

A Comparative Study of Modern Transformation between Chinese and South Korean Novels

【作者】 张乃禹

【导师】 汤哲声;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 中韩两国自古以来关系密切,尤其是文学方面,由于韩国属于汉字文化圈,借助文字这一重要文化因素,中国文学对韩国文学产生的影响是全方位的。但这种情况到近代开始发生改观,一向兴盛的两国文学交流轨迹从比较文学上所说的“影响关系”逐渐演变到“平行关系”。这是因为19世纪末20世纪初,中韩均遭到了西方列强或日本的殖民侵略,由此两国文学交流的传统关系被迫中断。而两国积贫积弱的封建统治阶层无力抵抗而面临内忧外患的民族危机。此后,门户开放,“西风东渐”,印刷技术的发达催生现代报刊杂志陆续出现,稿酬制度的确立使作家们有了职业身份,新式教育与现代都市的形成为小说的变革带来了广大的阅读受众,同时域外小说的翻译活动给传统小说以刺激和冲击,从此中韩小说逐渐摆脱了自古以来的边缘化地位,成为文学的主流。而也就是在此过程中,中韩小说开始了现代化转型之路。两国小说的变革既呈现出较强的同一性和同步性,同时也表现出相当的差异性。而对这种同一性与差异性的分析及其产生原因的探究就成为本论文的主要内容和要解决的核心问题。绪论部分主要概述了选题缘起,对相关概念作了界定与说明,并提出了论文的核心问题、研究内容、研究现状、本文的创新之处以及研究方法与思路。根据这一思路,本论文分为五章予以具体探讨:第一章对中韩两国小说现代化转型期的相似社会文化背景进行了系统梳理。主要从西方列强的入侵和救国之路的探索,现代报刊杂志的创办与职业作家的出现,新式教育与现代都市的形成带来的小说阅读群体,域外小说的刺激与启迪等四个方面展开。第二章以梁启超为个案研究,分析了梁启超对中韩小说现代化转型所产生的影响。首先考察了梁启超的著述及思想在近代韩国的传播接受,接着分析了韩国近代著名思想家、小说家申采浩对梁启超理论和思想的接受以及所产生的影响。最后从文体和小说类型的角度探究了梁启超对韩国小说变革产生的作用。第三章重点阐述中韩小说现代化转型的同一性。从继承传统、肇始现代的角度具体分析了两国小说的过渡性特点。同时着眼于小说观念、语言载体、创作技法等方面,全面探究了两国小说现代化转型的同一性。小说观念上,两国都经历了抬高小说地位的过程;语言载体方面,开始了向白话文过渡的尝试,为以后两国的“白话文运动”奠定了基础;创作技法方面,主要是在翻译小说的刺激和启迪下,两国小说在叙述模式和创作技巧等方面均呈现出迥异于古代小说的新特点。第四章着眼于中韩小说现代化转型的差异性。从主题意识、文学格局、文化冲击以及政治事件等方面详细阐明了两国小说转型的差异性。主题意识方面主要是“讽刺谴责”与“爱国新民”;文学格局方面关注了两国新文学与通俗文学之间的关系,分别表现为“对立批判”与“共生并存”;文化冲击方面主要探讨“儒家思想”与“西方宗教”的文化碰撞在中韩两国所产生的不同结果;政治事件方面则是两国历史和文学史上的大事件“五四运动”和“三一运动”对文学产生影响的比较。第五章着重分析了中韩小说现代化转型同一性与差异性产生的内外原因。首先是通俗小说的推动作用。中韩两国小说观念从“救国新民”的政治高度回归娱乐、消遣的本体特征,既是受小说自身发展规律制约的结果,也是政治、经济、文化等多种外部因素影响的结果。而反过来,现代通俗作家强调小说的娱乐、消遣功能,在一定程度上发展了小说的审美艺术特征,有力地推动了小说现代化转型的步伐。同时两国的通俗小说作家作为启蒙主义的先行者,他们的作品已经具有一种很强的现代性意义,为后来两国新文学的诞生奠定了坚实的思想基础,推进了两国文学现代化的进程。日本和西方文学也对中韩两国小说现代化转型产生了影响。在这一过程中,日本曾经发挥了重要的媒介作用,推动了中韩小说的现代化转型。中韩两国近代小说的发展过程也基本上重复了日本小说的发展路径,走了一条小说政治化的道路。同时兴起于西方文艺复兴时期的个性解放、个性自由等思想观念与科学、民主等意识开始被两国知识分子所接受。而中韩“半殖民地”与“完全殖民地”之间的差别成为两国小说转型中出现差异性的总根源。正是殖民地化程度的不同使两国小说由传统到现代的转变过程中在主题意识、文学格局、文化冲击和政治事件等方面均产生了差异。

