

Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s Livelihood and Its Exertion and Development in China

【作者】 吴少进

【导师】 吴家华;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 民生问题是一个伴随着人类生存和发展全过程的基本问题,是人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题,事关社会的和谐程度。二十一世纪的中国,已经进入一个改善民生的新时代。但就现实情况而言,改善民生实为不易。由于经济、历史、文化、体制等诸多因素的制约,我国民生问题的改善任务艰巨。本文试图回到马克思恩格斯,希冀从马克思主义创始人的理论中找寻解决这一问题的思路和方法。本文的具体内容如下:第一部分:马克思恩格斯民生思想的形成过程本部分主要阐明马克思恩格斯民生思想的生成依据和逻辑进程。1、马克思恩格斯民生思想的生成依据主要体现在马克思恩格斯民生思想形成的社会条件、理论渊源上。其社会条件在于,资本主义社会基本矛盾的发展为马克思恩格斯民生思想的形成提供了客观前提;无产阶级争取生存权的斗争为马克思恩格斯民生思想的形成提供了实践基础;特殊的成长环境对马克思恩格斯个人观念的影响为马克思恩格斯民生思想的形成提供了主观条件。其理论渊源在于,启蒙思想家的自由主义民生观、空想社会主义者的理想主义民生观、费尔巴哈的人本主义民生观等赋予马克思恩格斯民生思想以理论启迪。2、马克思恩格斯历史唯物主义民生思想的形成过程。马克思恩格斯历史唯物主义民生思想的形成分为传统理性主义影响时期、费尔巴哈人本唯物主义影响时期、唯物史观创立时期和马恩晚年的阐发这样四个阶段。这是一个由萌芽、初步形成、成熟到继续发展的过程。第二部分:马克思恩格斯民生思想的主要意蕴本部分主要说明马克思恩格斯民生思想的主要意蕴和基本特征。1、就其主要意蕴来说,马克思恩格斯民生思想包括三个方面。(1)满足“现实的人”的民生需要构成了马克思恩格斯民生思想的逻辑起点。(2)实现人的自由全面发展,是马克思恩格斯民生思想的最高命题、最高境界,因而成为马克思民生发展追求的终极目标。(3)理想民生的实现是一项重大历史任务,是一个长期的经济、社会、文化发展和制度变革过程。无产阶级理应革命地“改变世界”,在批判资本主义异化民生的基础上,进一步促进社会生产力的极大发展、生产关系的根本变革、保障体系的建立健全、教育的优先发展、分配关系的调整完善,为理想民生的实现提供物质基础、制度前提、安全保证、文化条件和关键环节。2、马克思恩格斯民生思想不同于西方社会学者的民生思想,它以唯物史观为哲学基础,具有实践性、科学性、批判性、人本性、开放性等特征。第三部分:马克思恩格斯民生思想在中国的运用和发展本部分主要探讨马克思恩格斯民生思想在中国的运用和发展的逻辑进程。1、中国的马克思主义者提出的“为人民服务”、“三个有利于”的价值标准、“三个代表”重要思想、“以人为本”的科学发展观,正是基于满足“现实的人”的需要基础上的价值标准的历史演进。2、结合社会主义发展的阶段性和建设的长期性特征,中国共产党适时提出“四个现代化”、“共同富裕”、“全面小康社会”、“和谐社会”的民生发展目标,这是马克思恩格斯民生发展目标在中国运用和发展的理论成果。3、“两次革命解放民生”、“改革开放发展民生”、“全面创新提升民生”、“科学发展改善民生”是基于马克思恩格斯革命地“改变世界”的中国特色的民生发展战略。第四部分:马克思恩格斯民生思想与当代中国民生建设本部分是探讨马克思恩格斯民生思想解答当代中国社会民生问题。1、分析中国社会民生问题的主要表现及其成因。2、以马克思恩格斯民生思想为指导,探讨民生建设的路径选择,促进中国社会民生发展,推进和谐社会建设。

