

On the Novel Red Sisters-in-law and Its Cross-media Transmission

【作者】 孙士生

【导师】 汤哲声;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国通俗文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 1961年发表的小说《红嫂》,先后被改编成现代革命京剧《红嫂》、芭蕾舞剧《沂蒙颂》和电影《红嫂》等艺术形式,“红嫂”因而成为20世纪主流意识形态塑造的重要文艺作品的人物形象之一。传承了半个世纪的“红嫂乳汁救伤员”的故事,固然是战争年代人心相背的形象化标志,揭示了中共之所以能够最终取得胜利的根本原因。但小说《红嫂》流传至今,不仅仅是官方推动的结果。任何一种广泛流传的文化意识形态,都不可能强制推行,尤其是文艺作品所负载的特定意识形态,更需要通过其内在的审美机制获得民众自觉的“认同”。不同时期受众对不同艺术形式《红嫂》的喜爱,究其原因还是这个故事引人入胜的情节、“救死扶伤”的人道主义情怀和浓厚真实的生活气息所致。特别是进入新世纪以来,电影《沂蒙六姐妹》、电视连续剧《沂蒙》等以“红嫂”为元素的沂蒙影视剧的播映,引起了广大观众的共鸣,使这一论题的选择具有了开放性和当下性的意义。本文的研究想实现如下三个意图:其一是尽可能理清小说《红嫂》真实的传播轨迹,系统探求其形成、改编和流传的原因,包括政治、文化、经济等诸多因素的影响;其二是回到历史和文学的现场,深入文本内部,研究分析其情节、人物塑造和特定时期读者接受心理的契合效应;其三是运用大量的史料,从文学的真实性和人性的丰富性出发,对“红嫂精神”的当代传播价值作出判断。为了实现上述意图,本文的研究拟采用社会历史学批评方法,兼顾叙事学、文化学、传播学、心理学等基本观点,力求在一个相对宏阔的架构上,以平和的心理,细读文本,阐释不同媒介的传播形式是如何实现政治话语向文学话语的审美转换,剖析其五十年来持续赢得观众的深层原因及其传播价值。论文除了绪言和结语外共分五章。第一章主要论述小说《红嫂》及其文化内蕴。通过分析小说《红嫂》创作缘起、内容结构及其人物形象,对其思想性和艺术性做出价值判断。并深入挖掘“红嫂”产生的历史文化原因,理清沂蒙传统文化的现代转换脉络。第二章主要论述京剧《红嫂》及其演变。分为“京剧《红嫂》的演出与影响”、“京剧《红云岗》的改编与电影拍摄”和“京剧《情深意长》与京剧《红嫂》的新时期复排”三个环节,具体分析了《红嫂》从小说到京剧不同版本的创作历程,及人物情节关系的“变”与“不变”。第三章主要论述芭蕾舞剧《沂蒙颂》与“样板戏”。分析舞剧产生的时代背景,比较舞剧本与京剧本的异同,研究舞剧的传播价值和效应。并客观公允地评判“准样板戏”《沂蒙颂》与江青的是是非非。第四章主要论述电影《红嫂》与《沂蒙六姐妹》《沂蒙》《沂蒙情》等沂蒙影视戏曲。重点研究以“红嫂”为元素的影视戏曲在新世纪的传播主题和传播策略的演变。第五章论述“红嫂”的传播价值。从文学价值、精神价值和社会经济价值三个维度展开。重点对“红嫂精神”“沂蒙精神”的内涵及其现实意义进行诠释,通过跨学科研究的方法,以实现对“红嫂”传播价值的全面把握。

【Abstract】 The novel Red Sisters-in-law published in1961has been recomposed intocontemporary revolutionary opera Red Sisters-in-law, ballet Saga of Mt. Yimeng and movieRed Sisters-in-law. The red sister-in-law has been one of the important figures in literatureand artistic works of the20thmainstream ideology. The story of Red Sisters-in-law savingthe wounded soldiers which has been popular during the past half century interprets thepublic attitude in war time and proclaims why the communist party can win the war.However, the popularity of the novel Red Sisters-in-law is not only the result of thegovernment’s promotion. Any popular cultural ideology cannot be forcefully promoted.Particular ideology carried by literature and artistic works needs to be approvedconsciously by the public through their inherent appreciation mechanism of the beauty. Thereason why the public favors the Red Sisters-in-law in various artistic forms lies in itsinteresting plot, life-saving humanism and authentic vitality. Especially in the new century,the broadcasting of movie and TV series centered on the Red Sisters-in-law resonate thepublic, which assigns the topic with opening and contemporary significance.This thesis attempts to achieve three purposes: the first, to clarify the transmission ofthe Red Sisters-in-law and explore the reasons of its formation, recomposing andpopularity including the political, cultural and economical factors; the second, to return tothe history and literature scene through the novel text to study its plot, characterization andfit effect of the readers in particular time; the third, based on abundant historical data, tojustify the transmission value of “Red Sisters-in-law spirit” from the authenticity ofliterature and humanistic richness.To reach the researching purpose, the thesis, in a relatively wide-rang framework,taking social history criticism method and the opinions of narratology, culturology,transmission and psychology, attempts to expound how the various transmission formsshift from political discourse to literature discourse and analyze the underlying reason ofits popularity and transmission value. The thesis consists of five chapters except introduction and conclusion. The firstchapter discusses the novel Red Sisters-in-law and its cultural meaning, to make a valuejudgment of its ideological content and artistic quality through analyzing its creationreason, content structure and characters, and to explain its historical reasons and clarify thecontemporary shifting context of Yimeng traditional culture. The second chapter discussesthe opera Red Sisters-in-law and its evolution. The content includes three parts: theperformance of opera Red Sisters-in-law and its influence, the recomposing into the RedClouded Hillock and filming, and the opera Eternal Friendship and the opera RedSisters-in-law and its rehearse in new era. We discuss the creation course of RedSisters-in-law in various versions ranging from novel to opera, and the “changing” and“unchanging” of the plots and characters. The third chapter discusses the ballet Saga of Mt.Yimeng and “model opera”. We analyze the historical background of the ballet, comparethe ballet version and opera version, and study the transmission value and its effect of theballet. We also objectively justify the “quasi-model opera” and Jiangqing. The fourthchapter discusses the movie Red Sisters-in-law and TV series Yimeng Six Sisters, Yimeng,Yimeng Passion and other Yimeng traditional operas. We focus on the transmission themeand the transmission strategy evolution of the movies and operas on Red Sisters-in-law innew era. The fifth chapter discusses the transmission value of Red Sisters-in-law, includingthe values for literature, spirit and social economy. We concentrate on the connotation andthe actual significance of Red Sisters-in-law spirit and Yimeng spirit. An overallunderstanding of the transmission value of Red Sisters-in-law can be achieved through theinterdisciplinary research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

