

The Research on Efficiency Evaluation and Optimization of Eco-tourism in Coastal Zone Based on Data Envelopment Analysis

【作者】 孙玉琴

【导师】 吴楚材;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 生态学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪是海洋的世纪,人类已步入了一个全面开发和利用海洋的时代。在对海洋的开发利用中,发展海洋旅游尤其是滨海旅游,已日益引起海洋大国的重视。我国自上世纪90年代起,滨海旅游发展较快,尤其是进入本世纪后,海洋旅游在国家政策的催化下发展更加迅猛。《中国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》中再次强调:旅游业要在农民增收、发展海洋经济、发展服务业、维护港澳长期繁荣稳定等战略中发挥积极作用。作为海洋旅游核心组成的滨海旅游迎来了前所未有的发展机遇。然而,也应该看到,滨海旅游无论是滨海观光、水上运动、休闲度假等项目都与生态环境与生态旅游资源开发和利用效果紧密相关。但笔者在研究中却发现,目前我国滨海城市生态旅游环境质量整体水平不高,且各城市差距较大,人们在进行旅游开发的同时,似乎忽略了生态旅游作为21世纪旅游业发展的持久目标这一人类共识的主题,且在生态旅游研究领域,滨海生态旅游研究相对滞后,滨海生态旅游效率评价研究更少,采用DEA方法开展评价研究基本是空白。因此,本文基于DEA方法对我国滨海生态旅游效率开展了评价。为了实现评价结果的真实性和有效性,本文首先对我国滨海城市生态环境做出了记分等级评价,以选择符合生态旅游区要求的评价指标。这也是本文区别于一般城市旅游效率评价成果的关键。目的是希望丰富和完善我国滨海区域生态旅游及可持续发展理论宝库,为我国滨海城市在生态旅游开发中准确判断投入与产出的效率,确定开发步骤与方式,合理地进行资源配置等提供方法和研究资料,以指导我国滨海区域生态旅游健康、持续发展。本文主要围绕“生态旅游是城市和集中居民区的居民为了解除城市恶劣环境的困扰,为了健康长寿,追求人类理想的生存环境,在郊外良好的生态环境中去保健疗养、度假休憩、娱乐,达到认识自然、了解自然、享受自然、保护自然的目的”这一核心理念,基于生态学、环境生态学、生态承载力、可持续发展、海洋科学、区域旅游开发、经济学、DEA(即数据包络分析)等学科理论,依据吴章文、吴楚材、谭益民、郑群明等《生态旅游区生态环境本底条件研究》一文中对生态旅游区判断的条件要求,采用谭益民、吴楚材、吴章文等《生态旅游区分类分级指标体系研究》一文中设计的滨海型生态旅游区评价项目及评价计分方法对我国主要滨海城市生态旅游环境质量开展了评价,采用DEA方法对我国滨海城市生态旅游开发效率开展评价,并分别对评价结果进行了分析,提出优化的路径。全文共分为8个部分,通过文献分析、数据调研和一些辅助性研究方法,本文选出了大连、秦皇岛、威海、烟台、青岛、上海、宁波、温州、厦门、广州、深圳、三亚等12个优质滨海生态旅游城市作为本文的研究对象,按照系统性、科学性、可比性、可测取性的原则和经济学中关于生产过程要素投入的一般解释确定了海岸线的长度、第三产业从业人数、城市固定资产投资额、旅游资源吸引力和生态环境吸引力等五项指标为本文评价的输入量(投入)指标,旅游总收入,旅游总人数(人次数)等二项指标作为输出量(产出)指标,利用FA效率分析软件,并配以适宜的DEA模型进行求解,发现目前我国上述城市中DEA有效的有上海市、秦皇岛市、三亚市、广州市、温州市、威海市、深圳市、宁波市和厦门市等,DEA无效的有青岛市、烟台市和大连市。经过对无效城市的原因分析和有效城市的因素贡献值分析,最后从生态环境、生产要素输入结构及管理模式等三个方面提出了优化路径思考。本文研究结论:滨海旅游不仅是今天国际旅游的热点区域,其产品和市场的国际性和高端性也将成为未来我国旅游业实现国际化和高水平化的主战场。而生态旅游是旅游业可持续发展的方向,《中国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》中也要求全面推动生态旅游等特色旅游,发挥旅游业作为资源节约型、环境友好型产业的引领作用。故在滨海区域旅游开发中必须融入生态旅游理念,注重生态旅游效率,提升旅游发展质量,实现人民满意和可持续发展的旅游业。

