

Hr Empiricism of Public Institution Based on Pos

【作者】 苏文胜

【导师】 武振业;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 事业单位在我国社会经济中发挥着举足轻重的作用,但现行事业单位人力资源管理的价值取向、管理理念和制度设计已难以适应事业单位改革的总体要求,与发达国家公共组织人力资源管理相比也有较大差距。随着体制改革的深入和市场竞争的发展,需要重新定位并有效转变事业单位人力资源管理模式和内容。当然,这一切都离不开先进的理论支持与实证的调查研究。众所周知,推行能够影响员工技能、激励和行为的先进人力资源(Human Resource,简称HR)实践,可以使组织产生战略优势。目前,我国的经济结构正在转型,大量的知识工作者正在取代传统劳工,逐步成为社会基本结构中十分重要的一环。这些知识工作者凭借其专业优势,已经不再需要从一而终地为某一组织工作,离职或兼职等行为将成为常态。传统意义上员工对组织的过分依赖已经不再是绝对主流,组织同样也需要依赖员工。过去,我们比较多地关注员工对组织的忠诚度研究,而现在,则更需要研究组织如何对员工忠诚和对员工做出承诺等问题。因为这些因素将直接影响员工对待组织的态度,进而影响员工的工作态度,决定他们是否采取辞职等不利于组织的行为。基于此,部分学者开始从相反角度对员工对待组织的态度问题进行研究,以斯对人力资源实践的方式、方法进行修正和新的探索。Eisenberger (1986)提出组织支持感理论(Perceived Organizational Support,简称POS)。该理论认为,当员工感受到来自于组织的支持,即感受到组织对自身的关心、支持、认同时,他们在工作中就会有很好的表现。组织支持感强调的是员工认定组织忠诚对待员工的信念,而透过社会交换以及心理契约等机制的作用,员工会依据其感知到的组织支持的程度,对组织各项行为的背后意义进行解读,从而展现出不同的工作态度和行为。组织支持感理论的提出,正是对这一研究方向的重要探索,并逐步成为重要的研究手段被运用。本研究正是顺着这样一个思路,采用组织支持感这一概念,通过研究事业单位与员工间的组织支持感的作用,分析员工对事业单位人力资源实践的感知与重要的工作结果的相关性。由于事业单位是以脑力劳动为主体的知识密集性组织,专业人才是事业单位的主要人员构成,所以本文也研究了员工的专业承诺与组织支持感交互作用如何影响工作结果。在对以往相关研究文献进行综述、回顾的基础上,本研究选取了四川省事业单位220名具有代表性的员工作为样本,采用问卷调查法收集相应数据。通过对问卷所获得的数据进行统计分析,得到了以下研究结论:组织支持感不但影响员工的工作结果,而且是其前因变量对结果发生作用的中介变量。具体说来就是,当事业单位员工的组织支持感较高时,薪酬满意度、工作-家庭支持、领导-成员关系及职业发展机会对工作结果产生正向的影响;反之,当组织支持感较低时,其前因变量对工作结果的影响效果则不明显,即只有在事业单位员工组织支持感水平较高的情况下,薪酬满意度、工作-家庭支持、领导-成员关系及职业发展机会越高,员工的工作结果才会越好,所以,提高员工组织支持感具有很重要的意义。实证研究结果显示,组织支持感对组织承诺、工作绩效及组织公民行为均呈显著正相关,与工作压力、离职意愿、兼职行为均呈显著负相关。要想使组织更加健全,成员对组织更具高度承诺、良好绩效,提高组织的公民行为,减少员工的流失与兼职行为,可以从提高成员对组织的政治知觉程度着手,如建立沟通管道,使政策执行公平、公开;缩小组织在薪资、升迁政策与实务之间的差距;营造组织成员之间和谐友善、互相关照的文化氛围,以提升团体的凝聚力。本研究的创新之处在于:首先,通过理论和实证研究方法,对事业单位中专业人员组织支持感的影响因素,以及他们的组织支持感对其工作结果是否有显著影响等问题进行了探讨,这对提高组织绩效,增强管理者业务水平有着十分重要的现实意义。其次,采用专业承诺作为调节变量,研究了事业单位员工的专业承诺与组织支持感交互作用如何影响员工工作效果。最后,研究了事业单位组织支持感和专业承诺与兼职行为的交互作用效果。本研究是在金融危机与5·12抗震救灾等特殊背景下进行调查与实证研究,研究结果与以前研究的结论有一定差异,如在组织支持感的前因中,一般研究结论为薪酬与领导-成员关系影响最大,而本研究调查发现家庭-工作支持影响最大;专业承诺对组织支持感作用结果的调节作用没有其他研究明显。这为以后的研究和人力资源管理实践者提供了一个重要启示,研究与实践必须考虑背景因素。尽管本研究有一定的局限性,但这一研究将有助于以后的进一步研究和实践。通过把事业单位员工感知的各种人力资源实践与组织支持感相连接,本研究在连接人力资源管理与组织行为中起到了桥梁作用,为组织如何通过实施适当的人力资源实践从而培养更高水平的感性支持提供了指导。这一关于组织支持感影响重要员工工作行为和工作结果的研究成果,证明了组织支持感研究的重要性及组织对其员工提供适当支持的必要性。这说明由于员工对组织支持感的反映依赖于其专业承诺的不同水平,需要组织在组织支持感管理实践中充分考虑个体差异,注意员工专业需求和态度。

