

The Study on Nadir-Limb Imaging Spectrometer for Space-Based Ionosphere Upper Atmosphere Remote Sensing

【作者】 于磊

【导师】 王淑荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 光学工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着人类对大气遥感研究的深入,空间电离层高层大气遥感正在成为地球空间科学所关注的热点,掌握其粒子光谱辐射规律,进而建立分布模型,实现高层大气空间环境天气预报,对人类活动具有重要意义。用于该方面研究的天底-临边成像光谱仪是一种新型的空间光学遥感仪器。本文根据电离层高层大气探测的空间应用需求,提出了一套应用方案,并设计研制了原理验证系统。方案以国外相关先进仪器为基础,针对所采用的天底观测和临边观测结合的方式,设计了两种结构紧凑的光谱仪系统,光谱覆盖范围为130nm~180nm。两种系统均由前置光学系统和光谱成像系统构成,前置光学系统一致,为离轴抛物镜;光谱成像系统则分别为改进式Czerny-Turner系统和单超环面光栅系统。前者的色散元件采用平面光栅,为满足成像光谱仪宽波段成像的要求,深入分析了传统Czerny-Turner光谱成像系统的像差形成机理,进行了相应的优化设计,获得了改进型结构的宽波段成像条件,并得到了良好的设计结果。该方案易于加工和装调,且避免了受复杂光栅制造技术的制约;后者的色散元件采用超环面光栅,在设计中以光程函数为基础,对单光栅系统进行了详细的像差分析,得到该系统的宽波段像差校正条件,并在引入遗传算法的基础之上,对这些校正条件进行了最优值计算,从而设计出符合要求的成像光谱仪结构。此种方案光学元件的数量最少,系统能量传输率最高。由于超环面光栅制作复杂且昂贵,为便于加工、装调和试验验证,本文的原理验证系统方案采用了离轴抛物镜与改进型Czerny-Turner光谱成像系统相匹配的光学结构。光谱辐射传输特性研究、光学系统传输效率和信噪比分析结果表明:该方案满足远紫外波段探测需求。本文研制了成像光谱仪原理验证系统,配合相应探测器进行了辐射定标和相关实验验证,并结合其波段特点,对系统展开了辐射定标和性能评价:实验获得了原理系统的光谱辐照度响应度,其定标合成不确定度为7.7%,测得空间分辨率为0.7mrad,光谱分辨率为1.76nm(161nm处)。该远紫外光谱仪原理验证系统性能满足设计要求,验证了方案的可行性,填补了目前国内的研究空白,并为今后在气象卫星等空间项目上的推广应用奠定了技术基础。

【Abstract】 With the development of the remote sensing of atmosphere, the study of upperatmosphere (ionosphere) remote sensing is becoming the priority research areas inthe earth and space science. It is significant for human beings activities to study thespectral radiance of the particles, build the model of the distribution in upperatmosphere, and realize the space environment weather forecasting. The nadir-limbimaging spectrometer for the observation is a new kind of space-based opticalremote sensing instrument. The present article introduced a program in applicationtowards the observation based on requirements of the ionosphere and upperatmosphere observation. We designed and fabricated the principle verificationsystem of the imaging spectrometer. The observation method that is combined ofnadir observation and limb observation is adopted. The spectral range covers130nmto180nm. We designed two compact optical structures for the spectrometer based onpresent foreign advanced programs of instruments. These optical systems are bothcomposed of the telescope with an off-axis parabolic mirror and the spectral imagingsystem. The spectral imaging system in the first design is an advancedCzerny-Turner system and the other is a single toroidal grating system. In the firstdesign, the dispersion element is a plane grating. On the analysis of aberrations inthe classic Czerny-Turner system, perfect imaging conditions in broadband wereobtained. The performances of the design showed that aberrations in the broadbandwere all corrected and the design met the requests of the spectrometer excellently.The system doesn’t need to be applied complicate grating technique of manufacture, and is ease in fabrication and alignment. In the second design, the toroidal grating isadopted as the dispersion element. We obtained the aberrations corrected conditionsin details based on the analysis of the optical path functions and aberrations.According to these conditions, we optimized the toroidal grating by the geneticalgorithm and obtained the optimum parameters of the optical structure. The systemhas the fewest mirrors and the highest transmission.Because the toroidal grating is complicate and expensive in the introduction, theprinciple verification system of the spectrometer adopts the off-axis parabolic mirrorwith the Czerny-Turner system in convenient of fabrication, alignment andexperiment. The spectral transmission characteristics were studied, and thetransmission efficiency and the signal-to-noise ratio of the optical system wereanalyzed. The results indicated that the system satisfied the requests of thefar-ultraviolet waveband observation. The principle verification system weredesigned and fabricated with the corresponding detector integrated. We built avacuum experiment system to do performance evaluation and calibration of it. Theirradiance responsivity of the system was calibrated and the composite uncertainty is7.7%. The space resolution is0.7mrad, the spectral resolution is1.76nm (at161nm).The development of the far-ultraviolet spectrometer principle verification systemsatisfied the request of the design and validated the feasibility of the program. It fillsup blank of the corresponding research and provides foundations for the applicationof the spectrometer in the space-based project on the weather satellite in our country.


