

A Correlational Study of Coach Leadership Behavior As Perceived by Collegiate Athletes and Leadership Effectiveness

【作者】 潘慧雯

【导师】 孙民治;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本研究旨在探讨大专院校运动员对其教练领导行为与领导效能的现状及关系。以参加2009年台湾地区大学生运动会的运动员为调查对象,并以自编量表进行问卷调查。共计发放问卷850份,回收有效问卷837份。问卷调查所得资料经统计处理及分析后,得到以下几个重要结论:(一)大专院校运动员具有高度的教练领导行为知觉,并以赞赏行为知觉最高;且整体教练领导行为在运动项目与每周练习频率上有显着差异,教练领导行为各构面在运动项目、每周训练频率及参赛组别上亦有显着差异。(二)大专院校运动员普遍具有高度的团队凝聚力,其中以团队适应与团队合作能力最高;同时团队凝聚力在各运动项目上具有显着差异。(三)大专院校运动员以团队表现的满意度最高,自我表现的满意度较低。整体选手满意度在运动项目、每周练习频率与参赛组别上均有显着差异;且选手满意度各构面在年级、运动项目、训练频率、与教练相处年数及参赛组别上,亦均有显着差异。(四)大专院校运动员知觉之教练领导行为与团队凝聚力关系密切,并以沟通与关怀构面及赞赏构面之教练领导行为对团队凝聚力的影响力较大。(五)大专院校运动员知觉之教练领导行为与选手满意度具高度相关,并以沟通与关怀构面及训练与指导构面之教练领导行为对选手满意度具有较高的影响力。(六)大专院校运动员之团队凝聚力与选手满意度普遍具中、低度相关,并以团队适应构面之团队凝聚力对选手满意度具有较高的影响力。(七)教练领导行为对团队凝聚力及选手满意度均具有极高的预测力,并以沟通与关怀构面最具预测力;团体凝聚力对选手满意度亦具有极高的预测力,并以团队适应构面最具预测力。(八)大专院校运动员知觉之教练领导行为与领导效能的线性结构关系模式,适配度极佳,变项间具线性结构关系。

【Abstract】 This study aimed to explore the status quo and relationship between coach leadershipbehavior as perceived by collegiate athletes and leadership effectiveness. The studysubjects were the athletes who attended the2008National Intercollegiate Athletic Games,and a questionnaire survey with a self-designed scale was conducted. Among the total850questionnaires distributed,838valid questionnaire forms were retrieved. The dataprovided by the questionnaire forms were statistically processed and analyzed to producethe following important conclusions:1.Collegiate athletes had high perceptions of coach leadership behavior. Among suchperceptions, the perception of praise behavior was the highest. Significant differences ofoverall coach leadership behavior were found in sport disciplines and weekly practicefrequency. Other significant differences of the constructs of coach leadership behaviorwere also found in sport disciplines, weekly training frequency, and sport groups.2.The majority of collegiate athletes had a high level of team cohesiveness, amongwhich the team adjustment and team collaboration demonstrated the highest level ofcohesiveness. Significant differences were observed in sport disciplines in regard to theconstructs of team cohesiveness.3.Collegiate athletes had the highest satisfaction with team performance, followed byself-performance. Significant differences of overall athlete satisfaction were found insport disciplines, weekly practice frequency, and sport groups. In addition, significantdifferences of the constructs of athlete satisfaction were also found in grades, sportdisciplines, training frequency, lengths of coach companionship, and sport groups.4.Collegiate athletes’ perception of coach leadership behavior was closely related toteam cohesiveness; the communication and care construct and appraise construct of coachleadership behavior had greater influence on team cohesiveness.5.Collegiate athletes’ perception of coach leadership behavior was highly related to athletes’ satisfaction; the communication and care construct as well as the training andinstruction construct of coach leadership behavior had higher influence on athletes’satisfaction.6.Team cohesiveness and athlete satisfaction among collegiate athletes weremoderately to minimally related, while the team adjustment construct of team cohesivenesshad higher influence on athlete satisfaction.7.Coach leadership behavior had extremely high predictability on team cohesivenessand athlete satisfaction, with the communication and care construct giving the highestpredictability. Team cohesiveness also had extremely high predictability on athletesatisfaction, while the team adjustment construct had the highest predictability.8.Collegiate athletes’ perception of coach leadership behavior and leadershipeffectiveness of the linear stuctual relation model were adaptation of excellent, and hadavariable with linear structure relation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】244

