

Study on Ecological Civilization Thought of Marx and Engels

【作者】 周娟

【导师】 任暟;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 生态文明的研究和建设问题是当前人们普遍关注的问题。它来自于人们对全球性生态危机的反思和解决,是一个关乎人类生存与可持续发展的重大问题。在对生态问题日益尖锐化和全球化的反思中,国内外一些学者纷纷将视线转向马克思恩格斯,从人类文明发展的高度对马克思恩格斯进行新的研究,并期望从马克思恩格斯的诸多经典著作中探寻其生态文明思想,进而找到应对当前生态危机的正确途径。马克思恩格斯生活的十九世纪,生态问题已经呈现。作为伟大的哲学家,马克思恩格斯虽然没有对生态问题进行专门的论述,但他们已经前瞻性的表达了自己的生态文明思想。人与自然的关系问题是生态文明所关注的核心问题,也是马克思恩格斯在青年时代就关心的问题,在马克思的博士论文中就早有体现。马克思恩格斯早期的著作对人与自然的关系作了科学的论述,并论述了人与自然关系的“异化”问题。这些初步形成的生态文明思想体现在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》、《神圣家族》、《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》、《德意志意识形态》以及恩格斯的《英国工人阶级状况》、《政治经济学批判大纲》等论著中。十九世纪中期,马克思恩格斯完成了从旧唯物主义到历史唯物主义的转变,并发展了自己的生态文明思想,主要体现在《资本论》、《反杜林论》和《自然辩证法》等著作中。晚年,马克思恩格斯的生态文明思想得到进一步发展,对减少环境污染的途径和方法进行了建设性的探索和研究,主要见诸于《人类学笔记》和《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》等著作中。因此,马克思恩格斯当年虽然没有明确提出“生态文明”的概念,但却明确提出了“人与自然界和谐”的思想,同时还提出通过实践活动实现人与人、人与社会的和谐。马克思恩格斯生态文明思想的基本观点就是人与自然的统一,相互依存,人与自然必须和谐,而且能够和谐。马克思恩格斯的生态文明思想不仅散落于他们的主要文本中,且多以胚胎或萌芽的形式糅合在他们的思想发展中;本文从多学科、多角度、多层次的综合分析中,挖掘马克思恩格斯自然观、实践观、科技观、历史观中的生态文明思想,展现马克思恩格斯生态文明思想的丰富内涵、科学意蕴。马克思恩格斯生态文明思想具有广泛影响,西方马克思主义、日本岩佐茂的环境思想等流派通过对资本主义社会现象、实质的分析和研究,发展和丰富了马克思恩格斯生态文明思想,他们的理论成果对中国的理论研究和社会实践具有重要的借鉴意义,但这些思想中也不乏糟粕,如生态霸权主义、生态殖民主义等思想。对此,我们在吸收和借鉴其有关生态环境方面的思想时,应以马克思主义为指导批判地吸取。新中国成立以后,毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛等党的三代领导集体对生态理论和实践做了积极探索,总结改革开放以来我国生态文明建设取得的成就,按照党的十七大报告精神,将生态文明建设作为社会主义现代化建设的新要求,探究科学发展观中的生态文明意蕴,凸显马克思恩格斯生态文明思想与中国实际相结合的理论探索和实践成果。人类社会进入21世纪后,能源匮乏、生态恶化已经成为制约各国发展的全球性问题,甚至成为警示人类向何处去的严峻课题。中国共产党高瞻远瞩,着眼人类社会的未来发展,深入分析工业文明的利弊,提出“建设生态文明”的主张,为中国特色社会主义的现实发展指明了方向。有中国特色的社会主义生态文明建设,要求在经济上转变发展方式,推进循环经济发展,在制度上完善政策法律,健全资源环境生态保护体制机制,在技术上加强污染防治,促进自然生态修复,在思想文化上开展生态文化建设,在全社会牢固树立生态文明观念。

