

The Design of Chinese Ancient Stele

【作者】 王文广

【导师】 华人德;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 自东汉始,中国古代碑的典型形制确定以后,碑在石刻文化的系统中,逐渐形成了自身独特的发展脉络,其本身也成为集诸多文化信息于一身的载体,是综合雕刻、书法、文学、历史,集实用性、观赏性与文献性于一体的艺术品。本文从设计艺术学的角度,从“天时、地气、材美、工巧”的设计范畴系统论述了中国古代碑的所立、所书、所置、所属,析其形制、纹饰、空间、工艺、价值。立足于实物图像分析、考古发现、文献资料,运用考古类型学进行分类,努力结合文化学、社会学等相关学科;以实地考察、考古实物和历代金石学研究成果、文献为基本依据;在技术和艺术、工艺与材质、设计与文化、功能与形式、构成与审美、思维与评价中展开。论文努力把碑置于一个相对完整的环境空间加以考察,进而努力还原碑在特定人文环境中的时代语义。论文分五章三大部分。第一部分为绪论章节。该部分引入课题,总结历代碑之研究学术史,阐明本文研究思路与要点;第二部分为第一章、第二章、第三章、第四章,为论文主体部分,分别从形制、纹饰、空间、工艺四个设计艺术学学科的核心研究范畴展开。总体强调自身研究的发现与思考,对形制的重构、碑的特殊形式如造像碑、方尖碑,对碑在环境中的序列空间、碑身版式与碑额版式布置,对碑之纹饰的承继与自身特殊性,对工艺中流程及与工具发展的关系等核心问题,进行了深入系统的探讨。第三部分为第五章及结论部分,则从碑的记事、印刷文化特征、建筑文化特性、艺术特性、文献特征等几方面进行总结,为论文的提升与升华。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of the Eastern-Han Dynasty, which determine the typical shapeafter the stone tablet of culture system, gradually formed their own unique developmentcontext, its itself is set to become many cultural information in one of the carrier, such asSculpture, Calligraphy, Literature, History, Functional, Popular show,ETC.This article from the point of view of the Design, from “Time, Environment,Materials, Carft and Art”, then look forward to Stand, Calligraphy, set, belonging to,analysising of form, emblazonry,space, Carft and Art, Value. Based on the real imageanalysis, archaeological discovery, the literature material, using archaeological typologyclassification, efforts combined with cultural studies and sociology related disciplines;deplying on field investigation, archaeological objects and the research achievement, andliterature in epigraphy basic basis; with the technology and art, craft and the material,design and culture, function and form, structure and aesthetic, thinking and evaluationshould operate.This Paper to efforts to a relatively complete Stelein the environment ofspace exploration, and efforts to restore the human environment in particular Stele timessemantics.Paper points five chapters of three. The first part is the the introduction section. Theintroduction of topic, summarizes the academic history of the tablet, this paper expoundsthe idea and main points; The second part is the second chapter, chapter2, chapter3,chapter4, for paper body part, separately from the shape and decorative pattern, space,process four design of art on the core research subject category. Overall emphasis on theirown research findings and thinking, the shape of reconstruction, the special form such asform, the statues, the monuments in the environment of space, distribution sequence formatwith format in decorate, the successor of the grain of tablet with their own particularity, theprocess flow and the tools with the development of the relationship between the coreproblem, this paper systematically discussed. The third part is the fifth chapter and theconclusion, the monuments, from the chronicle of sex, printing culture characteristics,architectural culture characteristics, art characteristics, characteristics of literature as asummary, for papers of ascension and sublimation.

【关键词】 形制纹饰空间工艺
【Key words】 steleformdecorativespacecarft
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】K877.4;K207
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1032
  • 攻读期成果

