

The Study of Railage Emergencies Rescue System

【作者】 唐士晟

【导师】 周本宽;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 物流工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 对铁路运输突发事件的应急救援组织与科学决策是保证铁路运输安全的一项重要工作。本论文力图以铁路运输突发事件应急救援为研究对象,探索构建铁路运输突发事件应急救援体系并对体系中的关键问题进行深入研究,按照铁道部“利用多种应急手段,共享各类信息资源,快速反映、科学决策、综合指挥、实现跨部门、跨区域、跨社会的联合救援行动”的要求创新应急救援体系,在深化铁路运输应急救援组织管理的理念,提高应急救援的决策支持水平,加强应急救援物资管理与调度、提高应急通信保障等方面提供有益的探索。铁路运输突发事件应急救援体系作为由专业知识、管理方法、行为规范和实施机构组成的有机结合体,能够实施完成各种应对突发事件的方案和措施,可以实现完善的信息管理系统和专家决策支持。它涉及突发事件应急管理平时状态、警戒状态、运作过程和事后处置的一整套解决方案,也涉及到组织、指挥、物资、通信、信息平台、资金、信息管理、社会力量和法制等方方面面,这些因素都影响铁路运输突发事件应急救援体系的建设与正常运行。本文从构建铁路运输突发事件应急救援体系的角度出发,通过实证调查,从系统论的观点出发研究铁路运输突发事件应急体系建设,建立能够符合现代铁路运输突发事件管理的应急救援体系,并对其中的组织管理、应急救援决策支持系统、应急救援物资管理、应急救援通信保障四个核心问题进行了深入研究,其结论对于构建完善的铁路运输应急体系具有直接指导价值,对于提高铁路运输突发事件应急救援管理水平具有现实意义。本论文完成的主要工作与成果如下:(1)通过较为全面的文献检索与查询,把握国内外相关学科研究。从相关研究成果来看,现有研究对于铁路运输突发事件应急救援体系的建设缺少指导作用,目前尚缺少系统进行铁路运输应急救援体系及其关键环节的研究;(2)对我国铁路运输应急救援状况进行了实证调查与分析。通过对应急救援组织管理、应急救援决策支持系统、应急救援物资管理、应急救援通信保障、资金与监督制度管理、应急救援信息管理、社会力量和参与群众管理、法制管理等九个方面的现状的调查分析,归纳出我国铁路应急救援体系的核心内容与框架模型;(3)提出了构建铁路运输突发事件应急救援的核心框架,并对应急救援组织管理、应急救援决策支持系统、应急救援物资管理、应急救援通信保障等四个关键问题进行了深入研究;(4)建立了一系列的数学处理模型。即铁路运输突发事件应急救援体系模型,铁路运输应急救援指挥决策系统(IDSS)中基于CBR以及RBR的决策推理模型,基于模糊聚类算法的应急救援物资分类模型,基于最短路径算法的救援物资储备位置确定模型,基于Dijkstra最短路算法的应急救援物资车辆调度优化路径算法模型。

【Abstract】 The emergency rescue organizations and scientific decision-making of railway traffic accidents is an important work. The railway emergency rescue system,as the research object, was constructed and the key problems which in the system were researched further in this dissertation. According to the requirement of "use various emergency methods, share kinds of information resources, quick reaction, scientific decision-making, integrated command and realize the trans-department, trans-regional, cross-societal combined relief operations"to innovate the emergency rescue system.Beneficial exploration was done for deepening the organizational management idea and improving the decision-making level of railway emergency rescue, for strengthening the material management and scheduling, and for improving security of emergency information.Railway emergency rescue system, as the organic combination of professional knowledge, management methods, behaviour norms and implement organization, can improve the system of information management and expert decision support. It involves the usually state, alert, operation process and afterwards disposal solution in the emergency management process,and also involves organization,direction, materials, communication, information platform, capital, information management, social forces, legal financial aspects and so on,which all influencing the railway construction and normal operation of emergency rescue system.Form the standpoint of constructing the railway emergency system,and according to the empirical survey, the railway emergency system was constructed by the system theory in this dissertation,which correspond with the modern railway management.The emergency organizational management, emergency decision support system, emergency relief supplies management,and emergency communication ensure,as the four key problems, were deeply researched. The conclusion has direct guiding value to constructing the perfect railway emergency system,and has practical significance to improve the management level of railway emergency rescue.The main work and achievements was accomplished in this dissertation as follows:(1)Through the comprehensive literature retrieval and query, the domestic and foreign relevant discipline research was grasped. From the relevant research results, the existing research lacks direction function to construct railway emergency rescue system, the research of railway emergency system and the key link was still relatively lack.(2) The condition of railway emergency rescue in China was empirical surveyed and analysed. After the research of rescue organizational management, emergency decision support systems, emergency relief supplies management, emergency communications security, funds and supervision regulation management, emergency information management, social forces and participated masses management, and legal management, the core content and framework model of railway emergency rescue system was concluded.(3)The core framework of railway emergency rescue was constructed in this dissertation.The organizational management, emergency decision support systems, emergency relief supplies management and emergency rescue communication security was studied in the dissertation.(4)Series of mathematical processing model was established, such as railway emergency rescue system model, decision-making and reasoning model of railway emergency rescue Integrated Decision Support System(IDSS) based on CBR and RBR, the emergency relief supplies classification model based on fuzzy clustering algorithm, the relief supplies reserves located model based on the shortest path algorithm, emergency relief supplies vehicle scheduling optimization path algorithm model based on the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm.