【Abstract】 Research and construction of ecological civilization is the problem of widespread concern. It comes from reflection and solve the global ecological crisis is a matter of major issues of human survival and sustainable development. Reflection of the increasingly acute ecological problems and globalization, some scholars at home and abroad have turned his gaze turned to Marx and Engels.A new study from the height of the development of human civilization, and expectations from the classics of Marx and Engels to explore ecological civilization thought, and then find the correct way to deal with the current ecological crisis.Marx and Engels, life in the nineteenth century, ecological problems have been presented. As a great philosopher, Marx and Engels, although there is no ecological problems specifically discussed, but they have a forward-looking expression of ecological civilization thinking. The relationship of man and nature is the core concern of ecological civilization, Marx and Engels, in their youth on issues of concern to Marx’s doctoral thesis has long been reflected. The early writings of Marx and Engels made a scientific discussion of the relationship between man and nature, and discusses the problem of "alienation" of man and nature reiationship.These preliminary ecological civilization thinking is reflected in the "1844Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts","the Theses on Feuerbach","Holy Family","German Ideology" and Engels’"British working class status" and "political economics critical outline of theory ". The mid-nineteenth century Marx and Engels to complete the transition from the old materialism and historical materialism, and the formation of a mature and distinctive eco-civilization thought reflected in "Das Kapital","anti-Duling "and "Dialectics of Nature writings". In their later years, Marx and Engels’s ecological civilization thought the further development of the constructive exploration and research on ways and means to reduce environmental pollution, mainly found in the "anthropological notes" and "Family,Private Property and the country of origin" and other worksin. Therefore, Marx and Engels when although there is no clearly put forward the concept of "ecological civilization", but clearly put forward the idea of "Man and nature harmony", but also the human beings, and social harmony through the practice. Marx and Engels, Basic Viewpoint of ecological civilization is the natural unity, interdependence between man and nature must be harmony, and harmony.Ecological civilization thought of Marx and Engels not only scattered in the main text,and to blend in the form of an embryo or sprouting in the development of their thinking; In the second chapter from a multidisciplinary, multi-angle, multi-level analysis, and tap to show the natural view of Marx and Engels’view of practice,the technological concept of ecological civilization thought in the conception of history revealing the rich connotation and the scientific implication. of ecological civilization thought of Marx and Engels.Marx and Engels’ecological civilization ideology has broad implications. Western Marxism Japanese rock Zuo Mao’s environmental ideology of the Soviet Union, eco-Marxist theory, etc. genre by capitalist social phenomenon, the substantive analysis and research, development and enriched the Marx and Engels’ecological civilization, thinking, their theoretical achievements on China’s theory research and social practice is an important reference. But these ideas, there are some dross, such as the ecological hegemony, ecological colonialism thinking. We absorb and learn from thinking about the ecological environment should be based on Marxism as a guide to critically draw.After the founding of new China, Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, the party’s three generation of collective leadership on the ecological theory and practice has made active exploration. Since summing up reforming and opening of China’s ecological civilization construction achievements, according to the report of the17th Party Congress spirit, the construction of ecological civilization as the socialist modernization construction of the new requirements of scientific outlook on development ecological civilization in the implication, features Marx Engels idea of ecological civilization and Chinese practice of combining theoretical research and practical results. Human society enters the21century, energy shortage, deterioration of the ecological environment has become constraining the development of global problems, and even become warning human where to go the grim task. The Communist Party of China look far ahead from a high plane, focus on the future development of human society, in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of industrial civilization, put forward " the construction of ecological civilization " view, for the Chinese characteristic socialism realistic development points to clear. direction. The construction of the Chinese characteristic socialist ecological civilization, requirements of economic change in mode of development, promote the development of circular economy in the system of policy and law, perfect, perfect resource environmental protection system, in the technology strengthening pollution prevention and control, promote natural ecological restoration, in the ideological and cultural ecological culture construction, firmly in the whole society ecology concept of civilization.

【关键词】 马克思恩格斯生态文明
【Key words】 MarxEngelsecological civilization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

