

Research on Edge Effect and Coupling Mechanism of Forest Landscape Patches

【作者】 赵春燕

【导师】 李际平;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林经理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在景观尺度上开展森林经营研究,追求森林生态经济系统的动态整体优化,其关键在于合理配置森林斑块,调整森林空间结构,最大限度地发挥森林组成成分间相互作用效能,这就需要揭示森林景观斑块边缘效应,寻求其耦合机理,为景观上的森林经营管理服务。本文以西洞庭湖区为研究对象,分析了森林景观相邻斑块的边缘效应,从森林景观核心区与边缘区生产力与物种多样性差异分析相邻斑块的耦合程度,揭示其耦合机理,按廊道两侧斑块边缘效应与廊道宽度递变关系,作为提取森林景观斑块耦合体的依据,分析森林景观斑块耦合体特征。研究方法包括景观格局分析、空间数据处理方法、分类统计、回归分析和灰色关联度分析等。主要研究内容和研究结论如下:(1)森林景观斑块的划分。依据斑块内部具有较高同质性,相邻斑块之间具有较高异质性的原理,提出多尺度森林景观斑块划分依据为:①森林景观要素分类分级结果;②环境主导因子的选择、分级结果;③森林景观类型的环境耦合度。小尺度斑块划分对应分类(或分级)级别多,大尺度对应分类(或分级)级别少,针对多尺度森林景观斑块划分,借助ArcGIS软件空间分析功能,依据邻近关系,提出从小尺度到大尺度林业数据综合方法。(2)森林景观斑块特征分析。依据景观要素分类结果划分斑块,以优势树种和龄组为景观分类依据,将研究区域划分为:杉木林景观、松木类景观、阔叶类景观、经济林类景观、灌木类景观、柏木类景观和竹类景观。西洞庭湖区森林景观具有如下特征:①从斑块面积分析,研究区域景观以阔叶类最多,其次是经济林类、松木类和杉木林;②从斑块数量分析,阔叶类的斑块数最多,其次为松木类和杉木林;③从斑块形状分析,经济林类斑块形状指数LSI具有最大值,松木类和杉木林次之;④从分布格局分析,景观结构组成复杂,各景观类型面积分布不太均衡,存在破碎化趋势。(3)森林景观斑块边缘效应特征分析。用生产力与物种多样性分析森林景观相邻斑块核心与边缘区的边缘效应,生产力采用样地平均胸径、平均树高、蓄积和物种密度指标,物种多样性采用灌木与草本层物种丰富度和物种多样性指标,西洞庭湖区森林景观斑块边缘效应存现如下规律:①两相邻斑块边缘区比核心区平均胸径、平均树高和蓄积均有增大趋势,而且幼龄林和中龄林比成熟林趋势明显,但不同树种的相邻斑块之间边缘效应存在差异,平均胸径比平均树高变化幅度大;②灌木和草本层林下植物种类存现杉木林核心区(或松木类核心区)>阔叶类核心区>边缘区,物种丰富度存现灌木层>草本层,边缘区的物种丰富度、物种多样性变化幅度大于相邻两个核心区,从龄组来说,灌木和草本层物种丰富度和物种多样性都存现幼龄林>中龄林>成熟林;③灌木与草本层物种丰富度和物种多样性具有:灌木层>草本层、边缘区>核心区、幼龄林>中龄林>成熟林的规律。(4)森林景观斑块边缘效应评价。运用层次分析法对森林景观斑块边缘效应进行评价,乔木平均胸径、平均树高、蓄积、物种密度、灌木层物种丰富度、草本层物种丰富度、灌木层物种多样性、草本层物种多样性的权重为0.163:0.0427:0.471:0.072:0.153:0.053:0.029:0.0163,按此权重计算边缘效应总强度,结果表明:①不同斑块对的森林景观斑块大多具有正效应;②从龄组分析,边缘效应强度具有成熟林>中龄林的规律,幼龄林的边缘效应不明显;③从森林景观类型分析,森林景观斑块间的边缘效应强度具有杉阔>松阔>杉松的规律,杉木与松木因同属针叶林,相似程度大,印证“同性相斥“的原理,且杉松的幼龄林呈现负效应。(5)森林景观斑块边缘效应影响因子分析。采用灰色关联分析森林景观斑块边缘效应与生态因子的关联程度,其结果表明:生产力与物种多样性与所处样区编号(核心区或边缘区)有较强关联性,杉-阔边缘杉木林的蓄积与平均胸径与样区编号的关联程度分别为0.573、0671,杉-松、松-阔、竹林与其它群落、灌木类与其它群落的关联程度都在0.6以上,杉木林、竹林与海拔的关联程度较大,达到0.7以上,而松木与林龄的关联程度较大。(6)森林景观斑块耦合度模型研究。借鉴物理学中的容量耦合系数模型,得到森林景观斑块相互作用的耦合度模型,计算森林景观斑块间的耦合度:①幼龄林的耦合度值最小,属于低水平耦合,中龄林和成熟林之间差异不明显,属于中等水平耦合;②杉-阔、松-阔和杉-松的中龄林、成熟林之间达到较高水平耦合;③杉-阔各龄组与杉-松相对应龄组的耦合度值比较,杉-阔耦合度值大于杉-松,松-阔耦合度值大于松-杉,杉木林与松木类属于针叶林,针叶林与阔叶类相异程度大,耦合度值大,针叶林与松木类相异程度小,耦合度相对较小。(7)森林景观斑块耦合体提取与特征分析。提出森林景观斑块耦合体的概念,斑块耦合体是基于异质性斑块界面生态流的相互耦合作用形成整体,为—个复杂生态系统。系统内斑块之间具有异质性,呈现边缘效应,相对于更大的生态系统而已,斑块耦合体维持可持续形态,具有一定均质性。若斑块耦合体由异质性的森林景观斑块构成,则为森林景观斑块耦合体。总结森林景观斑块耦合体具有的特征:生态系统复杂性、系统稳定性、耦合作用非线性、尺度性、地域性、易表达。

【Abstract】 At the landscape scale forest management pursuit dynamic optimization of forest ecological economic system, it is the key to configure reasonably forest patches, and adjust the forest spatial structure,delevop forest composition interaction maximum efficiency, which requires the reveal edge effect of forest landscape patch, seek coupling mechanism, as the landscape forest business management service.This paper have the West Dongting Lake area as the research object, its divisions for the Chinese fir plantation, pine forest, hardwood forest, bamboo forest, shrub forest5kinds of different tree species, and divided into young forest, middle forest and mature forest, analysis edge effects of forest landscape adjacent patches, analysis coupling degree of adjacent patches on the basis of the core area and marginal zone productivity and species diversity, reveale its coupling mechanism, analysis recurrence relations the corridor width and