

The Community Construction&Administration Research of Rural Areas in Informatization View

【作者】 张成林

【导师】 赵康;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本世纪之初,中国政府提出了建设新农村的战略构想,这既是承接了上世纪初叶力图以改造乡村挽救旧中国于衰微的先贤未竟之志,又是当下中国社会发展急需破解之瓶颈,更是面向未来的必然之选,但如何将千年未大变之传统农村改造为充满现代意蕴的新农村仍是国人未完解之题。近年来,学界和政府提出将农村改造为现代生活共同体,也就是把社区作为新农村建设的具体方案,应该说是可行之选。这既体现了中国历史发展的必然要求,又契合当下国家和农民的双重需求。建设农村社区毫无疑问是建设新农村战略构想的明晰化,但农村社区建设仍是一个复杂的社会工程,需要进一步破题求解。信息化是在世界各国的经济、社会现代化过程中得到确证的重要力量,因此,我国也应充分重视信息化在农村社区建设的作用,探索如何将信息技术应用到社区建设的各个层面。这种想法在世界范围内来看似乎不具有太多的创新意义,因为各种发展水平的国家如美国、韩国、印度农村的信息化实践已历多年,且在农村社会发展中已显露出较为明显的推动作用;国内各省在农村信息化方面也不是无所作为,如处于不同发展水平的广东、宁夏、云南等省区在农村信息化建设方面也已进行了一些积极的实践,并取得了一定的效果,但就上述地区的农村信息化建设内容而言更多的是指向农业信息化而非农村信息化,更不具有明确的现代共同体建设意识,无论从理论还是实践层面都需要进一步研究如何利用信息技术服务于农村社区建设。农村社区建设也就是通过全方位增加和提高社区基本结构要素,为农村社区共同体提供物质载体。但由于社区建设过程总是由相关社会主体参与完成的,如何处理主体间关系,能否调动其参与积极性并约束其有损于农村社区建设本质要求的不当行为,就成为农村社区建设必须要面对的问题,否则就难以从相关主体那里聚集到必要的社区建设资源,也无法实现资源效益。在治理理论的语境下,可以理解为,农村社区建设需要建构合理的制度化机制去处理社区建设主体间关系以配置社区要素,形成合理的要素结构,否则,社区共同体就无法达成建设所需要的秩序并最终实现要素效率与效果的优化。我国农村发展历史也已充分的证明:没有合理的治理模式是无法有效建设农村,推动农村发展,让农民过上好日子的。为此,面对为农民建设现代生活共同体的历史性要求,必须要探索和建构合理的社区治理机制以保障农村社区建设的进行。治理模式实质是一种制度结构,而有效的制度必须具有社会环境的适应性。当我们通过信息化来推动国家及农村村社区建设的时候,当信息技术渐渐进入农村,融入农民日常生活的时候,当利用信息技术成为农民生活方式的时候,也就意味着信息技术正在改变着农村社区内外的社会环境。这种改变对于既存于农村的某种治理模式而言是其治理生态的改变,而治理生态的变化会导致旧治理模式的不适应乃至失败,为此,需要对原有的治理模式进行适应性调整乃至彻底的推动其转型为新型治理模式。当然,治理模式的调整或转型也是农村社区建设的需要。通过对美国、韩国、印度及我国广东、宁夏、云南等国内外不同发展水平的国家或地区农村信息化建设情况的宏观梳理,还有深入J镇农村社区对那里的信息化建设情况进行的实证考察,发现:第一,信息技术在农村社区经济发展、村政管理改进、社会服务提供、社区文化建设、农民主体性提升等诸方面都具有促进作用;第二,各地农村社区建设的技术模式虽有所不同,但基本都遵循了“政府扶持、市场运作、社会参与、资源整合”的运作机制。第三,相较于美国、韩国等农村信息化先进国家,包括J镇在内的国内各地的农村信息化建设中存在一些共性的问题,主要有:政府投入不足、市场主体存在信息化“市场失灵”现象、社会主体社会参与不足、信息服务内容单一、信息系统应用水平低。针对发现的问题,需要采取提升农村社区信息化的在政府战略中的地位、完善促进农村社区信息化建设的制度保障机制、培育规模化信息消费主体、推动政府管理服务系统由镇下延进村、探索农民信息化培训的新模式以提高应用水平等措施。通过考察信息化对J镇农村社区治理生态带来的影响,发现信息化正深刻的改变着农村社区的治理生态。从外部看,信息化正在建构者一个具有开放特质、互动功能的网络社会,而偏远的农村社区也可以融入其中,分享网络里的资源。同时,信息化推动了政府电子政务的发展,开启了网络问政,这便利了农民和政府双向交流与互动。从内部看,信息化改变着农民的观念,改变着农村的社会关系与行动结构。从农村社区内外行动者的互动方式与博弈机制看,信息系统为多元主体之间搭建起了去中介化的、扁平化的非线性连接通道,乡村政治平台上的博弈结构正在由过去封闭环境下的基层政府和社区的二元博弈趋向开放环境下的多元主体博弈转变。从总体看,信息化正在将农村社区带进一个由社区—社会—基层政府—高层政府所组成的三层四维政治空间。相对于过去封闭的、等级化的农村政治空间,这一新政治空间具有开放性、话语权的平等性、互动的多维性。结合农村治理生态中呈现出的新特点及建设现代生活共同体的终极目标,农村社区治理模式需要在三个向度上进行适应性转型,即:封闭型治理转向开放型治理,生产型治理转向生活型治理,控制型治理转向合作型治理。第一方面主要指治理环境的转变,第二方面主要是指治理标的物的转变,第三个方面主要是指核心治理机制的转变。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of this century, the Chinese Government put forward the strategicidea of "New Rural Construction", which is not only the unaccomplished intention ofthe wise men who attempted to rescue the old China by the way of reforming the ruralarea at the beginning of last century, but is also the problem urgent to solve in the socialdevelopment of China. What’s more, it is also the inevitable choice for China to face thefuture, but how to transform the traditional rural areas unchanged for thousands of yearsinto the new rural areas filled with modern features is still the unfinished problem forChinese people. In recent years, the academic circle and the government put forward theidea of "reforming the rural areas into the modern living-community", namely settingthe community as the specific scheme for New Rural Construction, which is thepracticable choice. It not only reflects the inevitable requirements of historicaldevelopment of China, but also conforms to the demands of both nation and farmers.The construction of new rural areas is beyond doubt the clarity project of the strategicidea of New Rural Construction, but the rural community construction is still a complexsocial project, which needs a further breakthrough in the progress of solving theproblem.Informatization is the corroborant important power in the progress ofmodernization of economy and society for various countries, so our country should alsoattach great importance to the effect of