

The Research on Plant Landscaping of Golf Courses in Shenzhen

【作者】 王庆

【导师】 刘克旺;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 生态学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 高尔夫球场作为城市绿地,发挥着重要的生态功能。高尔夫运动由于球场优美的环境而有它的特殊性,在享受运动的同时也享受着大自然。高尔夫球场的园林绿化设计以当地的自然景色为基础,将草坪、树木和花卉等园林植物与地形、水景、道路及桥等园林造景要素优美结合,创造出具有特色的高尔夫园林景观。植物是构成高尔夫球场园林景观的主要素材,其生长状况、种类组成、群落结构和景观质量,在很大程度上决定了高尔夫球场园林绿地多种功能的发挥。本研究应用景观生态学、风景园林学、生态经济学、群落生态学、森林学、景观美学等相关知识,通过对深圳地区14家高尔夫球场进行了实地调查、运用了多种手段,探究深圳地区高尔夫球场的植物群落的物种组成、造景方式、景观质量评价等方面的特点,总结了深圳地区高尔夫球场园林植物造景的特色以及发展趋势,以期对建设高尔夫球场生态园林实践有一定的指导意义,并为以后深入的研究奠定扎实的基础。主要研究结果如下:(1)深圳地区高尔夫球场植物种类组成:对深圳地区高尔夫球场的植物进行种类调查,得出深圳地区高尔夫球场内常见的园林植物种类(不包括山体次生林植物)共有58科,131属,205种。植物的重要值研究表明,在深圳地区高尔夫球场园林现有的100多种木本植物中,重要性较高的不过30多种。植物应用频率研究表明,深圳地区高尔夫球场应用频率最高的是小叶榕、大叶榕、大王椰子和木棉。植物径级研究表明,深圳地区高尔夫球场园林中乔木树种的平均胸径为33.2cm。表明深圳地区高尔夫球场园林的树种栽植时间不长。植物健康状况研究表明,深圳地区高尔夫球场园林中可评为健康的树木占90%。季相结构研究表明,深圳地区高尔夫球场园林一年四季皆有景,季相变化明显。深圳地区高尔夫球场园林植物应用情况研究表明,深圳地区的高尔夫球场普遍使用的树种有205种左右,大约为可应用于高尔夫球场中的植物种类总数量的50%。深圳地区高尔夫球场乡土树种应用研究表明,深圳地区高尔夫球场中应用频度较高的植物种类中,乡土植物所占百分比不足50%。(2)深圳地区高尔夫球场园林植物空间构成与布局:深圳地区高尔夫球场的布局形式分为5种。不同布局类型的高尔夫球场的植物造景方式不同,所采用形成的风格也不同。在高尔夫球场的园林植物造景的空间组织使用的方法有对景和分景、障景与漏景、框景与夹景等等。(3)深圳地区高尔夫球场园林植物造景方式:分为乔木配置形式、灌木配置形式、草本花卉配置形式、地被植物造景形式等等。不同的配置形式都有多种常用植物种类。植物造景必须考虑与构筑物、空气流通、沙坑、水景、山石的协调配置。(4)深圳地区高尔夫球场园林植物群落结构:用典型取样法对深圳地区高尔夫球场的园林植物群落进行了调查。总结出了深圳地区高尔夫球场植物群落的17个配置模式。按功能把高尔夫球场的植物群落分成观赏型植物群落模式、游憩型植物群落模式、生产型植物群落模式、湿地植物群落模式和草坪配置模式。每种模式都有几种相对固定的植物造景形式。(5)深圳地区高尔夫球场园林植物景观评价:利用层次分析的数学方法来构建高尔夫球场园林植物景观的评价指标。计算得出每个指标在评价系统中的权重值。通过对深圳沙河高尔夫球场园林植物景观的评价实践,分析了群落景观与群落结构的关系。经过对样方数据的统计分析,发现深圳地区高尔夫球场植物景观评价值与平均胸径之间关系大致服从函数关系A=aD2+bD+c。当群落树木的平均胸径在0-22cm时,高尔夫球场的园林植物景观评价值随着平均胸径的增加而增加;当群落树木的平均胸径大于22cm时,球场的园林植物景观评价值随着平均胸径的增加而减小;当群落的平均胸径大约为22cm时,景观的评价值最高,为91分。(6)深圳地区高尔夫球场植物造景特色与发展趋势:深圳地区高尔夫球场园林植物造景具鲜明主题突显独特风景、乡土树种营造热带风情、丰富层次创造多变空间、因地制宜满足功能需求、搭配色彩呈现缤纷景致的特色。深圳地区高尔夫球场园林植物造景趋势展望有提高本地物种,丰富植物多样性;加强公众参与,体现人性化设计;实行生态规划,促进生态效益发展;进行科学管理,实现养护可持续发展。