edge effect of corridor on both sides patch, extraction forest landscape patch couplings, analysis forest landscape patch coupling characteristics. The research methods include landscape pattern analysis, spatial data processing method, statistical classification, regression analysis and grey relational analysis. The main research contents and conclusions are as follows:(1)Forest landscape patch division, on the basis of plaque with high homogeneity, adjacent patches with high heterogeneity, propose multi-scale forest landscape patch division basis as follows:①forest landscape classification results;②environment dominant factor selection, classification results;③the environment-based coupling degree of forest landscape types. small scale plaque classification correspond to less classification level, large scale correspond to more classification level, for multi-scale forest landscape patch division, with the spatial analysis function of ArcGIS software, put forward from small scale to large scale forestry data integration method based on adjacent relation.(2)Forest landscape patch characteristics analysis. based on the classification of landscape elements, the dominant tree species and age groups for landscape classification,the study area should be divided into:Chinese fir, pine landscape, economic forest landscape, broad-leaved shrub landscape, cypress bamboo landscape. West Dongting Lake Forest landscape has the following characteristics:①from plaque area analysis, broad leaved landscape is the most in study regional, followed by economic forest, pine and fir;②from the volume, broad-leaved plaque number is the most, pine and fir;③from the shape, LSI index of economic forest landscape patch has a maximum value, followed by pine and fir type;④from distribution pattern, landscape structure complex, each type of landscape area distribution didn’t balance, have trend of fragmentation.(3) The edge effect characteristics of forest landscape patch analysis. using productivity and species diversity analysis the edge effect of forest landscape adjacent patches of core and periphery area, productivity use the sample mean DBH, mean tree height, volume and species density index, species diversity use species richness and species diversity index in the shrub and herb layer, edge effect of West Dongting Lake Forest landscape patch exist regularities as follows:①it have increasing tendency that the average diameter, average tree height and volume of adjacent patches of marginal zone is more than in the core area, and young and middle forest trend more obviously than mature forest, but different species exist difference between adjacent patches of edge effect;②plants under trees in the shrub and herb exist regularities as follows:fir forest core zone (or pine core area)> broad-leaved forest core area> marginal zone, the shrub layer of species richness> herb layer, the marginal zone of the species richness, species diversity changes in amplitude than the adjacent two core area, from the age group, species richness and species the diversity in shrub and herb layer has:young forest> middle forest> mature;③species richness and species diversity in shrub and herb layer has:shrub layer> herb Layer, marginal zone> core area, young>middle> mature forest.