informatization on rural community construction,and explore how to apply the information technology to all the aspects of communityconstruction. This thought seems to be with few sense of innovation in worldwide,because it has been practiced in different countries with all kinds of development levelfor many years, such as the United States, Korea, and India, moreover it has revealedobvious promoting effects in the progress of social development.Each province hastaken some methods in China, such as Guangdong, Ningxia, Yunnan etc., which are under the different development levels,they have carried out several positive practiceregarding on rural informatization construction and have made severalachievements,but as for the rural informatization construction content of thementioned-above areas, it refers to more agriculture informatization than rural areainformatization,what’s more,it lacks the specific awareness of modern communityconstruction, so no matter from the perspective of theory or practice,we should furtherstudy how to use the information technology to serve the rural community construction.Rural community construction is to provide material medium for rural communityby increasing and improving the basic structural factors of the community.Due to thefact that the community construction is always completed by the related socialsubject,so how to deal the relationships between different subjects,and arouse theenthusiasm of the subjects and restrict their undue behaviors which may do harm to therural community construction essential requirement have become the problem in theprogress of rural community construction,otherwise it is hard to accumulate theessential resources for rural community construction from the related subjects andrealize the resource benefits. Under the context of administrative theory,we canunderstand as that rural community construction requires the reasonable systems to dealwith the relationships between subjects who take part in the community constructionand deploy the community essential elements,thus the reasonable essential structure isformulated,otherwise the community can’t form the order required by the constructionand at last fail to realize the optimization of essential element efficiency and effect.Thedevelopment history of rural areas in our country has fully proved that:without thereasonable administrative system,we can hardly construct the rural areaseffectively,promote the development of rural areas or help the farmers to lead a betterlife.So faced the historical requirements of farmers constructing the modern lifecommunity,we must explore and construct reasonable community administrativesystem to ensure the process of rural community construction go smoothly.Administrative system is in fact a kind of system structure,and the effectivesystem shall adapt to the social environment well.When we promote the developmentof our country and rural community construction by informatization,when theinformation technology comes into the rural areas gradually,when using theinformation technology becomes the life style of the farmers,those mean thatinformation technology is changing the social environment inside and outside the rural community.This change is the change of administrative ecology change as for thecurrent-existing rural administrative system,so we need to adjust the intrinsicadministrative system or even promote it to transform into a kind of new administrativesystem.Of course,the adjustment or transformation of the administrative system is alsothe requirement of rural community construction.By the macroscopical analysis of the status of rural informatization construction ofUSA,Korea,India,and Guangdong, Ningxia, Yunnan etc. in our country, which arenations and provinces in our country with different development level,and theon-the-spot