

The Philology Achievement of Lv Si-mian

【作者】 何周

【导师】 张子侠; 徐国利;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 历史文献学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 吕思勉是近现代著名历史学家,他在文献学方面的成就,全面而且丰富,如果说他同时也是一位有成就的文献学家,也不为过。本文试图通过对吕思勉生平及著述的综合考察,从他的史料学、辨伪学、目录学、历史编纂学、历史考证等几个方面着手,提炼概括出他的文献学思想及实践成就。吕思勉(1884--1957),字诚之,江苏武进(今常州市)人。他长期从事文史研究和教育工作,一生写过两部通史、四部断代史,在社会文化史、政治制度史、民族史、学术史、思想史、史学史、历史研究法、史籍读法、文学史、文字学等领域都有专著,还有大量的史学论文、札记、讲稿、教材和历史通俗读物,著述总量超过一千万字,真正是著作等身。吕思勉的学术活动和成就打上了他生活时代的烙印。吕思勉的学术成就,首先得益于他的家学渊源。传统学术对他影响很大,他既继承了常州学派的治学特点和学术追求,又受到乾嘉学风的严谨、求真、重证据等精神的影响。同时,吕思勉不盲目排外、不保守而是积极地汲取西方文明的成果。吕思勉的学术还具有强烈的时代精神,尤其是充盈着强烈的爱国主义精神。吕思勉治史特别重视史料,对史料的内容范围、类别、价值、搜索、考订、运用和方法多有论述,颇有特点和价值。他把史料范围推廓得很广,认为史料不仅仅限于传统的四部,不仅凡是文字资料都是史料,而且还有大量的实物史料。他还很注意当代的材料,努力加以搜辑。吕思勉把史料分为两种九类,他的史料分类思想明显受到西方分类思想的影响。他特别重视史料的搜辑与考证,强调要按一定的专题去搜辑,当务之急是作史料汇编。他专门总结了书籍、实物、古事的辨伪考证方法。对于各种史料的价值,他也有自己的分析与判断。吕思勉史料价值观的一个突出特点是对二十四史等常见文献史料特别倚重。中国古籍,真伪难辨,造伪书是极普遍的现象,辨伪学也历史悠久。本文主要从辨伪思想、辨伪实践、辨伪方法三方面论述了吕思勉的辨伪学成就。吕思勉的文献辨伪思想,主要可以概括为:古书不容轻信,又不容过疑;凡书无全伪者,伪书大多“仍各有其用”;古史不仅“层累地造成”,同时又“逐渐地剥落”:不见记载者,不能决其必无也;传之与经,信否亦无大分别;其所谓实物者,实未必皆可信。吕思勉辨别过的众多的古籍,他的辨伪实践,既不对古书一味迷信,也不一味怀疑,他本着实事求是的精神,对古代文献加以辨别和清理,其辨伪结论是大多是中肯和可信的,后来大量的考古发现证明了这一点。他提出的文献辨伪方法主要有:根据征引及因袭情况辨伪、根据情理推理辨伪、根据古书义例辨伪、根据文体及文辞辨伪、根据作者的思想辨伪、根据制度沿革辨伪、根据地理演变辨伪。吕思勉在治学与教学中,十分注重目录和目录学,特别重视和强调目录学的重要功能。他专门为初学者写了一本目录学著作----《经子解题》,这是吕思勉专门为初学者开具的一本指导古书阅读的书目性质的目录书专著,就经部和子部的重要古籍,精心开出必读书目,这本书简易通俗,要言不烦,大益于当时的青年学子。除了这本目录学专著,为了指导初学者读书学习,他还精心编订了不少导读书目,先后编订的有不同学科的好几种书目,主要的有《史部书目举要》、《史籍选文拟目》、《古书名著选读拟目》等,这些书目都是他读史和治学的心得所系,今天对青年治学还有指导价值。在历史编纂学方面,吕思勉有不少独到的见解和创造。中国史书的体裁十分多样,《四库全书总目提要》,将史部之书分为正史、编年、记事本末、别史、杂史、诏令奏议、传记、史钞、载记、时令、地理、职官、政书、目录、史评等十五种,吕思勉对这十五种体裁都曾加以分析。他特别重视史钞、史料汇编和札记。他的几部通史、断代史著作,在体裁上是一个新颖创制,可看作是纪事本末体和典志体的综合体裁。他对古书通例做了阐发,主要观点是:先秦古籍,大多口耳相传,轻事重言;先秦诸子,大抵不自著书,今其书之存者,大抵治其学者所为,而其纂辑,则更出于后之人;古人著书,有所本者,大抵直录其辞,不加更定,信以传信,疑以传疑;古人之研究学问,多墨守一家,纯一不杂,古书也仪载一家之言;常事不书,为史家公例。吕思勉在历史考据上取得了巨大的成就,其逾千万言的著述中很大部分是有关古史的考据文章,其中有的是专门的考据论文,大部分以读史札记的体裁写作,后来结集出版的,有的考据成果是有机融合在其著作中。他之所以能取得巨大的考据成就,跟他学术的求真宗旨足分不开的。他认为学术的核心宗旨是求真,“治史旨在求真”,同时跟他广博的知识、清代学风的因袭、个人的嗜好都有关系。吕思勉在历史研究中,很注重史实的考据,他的考据方法很有特色,也很齐全,主要有:史源考证;据理而推之法;以考古成果考证;以风俗考证;以古书常见史料考证出特别史实;因时因地考证历史;以义例考证;训诂法;发现字句背后的意义;以文学材料证史;因果考证;比较考证;古代惯例考证;以文字考证。

【Abstract】 Lv Simian is a famous historian in modern time,not a professional philogogist.But his achievements on philology is comprehensive and abundant,so he is also a successful philogogist that should not be overstated.This paper attempts to comprehensively investigate Lv simian’s life and writings.To abstract and generalize his philological thoughts and contribution through bibliography.the study of differentiating right from wrong,historical study,historiography and historical verification.etc.Lv Simian(1884-1957),his nickname was Chengzhi.He was born in wujin(today’s changzhou) Jiangsu province. He engaged in cultural and historical research and education for a long time.In his life he wrote two General History.Four History by Dynasty,and he wrote monographs in different reams such as social and cultural history,history of political system,history of nationality, academic history,thought history, history of historiography, reading method of historical records, literary history, etymology.Besides there are a lot of historiographical essay、 notes、 scripts,teaching materials and historical gender popular books.The total number of words in his writ tings is over10million.so he is a real prolific writer. His academic activities and achievements were marked the mark of his time.His academic thought inheritaged the learning characters and academic pursuits of Changzhou scholarship.In the reign of Qianlong and Jiaqing period the learning style is precise,truth-seeking and weight of evidence.which influenced Lv simian so much.The passion of national pride and patriotic emotion made LV simian’s academic full of spirit of patriotism and reverence of Chinese traditional academic.He also actively learned from the fruits of western civilization and didn’t