正文。第二章对本文基础性概念,包括偏正复句的界定和分类、形合偏正复句与意合偏正复句、常规句序与变异句序等,给予必要交待;同时对为什么选择黄伯荣、廖序东(2007)的复句分类系统和程祥徽(2002)的语体系统,给予必要解释。第三至第七章,按因果复句、假设复句、条件复句、转折复句、目的复句的次第,在概略回顾以往专项研究情况以及简要说明本文专项研究所涉概念之后,对现代汉语偏正复句的句序变异,进行了全方位、深层次、细致入微的考察和探析。第八章为综论,以前五章分类考察为基础,对造成汉语偏正复句语句变异的主要动因和内外条件,加以归纳和抽象,揭示其中的普遍规律。第九章为结语,概述偏正复句句序变异研究的学术意义和实用意义,指出它除了对于汉语复句的理论研究具有促进和深化作用外,同时对于文章写作、外文翻译以及语言教学等实践活动,亦具有重要指导价值。该章并对缺憾之处以及今后打算作了说明。本文研究主要表现出以下四个特点:一是充分利用语料库——本文研究始终是以语料库为基础,除了充分利用了北大中文系提供的综合语料库(CCL),同时还充分利用了笔者个人创设的分体(语体)语料库。二是注意考察对象的语体分布——鉴于言语通过语体表现而语体影响语用,本文对所有用例的考察,都是始终与语体分布相联系。三是坚持以数据说明问题——本文关于常规句序与变异句序的鉴别,关于不同句序变异频率的考察,关于句序动因和条件的探析,等等,均以统计数据为支柱。四是重视理论价值向实践价值的转化——本文探索有助于深化汉语复句研究。而本文没有停留于此,通过考察有关结论在文章写作、外文翻译以及语言教学等领域的利用,努力做到“知”与“行”的统一。在全面考察和深入探析的基础上,本文得出以下研究结论:1.汉语书面语中的因果复句通常表现为前偏后正,而汉语口语中则通常表现为前正后偏。2.汉语偏正复句的句序受到多方面因素的影响,前后照应、语意突出、陌生追求、急不择语、外文直译,等等,乃是造成句序变异的主要原因。3.对于汉语偏正复句句序表现来说,结构形式、语用预设、语体分布等,亦不无影响。4.汉语偏正复句不同类型的句序变异频率有高有低,由低到高可以归纳为如下连续统:假设复句<转折复句<条件复句<因果复句<目的复句。5.汉语偏正复句的句序变异直接受到语体影响,以文字为媒介的语体,由低到高可以归纳为如下连续统:法律语体<新闻语体<科学语体<政治语体<艺术语体<日常交际语体。

【Abstract】 In recent years, research on Chinese modificatary complex sentences has tended to be various in perspective and method, and has achieved admirable results. Inspired by this tendency, this thesis adopts relative theories of some new subjects such as Pragmatics, Stylistics, Text Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, and makes full use of Corpus and statistics with high empirical quality to make a thorough examination on variation in the order of Chinese modificatory complex sentences. It aims to discover the principle in variation from the aspects of syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and cognition.This thesis consists of nine chapters.Chapter One is Introduction. It takes bird’s-eye view of survey of research in the order of Chinese modificatory complex sentences history. It briefly explains research objects; resources and selection of Corpus, theories and methods of this research, organization and basic frame of this thesis are explained.Paragraph Two to Paragraph Eight constitute Body. Chapter Two defines some basic concepts, such as modificatary complex sentences and its classification, hypotactic complex sentences, and paratactic complex sentences, regular order of sentences, variation in the order of sentences. Meanwhile, reasons of adopting Huang Borong and Liao Xudong’s classifying system of modificatary complex sentences and Cheng Xianghui’s stylistic system are also explained.Based on the order of causation complex sentences, hypothesis complex sentences, conditional complex sentences, transitional complex sentences, and complex sentences of purpose, Chapter Three to Chapter Seven make a thorogh, profound and detailed examination and exploration of variation in the order of Chinese modificatary complex sentences after briefly reviews the former research and explains the concerned concepts in this thesis. Taking the analysis of the former five chapters as base, Chapter Eight summarizes conditions and reasons of variation in Chinese complex sentences, and analyzes the universal principles lying within them.Chapter Nine is Conclusion, mainly summarizing the academic and practical significance of research of variation in order of Chinese complex sentences. It points out that this research not only promotes and deepens the theoretical study, but also has important instructing value in such practice as writing, translation, and language teaching. This chapter also explains shortcomings of this thesis and the future plan.This thesis has the following four features. Firstly, it makes full use of Corpus: this research has consistently used corpus as base. Apart from adopting the comprehensive Corpus by Beijing University (CCL), it also uses stylistic Corpus constructed by the author himself. Secondly, this thesis pays attention to stylistic distribution:for the sake that parole is always embodied with language style, all the study of the examples is related with style distribution. Thirdly, this thesis sticks to using data to explain problems. Discrimination between the regular order of sentence and the varied order of sentence, examination of varing frequency of different orders of sentences, conditions and reasons of order of sentences are all based on statistics. Fourthly, this thesis emphasizes the transition from theoretical values to practical values, and in this sense, this research helps to deepen research on Chinese modificatatry sentences. However, this thesis does not constrain itself here. By examining the application of some conclusions in the fields such as writing, translation, and language teaching, this thesis tries to unite "knowledge" and "practice".Based on thorough examination and deep exploration, this thesis concludes that:1. Chinese written language often takes the form of the former part as the subordinate clause and the latter part main clause, while Chinese spoken language often takes the opposite form;2.order of Chinese modificatory complex sentences is influenced by different factors, such as echo, semantic prminence, disfamiliariztion, haste in language choice, literal translation, etc.;3.as for embodiment of order of Chinese modificatory complex sentences, such factors as semantic presupposition, organization, stylistic distribution have influence upon it;4.varying frequency of different order of Chinese modificatory complex sentences is different, and continnum from low to hight can be concluded as the following:hypothesis complex sentences<transitional complex sentences<conditional complex sentences<causation complex sentences<complex sentences of purpose;5.variation in order of Chinese modificatory complex sentences is directly influenced by language style, and styles taking words as media can be summarized as the following continnum:legal language <scientific language<political language<artistic language<daily conversation language

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

