

On the Research of Marxist Ideology Education Outlook

【作者】 曹士东

【导师】 吴学琴;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,马克思主义意识形态研究呈现两种倾向:一种是经典马克思主义为代表的基于对马克思主义为指导下的社会主义意识形态的建设研究,一种是以国外马克思主义为代表的基于对意识形态的否定性理解和批判性研究。两者虽然研究的路径和指向的目标并非一致,但其理论的源头都来源于马克思生存论基础的意识形态理论。马克思、恩格斯意识形态理论本质上是否性的、批判的,是对人类社会发展历史上统治阶级的利益维护和剥削人民的控诉。他们认为意识形态本身就内蕴着一种教化的功能,意识形态的教育最初在他们那里是一种阶级维护意识的功能表现,是对劳动人民的思想麻痹。然而,马克思的意识形态的最终指向是关于无产阶级及全人类的解放和共产主义的理论,而且一当作为无产阶级解放思想的共产主义理论形成以后,马克思主义作为一种无产阶级科学的意识形态表现出来。苏联时期意识形态的教育强调意识形态的党性原则,把马克思主义作为科学的意识形态,发挥其对于社会主义革命和建设的指导地位,力求通过意识形态教育实现社会主义主流意识形态的认同。但是,苏联时期的社会主义意识形态教育存在着教条化和自由化两个方面的问题,要么以教条主义僵化了马克思主义对社会主义建设的指导,用权威的话语霸权吞没人们的理想和自由;要么以自由化、多元化代替了马克思主义的指导地位,用抽象的人道主义冲垮社会主义意识形态的堤坝,让西方意识形态话语占领统治地位。苏联意识形态教育教条主义和自由主义的紧张和对立,对于当下中国社会主义意识形态教育有着重要的启示意义。国外马克思主义的意识形态理论虽然理论实质在本质上是与马克思主义唯物史观背道而驰的,带有浓厚的文化乌托邦色彩,但同时他们也提出了意识形态教育与革命的策略和任务。就其提出的诸多意识形态教育观来说,对当代中国的意识形态建设也有着一定的借鉴意义。以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛为代表的中国共产党人继承、丰富、发展了马克思主义的意识形态教育观,其中最为重要的特点就是始终坚持以马列主义为指导和中国共产党对意识形态工作的领导,并将意识形态教育与中国社会主义实践有机结合,防止意识形态领域教条主义和自由主义的泛滥,形成了独具特色的中国化马克思主义的意识形态教育观。当然,当代中国的马克思主义意识形态教育也出现过这样那样的缺点和错误,这些问题归根结底是意识形态的教育观出现问题。所以,认真总结中国化马克思主义的意识形态教育观,既是历史的责任,也是当代的需求。当代中国的意识形态教育以科学的马克思主义为指导,推进马克思主义的大众认同是新中国意识形态教育一直以来注重的重要任务和着力点,社会主义主流意识形态的大众化、认同化取得了良好的效果。然而,随着改革开放的纵深推进和全球化、市场化、网络化的现实条件,社会主义意识形态教育也面临着复杂环境,主导政治价值观受到冲击,世俗化功利价值观泛滥,教育主体淡化了意识形态的价值意义,传统意识形态教育面临着空前的严峻挑战。因此,创新意识形态教育的方式方法,拓展意识形态教育的路径和渠道,丰富意识形态教育的形式和内容,适应时代新变化和新发展要求,提高主流意识形态教育的针对性、有效性,增强主流意识形态的吸引力与感染力是尤其重要的,也是马克思主义意识形态教育的最终旨归。

【Abstract】 For a long time, there exist two tendencies on the research of Marxist ideology:one is the negative understanding and critical research of ideology typical of foreign Marxism; the other is the constructive research of socialist ideology under the guide of Marxism typical of classical Marxism. Although the two tendencies vary in paths and orientations, yet both stem from the ideology theories of Marx’s Existentialism.The essence of Marx’ and Engels’ ideology is negative and critical, which criticizes the benefit protection and exploitation of the ruling class. They think ideology itself contains enlightening function, which at first serves as protecting the ruling class and lulling the thoughts of the working class. However, Marxist ideology is oriented at the theory of communism and the liberation of the proletarian and the whole mankind. Furthermore, when communism, as way of liberating the proletarian’s thoughts, comes into being, Marxism in the meantime manifests itself as a proletarian scientific ideology.The ideology education in the period of Soviet Union highlighted Party Spirit Principle, taking Marxism as a scientific ideology to play a leading role in the socialist revolution and construction; arming people with Marxism through ideology education to identify with the socialist mainstream ideology. However, the socialist ideology education in the Soviet Union was either dogmatic or liberal. Sometimes Marxism was petrified in guiding the socialist construction due to dogmatism with discourse hegemony quenching people’s ideals and freedom; sometimes the leading role of Marxism was replaced by liberalization and diversification with abstract humanitarianism washing out the dam of socialist ideology, and finally western ideological discourse played the dominant role. The tension and contrast between dogmatism and liberalization in Soviet Union ideology education is of great significance for socialist ideology education in China.The ideology theories of foreign Marxism inherit and develop Marx’s critical spirit in essence, and in the meantime they also put forward the strategies and tasks of ideology education and revolution, which though going against Marxist Historical Materialism with a strong flavor of cultural Utopia, still provide reference to ideology construction in contemporary China.Marxist ideology education thoughts in contemporary China are further enriched and developed by such proletarian revolutionists as Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, the most important characteristic of which is to stick to Marxism to guide the socialist ideology and uphold the Communist Party to take the lead in ideology education, well combining the ideology education and the practice of socialism in case of dogmatism and liberalization to form the peculiar ideology education of Chinese Marxism. Actually, there also arise shortcomings and mistakes in terms of the Marxist ideology education in contemporary China, which ultimately shall be attributed to the wrong viewpoints on the ideology education. Therefore, it’s both the historical responsibility and the current demand now to summarize the viewpoints on ideology education of Chinese Marxism.Guided by scientific Marxism, the ideology education in contemporary China highlights and focuses on the public identifying with Marxism. So far the socialist mainstream ideology has been well recognized and identified with by the public. However, with the further development of the reform and opening up as well as the emergence of globalization, marketization and networking, socialist ideology education is confronted with complicated environment. The dominant political values are pressed; the secular utility values go prevalent; the value significances of ideology are diluted by educational subjects, and the traditional ideology education is seriously challenged. As a result, it’s imperative now to innovate the ways and methods of ideology education, expand the paths and channels of ideology education, enrich the forms and contents of ideology education, adjust to the new changes and new demands of new age, improve the orientation and efficiency of mainstream ideology education, and above all enhance the attraction and appeal of mainstream ideology, which shall be the ultimate goal of Marxist ideology education.

【关键词】 马克思主义意识形态教育观批判建构
【Key words】 MarxismideologyViewpoint on educationcriticizeconstruct
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