antiforeign blindly.His academic is open-minded.not conservative. Lv simian’s academic achievement benefited from his erudite through paternal teaching and influence.Lv Simian attached must importance to catalogue and bibliography in the process of learning and teaching、specially to the important functions of bibliography.He wrote a bibliographical book Zi Jing Jie Ti for the beginner.This book is a bibliographical monography that is to directing reading the ancient books and has bibliographical nature. He elaborately made a list of required reading in terms of important ancient books Jing Bu and Zi Bu,The book was simplict and popular, and brief and to the point,which benefited the young students of his contemporary time.Except the bibliographical monography,in order to guide the beginners’ reading he devoted to compiling many instructions for reading,and he successively complied birds of books in different disciplines which mainly contained,Shi Bu SHU Mu Ju Yao,Shi Ji XUan Wen Mi Mu,Gu Shu Ming ZHUXuan Du Ni Qu. These books were all his findings that learned from reading the history Even today the books have guideline value for the youth learning.Chinese ancient books are difficult in differentiating right from wrong.The widespread of pseudograph is a common phenomenon.The study of differentiating right from wrong has a long history. This part relates to describing Lv simian’s achievements on study of differentiating right from wrong from three main aspects:the thought,practive,method of this study.Lv’s thought of differentiating right from wrong on documents can mainly generalized that the ancient book was neither allowed to be credulous nor to be skeptical; If the books were not totally pseudo,most pseudographs had their own uses;Not only layer caused by tried to ancient history. But some ancient history was gradually forgotten and lost.If we did not see the recorder with our own eyes,we couldn’t judged whether the book was real or not;There were no significant difference between the reliability of the notes of the classics and the classics.The practice of differentiation was mainly involved many ancient books differentiated by Lv simian. Lv’s practice of differentiating right from wrong was neither blindly believe the ancient books nor blindly suspect them.He differentiated and sorted out the ancient documents based on the spirit of seeking the truth from facts. The conclusions of differentiation he made were pertinent and credible.Later his assertions were proved obvious accurate according to a large amount of archaeological finds.The main methods of differentiate the documents are according to the situation of quotation and inheritance,the reasonal reasoning.the examples on ancients books,the literary style and diction,the author’s thought.the evolution of the system,and the geographical evolution of the system,and the geographical evolution to differentiating right from wrong.Lv Simian paid much attention to historical materials when he investigated history.Hehad many discussions about the contents and extend,category,value and search textual criticism,applied principles and methods of historical materials.These discussions were characteristic and valuable. He expanded a broad spectrum of historical materials,In his opinion,the spectrum of historical materials was not only limited to the traditional" SI BU ",He believed any textual materials and abundant physical materials are all historical materials.He also noticed the materials at his contemporary time and made great efforts to searching and compiling.Lv simian classified historical materials into"Two Sorts" and "Nine Categories" His classification of thinking for historical was not Chinese traditional classification of thinking and obviously influenced by the western. He laid special stress on searching and compiling the historical materials and emphasized that according to a certain special subject to searching and