【Abstract】 The green space of golf course plays an important ecological function role as a part of urban green area. Golf courses have special beautiful environment. People enjoy the sport, while enjoy nature. Golf course landscaping bases on local natural scenery. It creates a unique golf landscape with beautiful combination of lawn, trees and flowers, garden plants, topography, water features, roads and bridge elements. Plants are the main constitute material of the golf course landscape. Their growth conditions, species composition, community structure and landscape quality, in large part determine the functions of golf course green space. In this article, Used knowledge of landscape ecology, landscape architecture, ecological economics, community ecology, forestry, landscape aesthetics. Surveyed of14golf courses in the Shenzhen area, by using of a variety of means. Explored the plant communities of the Shenzhen area golf courses, species composition, landscape modes, landscape quality assessments and other characteristics. Summarized the characteristics of garden plant landscaping and development trends of the Shenzhen golf courses. Hoped that make sense to build ecology golf course garden, and laid a solid foundation for in-depth study. The main findings were:(1) The plant species composition of golf courses in Shenzhen. The common plant species’(excluding mountain secondary forest plants) total number was100families,261generas and402kinds. The number of species whose important value were higher was not more than30kinds. The plants of the top application frequency were Ficus microcarpa var.pusillifolia, FicusaltissimaBl, Roystonea regia (H.B.K.) O.F.Cook, Bombax malabaricum DC. The other included Bauhinia blakeana Dunn, Elaeis guineensis Jacq, Cocos nucifera L, Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R. Br., Delonix regia (Boj.) Raf, Cerbera manghas, Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. and so on. The proportion of tree species’ diameter at breast height in the range of20-40cm was65.3%. Through the whole year,there were beauty views in the golf courses of Shenzhen area. Plant species’number was relatively small in the golf courses of Shenzhen area. The proportion of native plants were less than50%.(2) Space composition and layout of golf courses in Shenzhen. The forms of the layout of the golf courses in Shenzhen were five kinds. Their formation of different style was also different.(3) The way of plant landscaping of golf courses in Shenzhen. The way of plant landscaping of golf courses in Shenzhen divided into tree configurations:shrubs configuration form, herbaceous flowers configuration form and ground cover plants configuration form and so on. Plant landscaping and structures should achieve a coordinated effect. We should consider the air’s circulation, the bunker, the water and the rocks.(4) landscaping plant community structure of golf courses in Shenzhen. Investigated the garden plant communities of golf courses in Shenzhen with typical sampling method. Summed up six mode of the pattern of plant communities of golf courses in Shenzhen. This study summed up17configuration modes.(5) Garden plant landscape evaluation of golf course in Shenzhen. Constructed the evaluation system of landscape garden plants of the golf courses by the mathematical methods of AHP. Landscape evaluation values were affected by five terms of36impact refinement indicators of ecological indicators, artistic composition evaluation, psychological evaluation, competitive indicators, economic indicators. After analyzed quadrats’data by using SPSS software, found the relationship between the plant landscape evaluation value of golf courses in Shenzhen and the DBH value roughly obeyed the function of a variety of mathematical models A=aD2+bD+c. When the DBH value was at0-22cm, garden plant landscape evaluation values increased with the increasing of the average diameter. When the DBH value was greater than22cm, plant landscape evaluation value decreased with the increasing of the average diameter. When the DBH value of the community is about22cm, the landscape evaluation reach the highest value91.(6) There were5characteristics and4development trends of plant landscaping of golf course in Shenzhen.


