

Research on the Legal System Protection of Chinese Labor’s Right

【作者】 朱剑宇

【导师】 陈立虎;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 “劳工标准”是指有关劳工保护的基本法律规则,它是对劳动者的劳动报酬(工资、收入等)、劳动条件(工作时间、安全保护等)、劳动福利(休息、医疗保健、教育、生活待遇等)及其它公民权利(如结社、集会、罢工、言论等自由)所作的规范与要求,本属于国内法的范畴。1919年国际劳工组织成立以来,将本属于国内法的劳工标准推广到国际法的范畴。由国际劳工组织(ILO)所采纳的涉及基本人权、就业、社会政策、劳动管理、工作条件、行业关系、社会保障、妇女地位、童工问题、移民工人、成年工人等185项公约和194项建议书被称为国际劳工标准。国际劳工标准以社会正义为宗旨,以保护劳工权利为目标,但全球化的发展赋予其新的含义。国际贸易中的劳工标准问题在经济全球化的大背景下,近年来其重要性日益凸显,成为各国政府和学术界普遍关注的热点问题。同时,这一问题也构成了发达国家和广大发展中国家在新一轮多边贸易谈判中一个难以调和的分歧点。发达国家提出了要在世贸组织协议中列入保护劳工权利的所谓“社会条款”,将劳工标准和国际贸易挂钩,对于不遵守国际公认劳工标准的国家,应当予以贸易制裁,而大多数发展中国家则反对将劳工标准与国际贸易联系在一起。由于发展中国家的强烈反对,劳工标准问题没有被明确纳入多边贸易体系,但是,对于社会条款问题的争论却仍然在继续。在双边贸易领域,劳工标准与国际贸易的挂钩却有了实质性进展,在美国与新加坡、智利签署的自由贸易协议中,已经把劳工保护条款列入其中。可以预见,由于国际社会各种复杂因素,劳工标准问题将被纳入WTO多边贸易体制是一必然趋势。中国是世界上的贸易大国又是WTO的成员之一,也是世界上劳动力数量和劳动力市场最大的国家,劳工标准问题不容回避。因此,研究我国劳工权益保护问题对我国无疑具有重大的理论和现实意义。作者尝试通过对国际劳工标准的研究为国内的劳动标准问题给出解释。本文摆脱了“劳工标准是否应与贸易挂钩”的研究视角,而是回归对国际劳工标准本身的探究。本文运用历史分析、比较分析、个案分析的研究方法,作为人权的劳动权益为逻辑起点和核心思想,对国际劳工标准进行了全新的阐释,指出国际劳工标准是一种“守住底线,留出空间”式的国际立法形式,并提出依据国际劳工标准对我国的劳动标准立法进行调整。首先对我国平等就业权保障制度的检讨与反思。我国法律中有不少关于平等就业权保护的规定,但禁止就业歧视的效果并不理想。其原因不仅在于我国平等就业方面的法律规定存在众多缺陷且没有设置专门的禁止就业歧视的执法机构,还在于用人单位为就业歧视承担的风险低,缺乏有效的对就业者进行救济的制度,就业者的权利意识差,以及国家机关对就业者平等就业权的漠视。因此,我国应当借鉴国际上保障平等就业权的先进经验,在完善有关平等就业权、就业歧视的法律规定的同时,设置独立的专门的禁止就业歧视的执法机构,加强法律的可操作性,加大对就业歧视行为的惩处力度;其次提出了改革现有社会养老保险体制的渐进模式和最终目标,即在政府的主导下,以社会基本养老保险为基础,建立覆盖所有社会成员的保险体制;逐步建立企业层次、个人层次等多层次的社会养老保险制度;规范社会养老保险的运行机制,健全和落实管理制度;确保受保人的利益;稳步推进城乡合一的社会保险制度建设,实现经济平稳运行,社会和谐发展;文章最后探讨劳工自由结社和集体谈判制度,这是市场经济条件下调整劳动关系的重要机制,也是现代西方国家规范和调整劳动关系十分奏效的基本手段和主要方法。它不仅规定了劳动者的工资福利水平,而且本身就是化解劳资冲突的一种重要方式。

