

Research on the Relationship of Corporate Culture Factors to Strategic Change of Corporation

【作者】 刘明明

【导师】 肖洪钧;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球一体化的进一步深入使企业发展的环境变得越来越复杂,竞争日趋激烈。面对复杂多变的市场环境,企业需要不断对其自身的发展战略进行调整或变革,以适应企业生存的需要。战略变革要从企业的实际出发,以适当的速度、幅度、深度推进战略变革,以应对企业所面临的市场环境的挑战,不断提高企业绩效。企业进行战略变革会受到多种因素直接或间接的影响,企业自身文化就是其中一个重要影响因素。企业文化究竟如何影响企业战略变革,进而如何影响企业的绩效,正是本文的研究的主要目的。论文从企业文化构成要素的角度,选取了部分能够代表企业文化主要内涵的5种要素作为我们的研究变量,来探讨企业文化在战略变革的速度、幅度、深度三个方面的影响以及对企业绩效的影响。文章主要采用了实证研究中的问卷调查方法,运用统计分析软件对所调查的数据进行分析,进而得出一定的结论。文章首先介绍了问卷形成的基础理论,提出了企业文化与战略变革关系的理论基础及假设、企业文化与企业绩效的理论基础与假设、战略变革与企业绩效关系的理论基础及假设,在国内外学者有关问卷测量题项研究的基础上,形成了本论文的调查问卷。在对数据的处理的过程中,主要采取了预测试和全面测试相结合的方法,对测量问卷进行了全面的净化和处理,调查对象为建筑类企业。通过对自变量和因变量进行结构方程模型分析,得出了各个变量维度之间的影响关系。通过数据分析发现,对于建筑类企业,团队精神和社会责任对战略变革速度具有显著的正相关关系,而科技创新对战略变革速度影响不显著,顾客导向维度因未通过数据检测而被删除,不参与对战略变革的速度、幅度、深度影响分析,组织学习对战略变革速度具有显著的负相关关系。在对战略变革幅度的影响上,团队精神和社会责任对其具有显著的正相关关系,而科技创新和组织学习则对其具有显著的负相关关系;在对战略变革深度的影响中,团队精神和社会责任对其有显著正相关关系,科技创新因未达到显著而被删除,组织学习对战略变革深度具有显著的负相关关系;在对企业绩效的影响上数据显示,团队精神和社会责任对企业绩效具有显著正相关关系,科技创新与组织学习对企业绩效有显著的负相关关系;在战略变革与企业绩效影响上,数据显示,战略变革的速度和幅度并没有对企业绩效产生显著的正相关影响,而战略变革深度对企业绩效具有显著的正相关关系。文章最后还对战略变革是否在企业文化和企业绩效之间存在中介能力进行了数据分析,结果发现,战略变革在企业文化和企业绩效之间并不具备中介能力。在论文最后,文章对每一种数据分析结论的原因试图给出解释。

【Abstract】 The circumstance of corporate development is becoming more and more complicated, and competition among them is becoming much fierce along with being more deepened of integration with global economy. For adapting the complicated circumstance corporations need to be adjusted or changed on their strategies so as to meet the need of survival. Corporate strategical change must implement from the reality of corporations with adaptable speed, magnitude, depth, which can cope with the challenge of marketing circumstance and improve the performance of corporation. Culture stemmed form corporation itself is one of the important factors which can affect strategic change of corporation when strategic change has been affected by direct or indirect factors. It is the main purpose of this thesis about how the corporation culture affects the strategic change of corporation and the corporate performance further. We chose five factors of corporate culture as our research variables and explore the influence of how the five factors affect the strategic change speed, magnitude, depth and corporate performance.The thesis has got some results by adopting questionnaire investigation method of empirical research and analyzing the data by using the statistic analyzing software. Some basic theories have been introduced at first and the questionnaire was formed finally based on the theories of questionnaire survey items of home and abroad researchers. Some hypothesises have been put forward about the relationship of corporate culture and strategic change, corporate culture and corporate performance, strategic change and performance based on theories of these from home and abroad researches. During the process of the the data processing, the thesis combined pretest and total test so as to pure the questionnaire totally. The questionnaires were issued to construction sector. The thesis has got a conclusion of the realationship of every variable by using the structure equation modeling to analyze the independent variables and dependent variables.Some conclusions have been found according to the data such as team spirit (TS) and social responsibility (SR) have obviously positive correlation to strategic change speed (SCS), science and technology innovation (STI) has negative correlation to SCS, the dimension customer orientation (CO) which has been deleted because it can’t pass the least data checking request can’t be analyzed the influence to strategic change speed, magnitude, depth, and organizational learning (OL) has obviously negative correlation to SCS. TS and SR have obviously positive correlation to strategic change magnitude (SCM) and STI and OL have obviously negative correlation to SCM. TS and SR have obviously positive correlation to strategic change depth (SCD) and OL has obviously negative correlation to SCD, STI was deleted because it can’t pass least data checking request. About the influence of corporate performance (CP), the thesis has still got the similar conclusion that TS and SR have obviously positive correlation and STI and OL have obviously negative correlation to CP. The thesis has got special conclusion about the relationship of SCS, SCM, SCD to CP, which is that SCS and SCM have no obviously positive correlation to CP but SCD has a obviously positive correlation to CP. Finally, the thesis has checked if strategic change has intermediary ability to corporate culture and corporate performance, and the checking conclusion displays that strategic change has no intermediary ability to corporate culture and corporate performance.

  • 【分类号】F270;F407.92
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】4364
  • 攻读期成果

