

Study on School Values Education in the United States

【作者】 杨飞云

【导师】 刘济良;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 价值观教育是将价值观的形成与教育活动相结合的过程,是教育的重要使命。作为有目的有组织的教育活动,它对青少年形成正确的价值观念有着非常重要的作用,同时对整个社会主导价值观的形成具有强大的促进功能。许多国家为维护传统价值观并树立符合时代要求的价值观念,从多个层面展开了一系列关于学校价值观教育的研究工作。本文针对美国学校价值观教育的产生、发展、现状以及前景等多个方面进行了理论与实践上的阐述与分析,并在此基础上与我国学校价值观教育进行比较,总结出一些启示。论文首先从美国学校价值观教育的发展现状和教育特征、其他国家对学校价值观教育的关注程度、我国社会主导价值观念的变迁以及进行价值观教育比较的意义等几个方面阐述了研究缘起;对本研究中涉及的基本概念进行阐述,并对容易混淆的基本概念进行辨析;论述了本研究的研究目的、研究内容、研究方法、研究意义及创新点;依据现有文献,着重论述了中美两国学校价值观教育的研究现状,总结出已有研究的不足。为了宏观把握美国学校价值观教育的发展历程,要做到以史为鉴。社会主导价值观的演变直接影响着学校价值观教育各个因素的变化,本论文以历史的演进为主线,梳理了美国学校价值观教育的产生、发展与现状。首先,分别从早期移民时期、独立运动时期、西进运动时期、南北战争时期、工业化时期以及战后复苏与发展时期等几个重要历史阶段入手,阐述了美国社会主导价值观产生与发展的整体历程。其次,依据每个发展阶段中价值观教育凸显的特征,论述了美国学校价值观教育经历的三个发展阶段,包括启蒙阶段、衰退阶段和复兴阶段,厘清美国学校价值观教育的整体发展趋势。同时,分析了当前美国学校价值观教育所展现的优势,以及由时代特征、教育特色和社会大环境对其赋予的各种机遇与挑战。教育理论是指导教育实践的前提,影响着教学活动的发展方向与实际效果,对美国学校价值观教育理论的探讨是本论文的一个重点。作为一门有别于学科课程的教育实践活动,美国学校价值观教育有着一套丰富的理论体系。本论文指出,美国学校价值观教育是以培养合格公民应持有的价值观、澄清社会主流价值观、建立核心价值观体系以及提升道德水平为主要教育目标的;在教学活动中以“价值中立”原则、体验原则、理性思维原则和融合原则为主要指导原则的;在教育内容上,本论文结合美国学校价值观教育的实际,分别阐述了依据时代要求、社会发展和民族繁荣引发的变化以及突显的主要特征;在教育方法上,分别从人格品质教育理论和认知理论两个层面对教育方法进行分类,并探讨了美国学校价值观教育方法操作上的独特之处。教育实践是落实价值观教育的关键。本论文首先详述了学科历史上始创于或流行于美国学校价值观教育的四种教育模式,即价值澄清模式、道德发展模式、社会行动模式、体谅教育模式。教育模式是一门教育实践活动成熟的标志,美国学校价值观教育在长期的教学实践中形成的这几种颇具影响力的教育模式,在教学实践中发挥了重要的积极作用,并对其他国家产生了深远影响。同时,又对教育模式的发展趋势做出了预测。在美国学校价值观教育的课程上,本论文主要介绍了文史课程、综合性社科课程、辅助性课程中蕴含的价值观教育,总结出课程设置中表现出的特征,即重视显性课程中价值观教育的意义,强化隐性课程中价值观教育的内涵,涵盖众多的课程要目。在实际的课堂教学上,本论文提出了贯穿于课堂教学的价值观的熟识、价值观的选择、价值观的固化和价值观的体验等四个重要环节,同时对课堂教学中的几个主要要素进行了阐述。在价值观教育的评价中,本论文阐释了美国学校价值观教育评价的方式受制于权威性和传统的教育信念的事实,以及在评价的过程中遭遇的几种困惑。随着相关研究的推进和教育评价标准的日益清晰,美国学校价值观教育的评价体系也在逐步完善,评价的实施也在趋于合理。通过对美国学校价值观教育的理论与实践展开的论述,本论文试图将其放在现时代背景下,考察它的特点与发展趋势。整体而言,美国学校价值观教育的特点融入了三种结合,即与全学科的结合、与全人格教育的结合、与自我评价的结合。而美国学校价值观教育的发展趋势则主要包括:与教育政策的有机衔接、心理指导下主体参与意识的逐步强化以及对学校价值观教育宣传力度的加强等内容。这些论述从一个侧面可以为我国的学校价值观教育提供一定的借鉴意义。对美国学校价值观教育的认知与研究是以启发和促进我国相关的研究为目的的。本研究在最后一个章节中,首先简述了我国学校价值观教育的发展现状,并指出发展中的不足之处在于,师生间对话的匮乏、教育目标缺少较为具体的描述、教育内容生活化和人文思想的欠缺以及对国外相关经验借鉴不足等方面。其次,谈到了中美两国学校价值观教育理论与实践中存在的共性与差异性。最后,本论文试图提出了几点启示与建议,包括在现代学校价值观教育中采取求同存异的指导思想、注重加强教师在应对价值观冲突时应持有的能力、强化学校文化素养下人文价值观的培养、实现时代要求下生活意义和教育理念的转变、增进教师与学生各自的价值体验等。结语部分指出,美国学校价值观教育在教育理论和教学实践上取得的成绩是值得我们去关注与研究的,美国教育学者凭借敏锐的观察力探求能够缓解民族价值观危机的教育契机,以及努力探讨学校价值观教育前景的精神是值得我们学习的。同时,我国学校价值观教育的研究者应在认清中美两国社会构成因素上存在巨大差异的基础上,善于运用理性和批判的眼光进行比较和分析,从而获取更多、更有效的新知与心得。