【Abstract】 Labor standards refer to the basic rules to protect the workers. The labor standards regulate theworkers’payments (salaries and incomes,etc.), the working conditions (working time and safety,etc.),the welfare system(rest,medical ceare,education and living benefits etc.)and other civil rights (thefreedom for ganizing,meeting,striking and speech).International Labor standards usually refer to the Pacts and suggestions adopted by the ILO(theinternational Labor organization).Nowadays,the ILO has adopted185Pacts and194suggestionsconcerning the issues on the basic human rights,employment,social Policy,labor management,working conditions,industrial relations,social security,woman’s,rights,child labors,immigrantworkers and adult workers,etc.The international labor standards basic idea to Protect soeial justice andto achieve the goal to Protect the labor’s,rights has been augmented by the development of theglobalization.With the economic globalization the issue of labour standards in international trade is getting moreand more important and becoming the focus of governments and academia all over theworld.Meanwhile,the issue has also become a tough bifurcation in the new round multilateral tradenegotiation between developed countries and developingcountries.developed countries put forward theso called"social clause"which meant to protect labour rights as a new entry of WTO.In this way,theylink labour standards and international trade together. According to them, countries which don’t abide bythe international labour standards shall receive trade sanction. However most of the developingcountries are against this proposal.The issue of labour standards hasn’t been incorporated into themultilateral trade system due to the strong opposition of developing countries.Nevertheless,the disputeon the social clause is still going on.In the bilateral trade field the link between labour standards andinternational trade has developed substantially.The entries of labour protection has been brought into the free trade agreement signed between the U.S,the U.S and Chile.Besides,in the non-official level theissue of trade and labour standards exists also in the code of conduct of multinational corporations.It canbe foreseen that the issue of labour standards will beincorporated into the WTO multilateral tradesystem will be an irresistible trend due to the combination of all the complicated international socialfactors.China is a big country of trade and a member of WTO,at the same time,it’s also the country ofmost labours and the biggest labour market,so the labour standards is a problem unavoidable. Therefore,research on the issue of labour standards of international trade is of great theoretic and realisticsignificance.The author trying to explain the problem of national labor standards through the research ofInternational Labor Standards.This dissertation abandons the research angle of whether the laborstandards should be linked with international trade,and returns to the research of International LaborStandards itself.It takes the proposition,“the connotation of labor rights,as apart of human rights,is toprotect workers’rights to exist”,as the logical beginning and the core thought,and provides newexplanations to the context,characteristics and trends of International Labor Standards.It demonstratesthat International Labor Standards is the international legislation which in the mode of“defending thebase line and preserving the vacancy”and proposes that China should adjust its legislation of laborstandards according to the trends of ILS,such as deregulation,increasing flexibility and expandingcoverage.First analyses and reformation of safeguarding system of equal Employment right of ourcountry.There are many Provisions about equal ernploymnent in the legislation of our country,but theeffect of Prohibiting employment discrimination is not ideal.This is notonly because there are manydefects in the Provisions oflaw of this aspect and thereis no expert organization of Prohibitingemployment discrimination,but also because of these facts:employers will pay little for theiremployment discrimination actions,there is no effective relief ways, employees have a weak rightconsciousness,and the state have attach enough importance to equal employment right.Therefore,weshould learn from advaneed experience of other countries,improve Legislative Provisions about equalemployment right and employmnent discrimination, set up expert organization for prohibitingemployment discrimination and Punish employment discrimination actions more severely.Secondly much more advanced age people is not only the social problem,but also is the economics problem. Thepaper puts outs the gradual mode and the end targets to reform the existing systems.For example:allsocial members enjoy the more layers of social pension plan;under the predominance of thegovernment,taking nation’s social basic pension system as the foundation to build up it and so on.Wecan also build up gradually such as business enterprise layer and personal layer social pension system,orcorrect the behavior of the system mechanism and make sure the implementation management andprectect the benefits of the guarantor.In the end of the paper we propose that these plans should becomeone unite so that we could promte the economic development level and the social walfare.Lastcollective bargaining is an important mechanism to modify industrial relations in market-orientedeconomy. It is also the effectively basic and major means for regulating and modifying labor relations inwest countries. Not only does collective bargaining establish the level of employee s wage and benefits,but also serves as an important means of conflict resolution. The basic of bringing the modifying effectof collective bargaining into play is to resolve the problem in implementation of collective bargaining inour country.Collective bargaining is not only a means to ensure the implementation of present laws, butalso an important measure of establishing new rules. The development of collective bargaining systemsdepends on whether we select agreement self-government model or the government play the major rolein it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

