

The Research on Coupling of Livable City Construction and Urban Ecosystem in Changsha

【作者】 胡伏湘

【导师】 胡希军; 谭骏珊;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 生态学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着城市规模的迅速扩大,人们的生活质量不断提高,关注人居环境、构造宜居城市成为城市发展的趋势。长沙市作为长株潭两型社会(环境友好型和资源节约型)综合配套改革试验区的主导城市,担负着探索中部城市崛起、实现人与自然和谐共处、走可持续发展的新型城市化道路的历史使命,将长沙市建设成为宜居城市是时代的必然选择。宜居城市建设与城市生态系统既相互促进又相互制约,研究长沙市宜居城市建设和城市生态系统的内在关系,准确评价现阶段两者之间的耦合程度,提出宜居城市建设的对策,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。运用可持续发展理论、生态学、城市生态学、城市学和社会学的最新研究成果,构建了长沙市宜居城市评价体系、城市生态系统评价体系、城市建设与城市生态系统的耦合模型,计算出了长沙市城市建设与城市生态系统的耦合度,基于评价结果,提出了长沙市宜居城市建设的相应对策。研究成果主要包括:(1)充实并发展了城市生态系统和可持续发展的内涵。城市生态系统是典型的人工生态系统,其核心是人,由城市经济、自然环境、社会和人口等子系统构成,城市生态系统的建设需要以可持续发展理论为基础。通过将宜居、两型社会、信息化、城市管理等概念融入其中,使城市生态系统的建设目标更加明确、可持续发展的理论内涵更加充实,对城市建设的指导作用更加具体。(2)优化设计了城市生态系统评价指标体系,并对长沙市城市生态系统进行了总体评价。系统分析了城市生态系统的传统评价方法,优化设计了长沙市城市生态系统的评价指标体系,分为目标层、准则层、领域层和指标层四层,包括5个准则层指标、10个领域层指标和60个指标层指标,构建了评价算法,得到了自然环境子系统、人口子系统、经济子系统、社会子系统和城市管理子系统的评价值,得出的结论是长沙市城市生态系统的总体评价值为82.24,属于较好等级。(3)建立了宜居城市指标评价体系,并评价了长沙市的宜居性能。在分析宜居城市评价常用评价方法的基础上,建立了长沙市宜居城市评价指标体系的六项原则:系统性原则、全面性原则、以人为本的原则、可量化的原则、动态性原则、地域性原则。设计了长沙市城市宜居性评价指标体系的基本框架,包括四个层次:目标层、准则层、领域层和指标层,建立了7个准则层指标,24个领域层指标和81个指标层指标,综合运用主观评价法和客观评价法,设计了评价模型,并评价了长沙市的宜居指数,结果为80.61,定位为较宜居城市。(4)研究了长沙市城市建设和城市生态系统的耦合度。在对城市建设与城市生态系统相互影响进行分析的基础上,建立了长沙市城市建设与城市生态系统耦合评价指标体系,运用主成分分析和因子分析法设计了耦合模型,并确定了耦合等级,计算出了长沙市城市建设与城市生态系统的耦合度、协调度和协调发展耦合度。结果表明,近五年来长沙市城市建设与城市生态系统的耦合程度逐步提高,已进入高度耦合状态,然后从时间维度和空间维度分析了评价结果。(5)在分析评价结果的基础上,提出了长沙市宜居城市建设的相应措施。以宜居城市建设的总体思路为基础,从构建经济稳步快速发展机制、城市生态系统、健全和谐城市社会保障机制、提高生活舒适度和安全性、提高城市品味增加居民幸福指数五个方面提出了具体的建设措施。主要创新点包括三个方面:(1)将“宜居”、“信息化”、“城市管理”等概念融入城市生态系统,优化设计了长沙市城市生态系统评价指标体系和评价模型,从自然环境子系统、人口子系统、经济子系统、社会子系统和城市管理子系统五个方面筛选出60个主要评价因子进行评价,结论是长沙市城市生态系统处于较好状态。(2)将“两型社会”、“绿色GDP”、“幸福指数”等理念融入宜居城市评价过程,从经济发展、城市文明、生态环境、生活便利性、城市安全性、管理高效性和城市创新能力7个方面、24个三级指标和81个四级指标设计了长沙市城市宜居性评价指标体系,评价的结论是长沙市属于较宜居城市。(3)设计了长沙市城市建设与城市生态系统耦合模型和耦合度指标体系,运用主成分分析法,从耦合度、协调度及耦合协调发展度三个方面的空间和空间两个维度进行了耦合性评价,结论为长沙市城市建设和城市生态系统的总体趋势是由低级耦合逐步走向高级耦合。在对长沙市城市建设与城市生态系统耦合度分析的基础上,提出了长沙市宜居城市建设的策略,对提高长沙城市品味、增强居民幸福感具有较强的指导作用。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid expansion of city and improvement of people’s life quality, concert to the living environment and building the livable city become the important topic of urban development trend. As a leading city of Chang-Zhu-Tan two-oriented society (environment friendly and resource-saving) city group of the reform matched experimental area, Changsha should hold the historical mission to explore the central city development, rise the human and the nature harmonious coexistence and realize sustainable development of new urbanization. Construction Changsha for a livable city is the necessary choice of the era. However, livable city construction and urban ecosystem restrict each other as well as promote each other. So, study the relations between Changsha livable city construction and urban ecosystem, accurate evaluation of the coupling degree at present, and giving some countermeasures about Changsha livable city construction, are of important theoretical value and practical significance.Using the latest research results of the sustainable development theory, ecology, urban ecosystem, urbanology and sociology, this paper set up the Changsha city livable city evaluation system, city ecosystem evaluation system, the coupling model between urban construction and urban ecological system, and figure out the coupling degree of the Changsha city construction and urban ecological system. According to evaluation results, a series of countermeasures about Changsha livable city construction have been put forward.Research results mainly include:(1) Enrichment the connotation of the urban ecosystem and the sustainable development. Urban ecosystem is a typical artificial ecosystem, who’s core is citizen, is consisting of urban economy subsystem, natural environment subsystem, society and population subsystems. Construction the urban ecosystem should be based on the theory of sustainable development. This paper put the concept of livability, two-oriented society, city informatization, city management into urban ecosystem. Consequently, goal of city construction is more cleanly, the theoretical intension of the sustainable development is more fulfilled and the guidance to the urban construction is more specific.