【Abstract】 The Public Institution is playing a decisive role in our country’s economy, but the value orientation, the management idea and the system design of present Human Resources Management in Public Institutions can not meet the general requirements of the Institution reforms, and have a great disparity with those of Human Resources Management in Public Organizations of developed countries. With the deepening of reform and development of market competition, the mode and contents of Human Resources Management in Public Institutions need to be repositioned and to realize the transformation. The smoothly carrying out of the relevant work on Human Resources Management can not separate from the support of advanced theory and practice studies.It is well known that carrying out advanced HR practices which affects the staff’s skills, motivation and behaviors can cause the organization to have the strategic advantage. At present, China’s economy is in transition a lot of knowledge workers are substituting for the traditional laborer and becoming a very important part in the social basic structure gradually. These knowledge workers have their own specialized superiority, so they don’t need to devote themselves to the organization until death. Nowadays, the organizations must frequently face to some phenomena like leaving job or taking part-time job and so on. That the staffs rely on their organizations excessively in the traditional sense is no longer the absolute main stream, the organizations also need to depend on their employees. In the past, we paid more attention to the study of the staff’s loyalty to their organizations, but now we need to study these questions like how the organization is loyal to their staffs and makes promises to their staff and so on. These factors will directly affect the staffs’ attitude toward their organizations, thereby affect their working attitude and their decisions whether to resign. As a result, some scholars begin to study the staff’s attitude toward their organizations, hoping this research can make some revisions and new explorations to the ways and means of Human Resources practices.In1986, Eisenberger proposed the "Perceived Organizational Support" theory. This theory believed that when the staffs feel the care, the support and the approval from their organizations, they will work in good performance. What the POS theory stressed is the faith which the staffs firmly believe their organizations treat them faithfully. Through the functions of mechanism like social exchange as well as psychological contract and so on, the staffs will understand the meaning of their organizations’behaviors according to the degree of organizations’supports they perceived, and show different work attitudes and behaviors. The POS theory is an important exploration on this study and becomes an important research method to be used gradually.This paper based on the thinking, using the concept of POS, by studying the function of POS between the Public Institution and their staffs, analyzes the pertinence between the perception of the staffs on HR practices of the public institution and the important work results. The Public Institution is knowledge-intensive organization which takes the mental labor as the main body, so the professional is the main personnel constitution of the Institution, Therefore this paper also studies how to influence the work results of the staffs’professional commitment and POS interaction.On the basis of review and retrospect of the previous studies, this research selected220representative staffs in the Institutions of Sichuan province, collected the corresponding data through the questionnaire. By analyzing the statistics obtained by questionnaires, this research draws the following conclusions:the POS not only affects the staffs’work results, but also is the mediator to the results of the antecedent variables. Concretely speaking, when the staffs in Public Institution perceive highly the organizational support, their degree of salary satisfaction, the supports from family, the relationships between leaders and other members and the opportunities of career produce positive effect on the work results. Otherwise, the effect of antecedent variables in the results is not obvious. That means the higher the staffs perceive the organizational support, the better work results they will achieve. Therefore, to improve the POS of the staffs is very important. Empirical results showed that the POS has the remarkable positive effect to the organizational promises, the work achievements and the citizenship behavior within an organization, meanwhile, it has the negative effect to the working pressure, the intention of leaving job and part-time job behavior. If the organization wants to make itself more robust, causes the staffs to make a better promise and good achievements, and enhances the citizenship behavior of the organization reduces, the outflow and the part-time behavior of the staffs, it can enhance the organization’s cohesion through improving the degree of the staffs’political consciousness to the organization. For example, to establish communication channel, to be fair and open in executing policies, to reduce the disparities in the salary, the policy on promotion and the practice, and to build the harmonious and friendly atmosphere among the staffs.The innovation of this research lies in:Firstly, it discussed the influencing factors on POS of the professional working in Public Institution, and their POS whether observably influence their work results or not through theory and empirical study method. All these have very vital practical significance to enhance the enterprise’s achievements, strengthen the supervisor’s vocational level. Secondly, the paper studied how the POS influenced the staffs’work results through the interaction existing in the professional commitments of the staffs in the public institution, by using the professional commitments as an adjustment variable. Finally, it studied the effect of the interaction which exists in the POS and part-time job behavior, and designed the corresponding measurement sheet on part-time job behavior through the interview, the experiment and analysis.This research is an investigation and empirical study conducted under the special background of the financial crisis and5·12earthquake relief and so on, so there is certain differences between the findings and the conclusions of previous studies. For example, in the antecedent variables of the POS, the general research concluded that the salary and the relationships between leaders and other members have the greatest impact, but this research investigated that the supports from family have the greatest impact, and the role of professional commitment on the POS did not seem as that in the other studies. All of these provide an important enlightenment for later research and other human resources management practitioners, that is, the background factor must be considered in research and practice.This research certainly contains some limitations, but it will be helpful to the further research and practices. This research plays a role as a bridge connecting human resource management and organizational behavior and provides guidance on how to organize the implementation of appropriate human resource practices in an organization so as to cultivate a higher level of emotional support. This finding how the POS affects the important work results has proved the importance of the POS research and the necessity of why the organizations need to provide appropriate support to their staffs. Then it explains that the staffs’reflection to the POS depends upon their different levels of professional promises, therefore the organizations need to consider the difference of the individual and pay attention to the staffs’ professional needs and attitudes in the process of the POS management practice.


