

Research on Key Techology of Closed Loop Special Scene Simulation with High Frame Frequency

【作者】 靳永亮

【导师】 王延杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 机械电子工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 光电成像跟踪系统在研制的过程中,需要不断对系统的设计方案进行检验、优化、评估和测试,然而对系统进行全方位的检测面临很多困难,其中就包括场景数据源的获取。通过外场试验虽然可以获取真实的场景数据源,然而多次进行外场试验的耗费巨大,而且试验的环境条件不受控制且不能严格重复。真实的应用环境和舰船、坦克、飞机等目标的运动状态是复杂多变的,不可能对系统在所有目标和背景环境条件下的性能进行测试,而且单纯依赖外场试验不利于系统在研制阶段各项测试工作的开展。因此,合理的利用仿真手段和仿真设备研制构建高帧频闭环特殊图像场景仿真系统模拟外场实际的作战场景,提供与真实应用环境相同或相近的场景数据并输出与实际光电成像系统一致的数据流是完全必要的。该仿真系统的研制成功为在实验室环境下定量和定性测试光电成像跟踪系统信息处理机算法在实际作战环境中的工作效能、全面考核算法的各项性能指标提供了一种切实有效的手段,具有重大意义和广阔的应用前景。场景产生器是光电成像制导设备硬件闭环仿真的关键设备,本文采用图形图像处理技术和硬件仿真相结合构建了动态场景闭环仿真系统。通过高性能计算机和外围硬件设备协作,模拟不同目标在各类环境条下做多自由度运动时场景的变化并将仿真系统输出的场景图像直接注入导引头信息处理机以检测信息处理机算法的各项性能指标。首先,利用本文提出的图像预处理、图像分割和多尺度形态学处理相结合的目标提取流程,从实际拍摄的包含军事目标的实景图像中将真实的目标特征数据准确地提取出来形成单独的黑背景目标图像。背景图像直接采用实际拍摄的多种复杂环境条件下的场景数据,为实现动态场景仿真提供了逼真的目标和背景数据源。其次,设定目标的仿真运动轨迹,根据解算的目标运动参数运用相关图形学变换技术对目标进行相关的几何变换来调节目标在成像平面的位置、大小和运动姿态。再次,利用噪声处理、亮度匹配、边缘平滑的分步处理方法实现目标和背景图像的真实感合成。为了真实反映实际闭环跟踪过程中目标场景的运动特性,图像合成时根据设定的像机参数和解算的场景运动参数,使用点扩散处理的方法模拟像机和被摄目标相对运动造成的各类图像模糊效应。另外,可通过调整图像亮度、对比度、信噪比的方式实现目标和背景信号强度的仿真调控。最后,利用建立的跟踪控制模型和设定的仿真参数实时调整场景的生成模拟整个跟踪过程中场景的变化,实现了闭环场景仿真和场景数据的准确定序。在序列场景输出时,对生成的仿真场景实时叠加各类探测器效应,最终实现仿真生成任意分辨率、帧频及不同类型场景的图像数据流。目前仿真系统已成功用于导引头信息处理机自动目标跟踪算法的全指标检测过程中。经检验采用本文方法可仿真生成高逼真度场景数据并实现信号注入式的闭环跟踪动态场景仿真,闭环仿真系统输出的数据流高达1280*1024@500fps或2048*2048@100fps,满足实时图像处理系统对于高帧频大容量特殊场景数据源的需求。

【Abstract】 During the development process of EO imaging tracking system, the designscheme is necessary to be kept on verifying, optimizing, evaluating and testing.However, there are many difficulties in the full range of testing, including theacquisition of scene data source. Outfield experiment is the most effective way to getreal scene data, but it is too costly for time after time experiments while theenvironmental condition is out of control and also can’t be strictly repeated. Thepractical application environment and motion state of the targets such as plane, tankand ship, are complicated, so that it is impossible to test the system performanceunder all possible environmental conditions. Otherwise, solely relying on outfieldexperiment also comes no good for carrying out the various testing works in thedevelopment stage. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to develop closed loopspecial scene simulation system with high frequency reasonable making use ofsimulation tools and equipments, which can simulate actual outfield applicationenvironment, provide scene data that is same or similar to the actual applicationenvironment and output data stream in accord with actual EO imaging system in orderto fully test and evaluate the work performance of the EO imaging tracking system inthe actual combat environment. The successful development of the system offer aneffective mean for testing the working efficiency of the information processor algorithm under actual combat qualitatively and quantitatively, so as to fully evaluatethe performance indexes and that has great significance and potential applications.The scene generator is the key equipment of the hardware closed loop simulationof EO imaging guidance system. In the paper, the graphics and image processingtechnology are combined with hardware simulation technology for dynamic scenesimulation system development. Through the collaboration of high-performancecomputer and peripheral hardware device, dynamic scenes, which simulatesmulti-DOF motion of different targets under various background and interferenceconditions are generated and directly injected into the guiding information processorof the seeker for testing the performance of the algorithm of information processor.First, the target extraction method proposed in the paper, which combines the imagepretreatment, image segmentation with multi-scale morphological processing, is usedto extract the real target from actual photographic image including martial target toform individual target image with black background. Actual photographic imagesunder different environment condition are directly used as the background of thesimulation scenes. Secondly, the simulation motion track is set and the location, scaleand motion attitude of the target in the imaging plane are adjusted according to thecalculated motion parameter using correlative graphic transformation algorithm.Again, realistic image synthesis is completed by three steps, including noiseprocessing, intensity matching and edge smoothing. To enhance the photorealism ofsynthetic image, the point spread processing is introduced to simulate the differenttype of blurring effects caused by relative motion between camera and target duringflight according to the setting camera parameter and scene motion parameter value.Otherwise, by the way of adjusting the brightness, contrast, and SNR of the image, thebackground and target signal intensity can achieve simulation controllable. Finally,the dynamic variation of scene during the whole tracking process is simulatedaccording to the control model and set simulation parameter and has realized closedloop simulation and accurate scene sequencing. While the sequence scenes are to sendout, various type of sensor effect are superposed in real time and finally achievegenerating image stream with arbitrary resolution, multi-frame rate and different type. At present, the simulation system is successfully applied to the total indexes testingfor ATR algorithm of guiding information processor. It is proved that the system isable to generate high fidelity scene data and realize closed loop scene simulation bythe way of digital signal injection. The closed loop simulation system can output datastream up to1280*1024@500fps or2048*2048@100fps, and that has met with theneed of the real-time image processing system for high frame frequency and largecapacity data source.