【Abstract】 The21st century is the century of ocean, human has entered into the era of comprehensive development and utilization of sea. In the process of development and utilization of marine resources, development of marine tourism, especially in seashore tourism, has drawn the attention of the maritime country. Since the1990s, Chinese seashore tourism is developing very quickly, especially in this century, under the influence of national policy, marine tourism developed even more rapid. Re-emphasized by the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China, tourism industry should play an active role in the maintenance strategy in Hong Kong and Macao long-term prosperity and stability, actively promote the development of marine economy and services industry, and increase farmers’ income. As the core part of marine tourism, seashore tourism ushered in a significant development opportunity. However, it should be noted, seashore tourism, whether coastal sightseeing, water sports, leisure and other projects are closely related with the development and utilization effect of the ecological environment and eco-tourism resources. The study found that eco-tourism environment quality level of China’s coastal city is not high and there is a big gap among each level. At the same time, people seemed to ignore the theme of eco-tourism as a tourism development in the21st century, and in the field of eco-tourism research, seashore eco-tourism is lagging behind, less on the efficiency evaluation eco-tourism and no one studied on evaluation research by DEA method.Therefore, this paper used the DEA method on the coastal eco-tourism efficiency evaluation.. In order to ensure the authenticity and validity, this paper fistly make the grade evaluation on China’s coastal city ecological environment to select evaluation indexes of eco-tourism zone requirements. And this is the key difference form other ordinary efficiency evaluation. The aim is to enrich and improve our theoretical treasure-house of eco-tourism and sustainable development in seashore regions, accurately determine the efficiency of input and output of eco-tourism development in China’s coastal city, then reasonably allocate resources and guide China’s seashore regions in health, sustainable development.Based on ecology, environment ecology, ecological carrying capacity, sustainable development, marine science, regional tourism development, economics, DEA (data envelopment analysis) and other disciplines theory, according to the paper Research on Eco-environmental Background Conditions for Eco-tourism Zones, Wu Zhangwen, Wu Chucai, Tan Yimin, Zheng Qunming proposed some requirements for eco-tourism zones. This article focuses on the core concept of eco-tourism, in the use of evaluation projects and scoring criteria for Eco-tourism Zones designed by Tan Yimin,Wu Chucai and Wu Zhangwen in Research on Classification and Grading Indicator System of Eco-tourism Zones, evaluates the eco-tourism environmental quality and the development efficient in the DEA method of China’s major coastal cities, then analysis each results, gives the optimal path.The full text is divided into eight parts, through literature analysis, data research and a number of complementary research methods, this article elected12quality seashore eco-tourism cities as the object of this paper, namely of Dalian, Qinhuangdao, Weihai, Yantai, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Sanya. In accordance with the principles of systematic, scientific, comparable measurements and general explanation of economics on inputs production process, the paper determines length of the coastline, number of employees of tertiary industry, urban fixed asset investment, tourism resources attractive capacity and eco-environmental attractiveness as five input indicators, the total tourism revenue, the total number of visitors arrival as two output indicators. By using FA analysis software, and accompanied by appropriate DEA model, the paper found that these cities DEA valid, Shanghai, Qinhuangdao, Sanya, Guangzhou, Wenzhou, Weihai, Shenzhen. Ningbo and Xiamen, and DEA invalid in Qingdao, Yantai and Dalian.After analysis of causes of invalidity and value effective contribution, the final optimized path from three aspects ecological environment, the structure of production input and management model.The conclusions of this study are as follows, seashore tourism is not only today’s international tourism hotspots, its products and markets international and high level and will also become the main battlefield in the future of China’s tourism industry. Ecotourism is the direction of sustainable tourism development, the Plan also calls for the full promote of eco-tourism and other characteristic tourism, tourism industry should play the leading role as a resource-saving and environment-friendly industries. Therefore, in seashore region, tourism development must be integrated into eco-tourism concept, focuses on eco-tourism efficiency, and improves tourism development quality, implement people’s satisfaction and sustainable development of tourism.

  • 【分类号】F205;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2698
  • 攻读期成果