【Abstract】 From time immemorial, a close relationship, especially in literature, has been set upbetween China and South Korea. By dint of character, an important cultural factor, Chineseliterature has influenced South Korean literature in all domains for South Korea belongs tothe Chinese-Character Cultural Circle. However, such kind of this situation began tochange in modern times, making the cultural exchange between the two countries, whichhad always been flourished, develop from “Influential Relationship” to “ParallelRelationship” in the angle of Comparative Literature. The reason was that China and SouthKorea suffered from colonialist aggression of the Western Powers or Japan from the end of19th century to the beginning of the20th, forcing the traditional cultural exchangerelationship between the two countries to be discontinued. Nevertheless, the weak and poorfeudal ruling stratums were unable to resist this, having to be faced with national crisisunder the circumstances of troubles at home and aggression from abroad. Afterwards, therecame “the Open Door Policy” and “the West Breeze East Gradually”. Together with thedevelopment of printing technology, they expedited the gradual appearance of modernnewspapers and magazines. The foundation of author’s remuneration system enabledwriters to have occupational identity. Then the formation of new-style education andmodern cities brought about wide scopes of readers for the transformation of novels. At thesame time, translation activities of foreign novels also brought in stimulations and impactsfor the traditional novels. Combining all of the above-mentioned factors, Chinese andSouth Korean novels gradually broke away from the time-honored marginalized statue andbecame a mainstream of literature. It’s in this process that Chinese and South Koreannovels took the modern transformation way. Changes between the two countries’ novelsnot only represent relatively strong identity and synchronism, but also considerable diversities. Therefore, the main contents and key problem for this paper to deal with are theanalysis and researches on the causes of such sameness and diversities.The exordium chiefly outlines the reason for selecting this topic. Then it givesdefinitions and explanations to some relevant concepts, and also puts forward the keyproblem, research contents, present research situations, innovation points and researchingapproaches and ideas of this paper. In accordance with this outline, this paper will discussthe topic in detail in5chapters.The first chapter will give a systematic account of similar social and culturalbackground in the modern transformation period of Chinese and South Korean novels. Itwill discuss from four aspects, mainly researching on the invasion of the Western Powers,measures to national salvation, establishments of modern newspapers and magazines,emergence of professional writers, new reading groups brought about by the formations ofnew-style education and modern cities, stimulation and enlightenment of foreign novels.The second chapter will take Liang Qichao as the case study, analyzing his influenceover the transformation between Chinese and South Korean novels. At first, it will make anon-the-spot investigation on the acceptance of Liang Qichao’s writings and thoughts inmodern South Korea. Then, it will continue to do analysis on the acceptance of ShinChaeho, a famous thinker and novelist in modern South Korea, and its impacts. At last, thepaper will focus on Liang Qichao’s influence over the South Korean’s noveltransformation from aspects of writing style and novel kind.The third chapter will highlight the identities of the modern transformation betweenChinese and South Korean novels. Transitional characteristics will also be analyzed fromtwo angles: inheriting the tradition and proceeding the modern. Simultaneously it willfocus on the concept of novel, carrier of language, skills for creating and so on, fullyprobing into the identity of modern transformation between the two countries’ novels.Novel concepts between the two countries have already been experienced the process ofelevating its status. In the aspect of language carrier, it has made an attempt to realize thetransition to vernacular, laying the foundation of “Vernacular Movement” between the twocountries. When it comes to the creating technique, novels of the two countries will presentsome new features different from that of ancient ones in the mode of narration andtechnique of creation for the stimulation and enlightenment of novel translations.The fourth chapter will focus on the diversities represented in the modern transformation of Chinese and South Korean novels, which will be explained in detail fromsome aspects, such as the topic consciousness, literary pattern, culture shock and politicalevents. As for the topic consciousness, it refers to satire, condemnation, patriotism and newnationalism.With regard to the literary pattern, the paper will pay attention to therelationship between the two countries’ new literature and popular one, separatelyrepresented by opposition and criticism, symbiosis and coexistence. In the aspect ofcultural shock, the paper will majorly discuss the diverse consequences caused by thecultural conflicts between the ideas of Confucianism and Western religions. In point ofpolitical events, the thesis will compare the literary influence resulted by the May FourthMovement and the March First Independence Movement, two big events which happenedin their history of society and literature.The fifth chapter will emphatically analyze the internal and external reasons for thecause of the identities and diversities in the modern transformation of Chinese and SouthKorean novels. First of all, it will explain the impetus of the popular novels. Theontological characteristics of their novel concepts shifted from the political angle ofnational salvation to the returning of entertainment are the results of their novels’self-restrictions on development as well as multiple external influential factors such aspolitics, economy, and culture. However, in the contrary, modern popular writers hasforcefully promoted the marching steps of modern novel’s transformation in the way ofputting emphasis on its entertaining function, exerting its feature of aesthetic art in somedegree. Meanwhile, Chinese and South Korean modern novel writers have become theforerunner of didacticism. Their works have embodied a strong sense of modernity, layinga solid ideological base for the following emergence of their new literature and quickeningtheir proceeding of literal modernization. Japanese and Western literature have alsoaffected Chinese and South Korean modern novel’s transformation. In this process, Japanonce played an important intermediary role, giving impetus to their modern transformation.Ideas coming from the Western Renaissance period, such as individual emancipation andfreedom, together with the sense of science and democracy, have gradually been acceptedby their intellectuals. Modern developing process of Chinese and South Korean novels isbasically a duplication of Japanese novels, leading them step into a road of novelpoliticalization. The difference of their semi-colony and complete-colony situation hasaccounted for the overall root of all the diversities denoting in their novels’ modern transformation. It is just the distinct degree of colonization that makes the topicconsciousness, literary pattern, culture shock and political events different between the twocountries’ novels in the changing process from traditional to modern.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