investigation of the status of informatization construction of the rural areasin J Town,we found that:Firstly,the information technology has promoting effects onthe economic development of rural areas,the promotion of village administration, theproviding of social services,community cultural construction,the promotion of farmers’enthusiasm and so on;Secondly, although there are differences of technology modulesbetween different rural community constructions,they conform to the operatingprinciples of “supported by the government,market operating,socialparticipation,resources integration”;Thirdly,compared with the informatizationadvanced nations like USA and Korea,the rural informatization construction in ourcountry including J Town mainly exist the common problems as follows:inadequateinvestment from the government,dysfunction of the subjects of the market in theinformatization, the inadequate participation of social subjects,the singlenessinformation service content,the low level of information system application.Accordingto the problems,we need to promote the position of rural informatization in the strategyof the government,improve the guarantee mechanism of rural communityconstruction,develop the scale information consumers,motivate the governmentadministrative service system extend from the town to village,explore the new modulesof informatization training for farmers to improve the application level etc.By exploring the effects brought about by the informatization to the ruralcommunity administrative ecology,we find that the informatization is changing therural community administrative ecology deeply.Viewing from outside, theinformatization is constructing a net world featured by opening to the outside world andinteraction function, and the remote rural areas can also integrate with it to share theresources in the internet.Meanwhile,the informatization has motivated the developmentof e-government affairs and start a new stage of asking politics from the internet,which brings convenience to the communication and interaction of the farmers andgovernment.Viewing from inside,the informatization is changing the ideas of thefarmers and the rural relationships and behavior structure of the rural areas. Viewingfrom the interaction modules and gaming systems of the inside and outside of the ruralareas, the information system sets up a intermediary,flattening, nonlinear linkingpassage for the multielement subjects.The rural political gaming structure is changingfrom the local government and binary gaming under the blocked environment in thepast into the multielement subjects gaming under the opening environment.Viewingfrom the whole, the informatization is taking the rural areas into a three-dimensionaland four-layer political space,which is made up by community,society,localgovernment and advanced government.Compared with the blocked and grading ruralpolitical space in the past,this new political space has the features of opening and theequality of rights of speaking. According to the new features presented in the ecologyof rural administration and the ultimate aim of constructing modern life community, therural community administrative module needs to transform in the three aspects, namely:the transform from blocked administration to opening administration, the transformfrom production-style administration to life-style administration, the transform fromcontrolling administration to operation administration. The first aspect mainly refers tothe change of environment administration, the second aspect mainly refers to the changeof management content, and the third aspect mainly refers to the change of keyadministrative system.

【关键词】 信息化农村社区建设治理
【Key words】 InformatizationRural communityConstructionAdministration
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