【Abstract】 Values education combines the formation of values and education activity, it is supposedto be education’s important mission. As an aimed and organized education activity, valueseducation is important to foster in the youth sound values and to promote social leadingvalues construction. So many countries have carried out a series of research work on valueseducation from different aspects to maintain traditional values foundation, or to build up newpattern of values conforming to the time request. This essay discusses and analyzes theproduction, development and prospect of schools values education in the US from the view oftheory and practice, and compares with such education in China to give some enlightenments.This essay firstly expounds the research reasons as the following factors, the currentresearch situation and educational features of schools values education in the US, the relativeconcerns from some other countries, the transition of social leading values in China and theconnotation of comparison between school values education in different sections. Someinvolved basic concepts and confusing terms are discussed and discriminated in this essay.The research aims, contents, methods, meanings and creative factors are included here. Also,this essay discusses especially the research status and deficiencies in China and the USaccording to the current document literature.In order to grasp the macro development history of school values education in the US,we should take history as a mirror. The evolution of social leading values influences thechange of each factor of school values education. With historical evolution as the main line,this essay clarifies the emergency, development and current situation of school valueseducation in the US. Firstly, this essays starts with four important American history eras,which including early immigrant period, the Independent movement period, the westmovement period, the civil war, the Industrialization period and the postwar recovery anddevelopment period, and interprets the whole history of emergency and development of socialleading values in the US. Secondly, according to the characteristics highlighted in valueseducation at every era, this essay lists three development eras in school values education in the US, including enlightening, recession and recovery stage, as to clarify the overalldevelopment trend of American school values education. At the same time, this essay alsoanalyses the current developmental advantages in values education, and many opportunitiesand challenges endowed by the features of the times, education characteristic and socialenvironment.Education theory is the premise of teaching practices guidance, which influences thedevelopmental direction and the real effect of teaching activities. Discussion on the educationtheory of school values education is the key to this essay. As an education practice activitywhich is different from other subject curriculum, American school values education holds arich theory system. This essay points out that the educational aim of American school valueseducation is consisted of cultivation of qualified values that citizen should hold, clarificationof mainstream of the social values, establishment of the core values system and raising themoral level. The main educational principles comprise values neutrality, experience, rationand integration principle. According to the reality of school values education, this essayexpounds the changes and highlighted features of the teaching contents caused by timesrequirement, social development and national prosperity. As to the education methods, thisessay classifies two ways according to personality quality education theory and cognitivetheory, and discusses the unique in the course of education methods.Education practices is the key to values education. This essay expounds four main modeswhich are created or popular in the American school values education, namely valuesclarification mode, moral development mode, social action mode and considerate mode.Education mode is the symbol of mature teaching practice, and the four influential modesformed in the long teaching practices have shown important active functions to other nations.At the same time, this essay foresees the development outlook of education modes. As tocurriculum, this essay mainly introduces cultural and history curriculum, comprehensivesocial curriculum and auxiliary curriculum, and gives the overall features in curriculumsettings, which including paying attention to explicit curriculum, implicit curriculum andcovering many curriculum. At the real classroom teaching, this essay explains four importantcourses, including recognizing, selecting, solidifying and experiencing, and expounds some main factors in classroom teaching course. This essay discusses that the evaluation of schoolvalues education would be constricted by authority and traditional faith, and severalconfusions. As clarifying the evaluation standards, school values education evaluation systemwould be gradually perfect and reasonable.As discussed in the theory and practice of American school values education, this essaywill focus on the characteristics and development trend in the contemporary era. On the whole,the features of school values education are as three combinations as followed, combinationwith holistic subjects, with whole personality education and with self-evaluation. And thetrend mainly includes the link with education policy, the enforcement of consciousness underthe guidance of psychological, and the strengthen of school values education’s propaganda.From one side, these discussions will provide a certain significance to our school valueseducation.The research on the American school values education aims at the inspiration andpromotion of our relative research. The last chapter introduces current research of our valueseducation, and points out the deficiency, including the lack of dialogue between teachers andstudents, the lack of specific description in education aims, the lack of lifestyle andhumanistic thinking in education contents and the lack of related experience in foreignresearch investigation. Secondly, this essay talks about the common and difference betweenschool values education in China and the US. Finally, this paper tries to put forward someenlightenment and suggestions, including in modern school values education, we should seekcommon ground while putting aside differences of guiding ideology, pay attention tostrengthen the ability to deal with values conflict, strengthen humanistic values in the culturalcontext, change the idea around the time request of life meaning and education ideas, improvethe teachers and students the value of their experience and so on.Epilogue part points out that the achievements on American school values education intheory and teaching practice are worth our attention and research, and also the Americaneducation scholars with keen insight to research and to explore the spirit of education schoolvalue outlook are worth learning. At the same time, our scholars should recognize the largedifferent social factors, and should be good at using the critical sight for comparison and analysis to gain more and more effective new knowledge and experiences.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