【Abstract】 The people’s livelihood is a basic matter along with the survival and development of human beings, is the people’s most direct and practical interest, which they care about most, relating to the social harmony. China in the21century has entered into a new era for improving the people’s livelihood, which, in term of the real situation, is difficult. Owing to the effect of many factors, like economic,history,culture and system, improving of our people’s livelihood is an arduous task. This essay tries to find out the solution to this problem from Marx and Engels, the founder of Marxism. The full text follows.Part I:The Formation Process of Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s LivelihoodThis part mainly introduces the formation basis and logic process of Marx and Engels’s thought of people’s livelihood.1. The formation basis is mainly reflected in social conditions and theoretic origin of the formation of Marx and Engels’s thought of people’s livelihood. The social conditions are that the development of capitalist basic contradiction provides practical basis for the formation of Marx and Engels’s thought of people’s livelihood, that the influence of special growth environment on the concepts of Marx and Engels provides subjective conditions for the formation of Marx and Engels’s thought of people’s livelihood. The theoretic origin is that Marx and Engels’s thought of people’s livelihood is theoretically enlightened by enlightenment thinkers’concept of freedom of people’s livelihood. Utopian socialists’concept of people’s livelihood and Feuerbach’s humanistic concept of people’s livelihood.2. The formation process of Marx’s thought of people’s livelihood is divided into four stages, namely, the period affected by traditional rationalism, the period affected by Feuerbach’s humanistic materialism, the period of founding materialist concept of history, and elucidation by Marx and Engels at their old age. It is a process from bud to initial formation, to maturity, and to continuous development.Part II:The Analysis of Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s LivelihoodThis part mainly introduces the primary content and basic features of Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s Livelihood.1. Its primary content includes three aspects.(1) Satisfying the need of "people from the reality" is the starting point of Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s Livelihood.(2) Achieving all-round free development of "people from the reality" is the supreme proposition and state of Marx’s Thought of People’s Livelihood, therefore its ultimate purpose.(3) Achieving ideal people’s livelihood is a significant historical task and a long-term course. The proletariat should change the world with revolutionary.On the basis of criticizing capitalism for dissimilating people’s livelihood. the proletariat must further promote tremendous development of social productivity, fundamental reform of production relations, establishment and improvement of security system, prioritized development of culture and education, and adjustment and perfection of distribution relations. The proletariat must also provide the realization of communist ideal people’s livelihood with material basis, institutional precondition, security guarantee, ideological condition, and key link.2. Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s Livelihood, which is different from that of Western social scholars, takes historical materialism as its philosophical foundation and features practice, science, criticism, humanism, and openness.Part III:The Exertion and Development of Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s livelihood in ChinaThis part probes into the theoretical logic of Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s Livelihood in China. During its localization process, its kernel (theory of putting people first, theory of purpose and theory of practice) has been substantially enriched and developed.1. The theory of putting people first is endowed with profound significance of the times by "Serve the people wholeheartedly","Three Benefits" standard of value,"Three Represents" standard of judgment, and ideology of "putting people first" put forward by the Marxists in China.2. Taking account of the socialist development stage and its long-term characteristics, generations of leadership of China Communist Party put forward development goals concerning people’s livelihood such as "Four Modernizations","Common Prosperity","All-around Moderately Prosperous Society", and "Harmonious Society", which are theoretical achievements of the theory of purpose in China.3. According to changing the world with revolutionary,the development strategy with Chinese characteristics is newly manifested in "Two revolutions liberating people’s livelihood","Reform and opening-up developing people’s livelihood","Enhancing people’s livelihood in an all-around way", and "Scientific development improving people’s livelihood".Part Ⅳ:Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s Livelihood and Construction of Contemporary Chinese People’s LivelihoodThis part discusses the realistic application of Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s Livelihood to contemporary Chinese social problems concerning people’s livelihood.1. Analyze on major manifestations of Chinese social problems concerning people’s livelihood and their reasons.2. With Marx and Engels’s Thought of People’s Livelihood as the guide, summarize route choice of construction of people’s livelihood, thereby facilitate development of social people’s livelihood of China, and push construction of harmonious society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】D61;A811
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1720
  • 攻读期成果