(2) This paper optimization designs city ecosystem index system and evaluates the Changsha urban ecosystem. Basing on the traditional evaluation methods about urban ecosystem, it rebuilds Changsha urban ecosystem evaluation index system use systematic principle, which is divided into target layer, criterion layer, field layer and index layer, including5criterion indexes,10field indexes and60index level indexes. Then it assumes the evaluation algorithm and obtains the values of natural ecological subsystem, population ecological subsystem, economic ecological subsystem, social ecological subsystem and urban management subsystems. The conclusion of the ecological system of Changsha is that the overall evaluation value is82.24, belong to a good level.(3) This paper establishes evaluation index system of livable city and evaluates the livability of Changsha city. On the basis of analysis about common method to livable city, it establishes five principles in order to evaluate Changsha’s livability index system. They are systematic principle, overall principle, human-oriented principle, quantifiable principle, dynamic principle, regional principle. The basic framework of Changsha city habitability evaluation index system is designed, including four levels:target level, criterion level, field level and index level,7criteria level indexes,24field level indexes and81index level indexes. Integrated using subjective evaluation method and objective evaluation method, this paper designs the evaluation model and figures out the result: Changsha’s livable value is80.61. That is to say, Changsha is a livable city.(4)This paper evaluates the coupling degree of Changsha livable city construction and urban ecosystem. Firstly, analyses the influence each other of Changsha city construction and urban ecosystem. Secondly, builds the coupling degree evaluation index system about Changsha’s livable city construction and urban ecosystem coupling index system. Thirdly, using principal component analysis and factor analysis method, designs the coupling model and the coupling level. Then, from the coupling degree, the coordinate development degree and coordinated development coupling degree as well time and space2dimensions, evaluates the status of Changsha city. The result shows that Changsha city construction and urban ecological system belong to the highly coupled condition.(5)Based on the above conclusions, the writer puts forward some related countermeasures about Changsha livable city construction. The methods are consisted by general idea of livable city construction, building steady economic rapid development mechanism, the urban ecological system, and improve the harmonious city social security mechanism, improve life comfort and safety, improve the taste of the city residents happiness index increase in five aspects, put forward the concrete construction method.Main innovation points of thesis are:(1) Putting "livability","informatization","city mamagement" and other important idea into urban ecosystem evaluation process, optimization design urban ecosystem evaluation index system and evaluation model, from natural ecological subsystem, population ecological subsystem, the economic ecological subsystem, social ecological subsystem and city management subsystem five aspects, selects60main evaluation factors to give a general assessment of Changsha. The conclusion is Changsha’s ecological system is good state.(2) Putting "two type society","green GDP","happiness index" and other important concept into livable city evaluation process, from the economic development, urban civilization, ecological environment, life convenience, city safety, efficiency management and urban innovation ability seven aspects, this paper designs Changsha city livability evaluation index system consisting of24level3indexes and81level4indexes. The conclusion is that Changsha belongs to the more livable city.(3) Build the coupling model and the coupling evaluation index system of Changsha city construction and urban ecological system. Using principal component analysis, from the coupling degree, coordination degree and coordinate development coupling degree three aspects as well as time and space and space two dimensions, this paper evaluate Changsha’s coupling values. The conclusion shows that the total trend of Changsha city construction and urban ecological system is gradually approach higher coupling from a senior coupling. Based on the analysis of the coupling of Changsha city construction and urban ecological system, this paper puts forward some strategy about of Changsha’s livable city construction. They have strongly guidance to uplift the city quality of Changsha and enhance resident’s happiness.

  • 【分类号】TU984.115
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1781
  • 攻读期成果