compiling.The top priority was made the compilation of historical materials. He specialized in generalizing the methods of differentiation on books, physical materials and antiqueness. He had his own analysis and judgment in terms of the value of different historical materials. A prominent feature of Lv simain’s value on historical materials is his special emphasis on the common historical documents like Twenty-four Histories (dynasty histories from remote antiquity till the Ming Dynasty)Lv Simian had many unique insights and creations on historiography. There was a diverse genres of Chinese historical records. The "Summary sikuquanshuzongmu"(complete literary in the Four Branches of Literary)divided the History of Department for15categories: official history, chronicle, chronicle ins and outs, separate history, unofficial history, dahir(zhaoyi) and memorials (zongyi), biography, historical notes, historical records, season, geography, official status, political books, catalogue and history assessment. In his works Lv simian analyzed these15categories respectively. He attached much importance to historical notes. compilation of historical documents and extracts. The style of his works of general history and history by period is a novel innovation, which was regarded as a comprehensive type of JI SHI BEN MO(a kind of historical form regarding historical affairs) and DIAN ZHI (code-chi). He made analysis on conventions of ancient books. The conventions of ancient books he generalized are:ancient woks in the pre-Qin period were spreaded in a spoken way, the scholars focused on spread the books in a spoken way and discounted write down them.Most pre-Qin scholars didn’t write book, the existing books were wrote by the learners who learned their thought, if there were educated materials, the educated materials were direct recorded and copied in the book and not modified. They could not make sure these materials are right or wrong. If the book writers convinced the words are true, they passed on them with conviction. While if they doubted the words they passed on them with suspicion. Most ancients sticked to one school of thought when they researched scholarship, their thoughts were one pure thought and not mixed with other schools of thought, so an ancient book just recorded one school of thought; the ordinary affairs would not wrote in the book which is the convention of history.Lv Simian scored tremendous achievements on historical textual research. A large portion of his writings that more than thousands of words was relate to textual works of ancient history, including some professional textual paper, most writings were wrote in a type of notebook, then collected together to republic. Some textual fruits and his writings had reached an organic integration. The reason why he scored great textual achievements is inseparable from his academic tenet—truth-seeking; he believed the core tenet on academic is truth-seeking. His success on textology was also contributed to his broad knowledge, to he carried on old customs of study style of Qing Dynasty, and to his hobbies.Lv Simian laid stress on the textual research of historical facts in the process of historical research. His methods of textual research are characteristics and complete, including use documents source to textual research; the method of rational reasoning; textual research based on archaeological result; textual research based on custom; according to the common historical materials in ancient books to prove the extraordinary historical facts; the historical verification due to different time and place; textual research based on examples; the methods of exegesis(explanation of words in ancient books); discover the real meanings of words and expressions; prove the history based on literary materials; textual research of causation, comparison, ancient practices and characters.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