(4) Forest landscape patch edge effect evaluation. edge effect evaluation of forest landscape patch based AHP, weights for mean diameter, tree height, volume, density, species richness of shrub layer, species richness of herb layer, species diversity of shrub layer, species diversity of herb layer is0.163:0.0427:0.471:0.072:0.153:0.053:0.029:0.0163, calculation intensity of edge effect according to the weight, the results showed that:①different plaque on the forest landscape patches mostly have positive effect;②intensity of edge effect has a mature> middle forest law, young forest edge effect is not obvious from the age group analysis;③from the forest landscape analysis, forest landscape patches the intensity of edge effect of Chinese fir and broad width> pine fir pine Chinese fir and pine for the law, both coniferous forest, the degree of similarity, confirm " same-sex repulsion" principle, and the young forest pine fir negative effect.(5)The influence factor of forest landscape patch edge effect analysis. analysis the correlation degree of forest landscape patch edge effect and ecological factors using the grey correlation, the results showed that:the productivity and species diversity and the sample area number (core area or marginal zone) has a stronger connection, volume and mean DBH of fir-wide edge forest degree respectively0.573:0671, fir pine, pine, bamboo and other community-lata, shrubs and other community related degree is in0.6above, fir forest, bamboo forest and the elevation of the correlation degree is bigger, more than0.7, and pine and age associated greatly.(6)The forest landscape patch coupling degree model. forest landscape patch coupling degree model from the physics capacity coupling coefficient model, calculation of the forest landscape patch coupling degree:①young forest of coupling degree has the minimum value, which belongs to the low level of coupling, middle and mature forest had no significant difference, which belongs to the medium level coupling;②width, fir pine and fir-lata-pine forest, mature forest to reach a higher level coupling;②the FIR-width of all age groups and fir pine corresponding age group coupling degree value comparison, fir-wide coupling values greater than fir pine, pine and broad-leaved coupling degree value is greater than the pine and fir, fir forest and pine forests are coniferous forest, coniferous and broad-leaved forest dissimilarity degree, coupling degree, coniferous forests and pine forest dissimilarity degree, coupling degree is relatively small.(7)Forest landscape patch coupling of extraction and feature analysis. Put forward forest landscape patch couplings concept, plaque couplings is based on the heterogeneity of plaque interface ecological flow coupling to form a whole, as a complex ecological system. system between plaque with heterogeneity, presents the edge effect, compared to larger ecosystems, plaque couplings to maintain sustainable morphology, with some heterogeneity, if plaque couplings by the heterogeneity of forest landscape, forest landscape patch coupling body for. Summary of forest landscape patch coupling body features:ecosystem complexity, system stability, nonlinear, coupling effect of scale, regional, easy expression.


